Saturday's Blinding Flashes Of The Obvious:
Islamics in Canada are claiming that they're being spied on. Well no shit! If you support terrorism, even through acquiescence, you put yourself under the microscope. Please, Racial Profile'em For Me!
Getting Caught-Up
UN observers asked Israel to stop bombing 10 times before post was hit: report
Of course they did. They should have thought of that before placing their outpost next to the terrorist outpost. I feel sympathy for the dead soldiers and their families and hold the UN accountable for being too stupid to evacuate their people from the warzone.
Israel holds Canadian accused of being Hezbollah spy
Yeah, we predicted this sort of stuff earlier this week. No, I'm not posting a link pal-a-day, you're just going to have to scroll for it...UN observer's wife calls attack 'intentional'
How the hell would you know you stunned twit? Were you there? (Notice how I didn't call her a stunned cunt like I really wanted to? - ps please don't tell my wife that I used that word)Bush Signs Bill to Keep Tabs on Convicted Child Molesters
Note to the pedophiles that visit this site trying to figure out what the moral majority is doing: We're starting to kick your child molesting asses!
Contradicting Kofi
Note to "greiving wife with head up ass" referenced above: Please pull your head out of your ass.
Halls Of Higher Learning

From the mailbag:
Back in February a student, the co-ordinator of the Sexual(emphasis mine)
Diversity Society, learned that I had up a couple of letters to my
former Anglican bishop (well, he still is, but he isn't mine now)
criticizing the homosex policies of the ACC. This led to an exchange
of emails between said student and myself. The student complained
that I wasn't nice to him and he felt demeaned and degraded. Today
the process came to a new stage/low, and I was fined two weeks' pay for my transgressions and for my refusal last week to apologize for my comments.
So - Student finds out that Professor is against homosexuality - Student takes issue with professor - Professor does not change his position - Student complains to university admin - Professor is investigated - Professor does not change his position - Professor gets docked two-weeks pay for maintaining his position!
We initially commented on DG Mullan's story back in April and it's extremely unfortunate that it's turned out the way it has. Click here for the full cronology of events (lots of documentation) and maybe drop a line to the CBU admin (links available here - halfway down the page) letting them know that what they've done is completely inappropriate.
mmmmmmmm... Liquor...

France should stick to carbonated wine, stinky cheese, labor unrest and Islamic domination.
European Values
"Quite honestly, not only do I not admire European values, such as they are, but I can’t think of a single European tradition I’d want us to adopt. I don’t want to run naked through the snow like the Finns, I don’t want to have dinner at 11 p.m. like the Spaniards, and I sure don’t want to wave a white flag every time a car backfires like the French!"heheh
Does Canada Have It's Very Own Nazi State?
Quebec is socialist with strong fascist leanings.
The Nazis were extremely racist.
Quebec is extremely racist.
The Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews.
Quebec doesn't seem to care if the Jews live or die.
Add your own in the comments section.
Frank Trainor
Yet, elitist pundits are desperately trying to figure out how America can best be rescued from the wreckage of an evolving Middle East situation which, given the radical sea changes now occurring in that part of the world, will more equitably balance the equation against Islamofascist terror in its drive to reign over the entire middle east.Read the rest here [click]
Of course, leftist pundits, without any actual connection with the real world beyond their isolated little Islands in the stream, remain hopelessly lost and adrift in the remote shallows of their doctrinaire equivalency ideology with no tangible hope for a safe return to the Promised Land where everyone's still "thinkin’ about tommorrow".
Luckily, there's no way at this point that the west will return to the suicidal accommodations of such a treacherous status quo solution.
Misleading Headline Of The Week - And it's only Monday...
Half think Harper too pro-Israel: poll
And here's what the story actually says:(emphasis mine)The survey of 1,023 adults found an even division of opinion about Harper's firm support of Israel and his statement near the start of the conflict that the Israeli military was engaged in a "measured response" to a cross-border raid and capture of soldiers by Hezbollah fighters based in southern Lebanon.
It said 45 per cent agree Harper's position is "fair and balanced and completely appropriate," while 44 per cent say it is "decidedly too pro-Israel and is not appropriate." Eleven per cent say he has not supported Israel strongly enough.
Last time I checked, "half" was an even split. 50/50. What we get out of this poll is not an "even division". Lets do some math shall we?
11% positive (even more pro-Israel)
56% pro Israel.
Aparently Canwest thinks you're too stupid to understand that 56% is a whole lot more than 44%. Do you think they tried to hide that pesky 11% for a reason?
Targets - Positioning Assets
All because we're kind to people who are too stupid to avoid warzones. I think our kindness may bite us in the ass big-time though.
Do you think the people we're "rescuing" are going through a proper vetting process? Full background checks before they get on the boats and planes? Do you really think we have the infrastructure in place to properly process thousands upon thousands of people in such a short time? Not friggin likely. Do you think these individuals are being detained, once they land on North American soil, so a proper vetting can be performed? Not so much. The vast majority of these people are free to roam as soon as they get off of the planes.
Right now, if a terrorist wanted to travel to North America, all he would need is a passport with a name that doesn't cause a red flag to pop up in some database somewhere. Up here in Canada, even if that individual was identified as being a member of a terrorist organization, they'd still be brought back to Canadian soil. Christ, we won't even put these individuals on a no-fly list. Is it possible that we're bringing terrorists back? Absolutely!
Terrorist cells operating in North America are getting busted or have been neutered due to law enforcement investigations. Terrorist operations are being frozen and the only way their objectives are going to be met is if they put new personnel in place. Picture a shift change at your local power plant. All the equipment and infrastructure stays operational. The only thing that changes is the personnel. The power plant keeps running. In the case of a terrorist shift change, personnel under investigation are replaced by personnel who aren't and the "terror plant" keeps running. The terrorists haven't been able to do that easily until now.
If you were a terrorist leader looking to make a personnel change, would you not capitalize on the current evacuation? Would you not use the ability to position untold numbers of people on North American soil to your advantage? Our humanitarian efforts are the perfect opportunity for the terrorists to make a required "shift change" and I think it's a given, at this point, that we're importing a whole wack of new terrorists. The question now is "how many?".
Understanding the above, can one speculate that the "humanitarian crisis" in Lebanon was created with the "shift-change" in mind? A good chess player always plays 5 or 6 moves ahead of the piece he's got his fingers on. Is it possible that Hezbollah picked a fight with Israel in order to start a war and spur the evacuations?
Any thoughts you folks have would be appreciated.
Related Links:
Michelle Malkin points out that Hezbollah sleeper cells are starting to wake up.
Solomonia shows us some home-grown terrorist supporters.
RightGirl shows us that Glascow's doing things properly.
The Almighty UN...
UN emergency relief chief Jan Egeland has condemned Israeli air strikes that have devastated much of Beirut, saying the massive bombings violate humanitarian law.Are we surprised that there is no mention of what the terrorists are doing? Nope, not surprised at all!
Egeland, who was on a relief mission to Lebanon, visited the city on Sunday and called for an end to the violence on the twelfth day of Israeli strikes on Lebanon and Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel."It's terrible. I see a lot of children wounded, homeless, suffering. This is a war where civilians pay a disproportionate price in Lebanon and northern Israel. I hadn't believed it would be block by block leveled to the ground," Egeland told reporters.
"A disproportionate response by Israel is a violation of international humanitarian law."
Something To Chew On...
Well, actually there ARE terrorists being killed:
BBC Admits Many Lebanese Casualties are TerroristsSo...
15:22 Jul 23, '06 / 27 Tammuz 5766
(IsraelNN.com) The British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) has admitted that many of the victims of Israeli retaliation in Lebanon are terrorists and not innocent civilians. A BBC reporter said he saw Hizbullah terrorists using a private home and added, "It is difficult to quantify who is a terrorist and who is a civilian."
Media reports have emphasized that Israeli air strikes have killed more than 350 Lebanese civilians, prompting accusations that the IDF is carrying out "collective punishment" on the country.
More often than not, they don't know who's a civilian and who's a terrorist and to err on the side of their political leanings, they call them all civilians. Actually, they call them civilians even if they DO know they're terrorists.
Think about that as you watch the Lebanese "civilian" death toll rise...
h/t: Fark
Babble Busted - By One Of It's Own Moderators
From the registration screen:And from the rabble.ca(babble's parent) page:
rabble.ca is a public, progressive news and information source. As part of rabble, this message board (babble) was created to ensure that readers/participants could explore any issues of interest and concern. While all points of view are welcome here, repeated attempts to provoke conflict, bait or taunt will not be tolerated. Offenders generally receive warnings before being suspended. Continued abuse could result in eventual or immediate suspension of posting privileges. Posters using multiple identities can be banned outright. Continued participation on these boards is at the sole discretion of the moderator(s) and staff of this site.
But it's our readers who make rabble thrive. Just check out our vibrant discussion forum — babble — to see what we mean. babble is an interactive space where rabble-rousers mix, mingle and mix it up, whether it's to comment on an article, post your own version of events, to follow breaking news or join in rule-breaking discussion.Based on those descriptions, one could assume that anyone could participate in the discussion. Based on their use of the word "public" within the registration page, one could assume that it's either publicly funded or that any member of the public may participate. Provided that they don't break the rules. Oh wait... It's supposed to be "rule-breaking discussion" as outlined on the rabble page..
Now I'm all confused. Is it supposed to be rule-breaking or not?
Anyway, this post isn't about the rules. It's about that "All points of view are welcome here" bullshit that they're slinging. At this point I'd like to quote Babble's main moderator Michelle as she said:
This is an unapologetically left-wing discussion forum and the moderators are also left-wing. And we participate here, and put forth strong opinions when we feel like it. Do you go to right-wing discussion forums and tell the moderators of them that they shouldn't be allowed to post strong political opinions or participate in debate? Try it sometime and see what happens. I'm betting you'll be told to get stuffed.emphasis in all quotes above is my own.
There you have it folks. All pretense is gone. The next time the CBC or CTV quote babble as being a great mainstream forum you'll know better.
Someone really has to look into that whole "public" thing as well. It'd be a bitch if the conservative government found out they were funding that garbage and suddenly cut the funding...
ps: We've got screen caps, google cache and source code just in case they decide to change things around a little.
h/t: AGWN
Socialism Comes To The USA
San Francisco moved closer Tuesday to becoming the nation's first city to provide health care coverage for all its residents.You've got to figure that if it happened, it would happen in the city by the gay. Be careful folks. Socialised medicine has given us huge grief up here in Canada.The city's Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a plan that would give adults access to medical services regardless of immigration or employment status. The plan's estimated cost is $200 million a year.
Financed by local government, mandatory contributions from employers and income-adjusted premiums, the universal care plan would cover the cost of everything from checkups, prescription drugs and X-rays to ambulance rides, blood tests and operations.
On a positive note however, your Pledge Of Allegiance hasn't been scrapped yet:
The House, citing the nation's religious origins, voted Wednesday to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from federal judges who might try to stop schoolchildren and others from reciting it because of the phrase "under God."The legislation, a priority of social conservatives, passed 260-167. It now goes to the Senate where its future is uncertain.
"We should not and cannot rewrite history to ignore our spiritual heritage," said Rep. Zach Wamp, R-Tenn. "It surrounds us. It cries out for our country to honor God."
Opponents said the legislation, which would bar federal courts from ruling on the constitutional validity of the pledge, would undercut judicial independence and would deny access to federal courts to religious minorities seeking to defend their rights.
Sometimes, Even Right-Wingers Need A Smack
As many of you know, my personal mission over the past year has been to make life difficult for the MoonBats;
- I've outed, discredited and humilated numerous lib-left bloggers,
- I've had Kinsella threaten me with a lawsuit,
- I've taken extreme heat over numerous posts,
- I've been banned from posting at babble,
- I've been banned from posting at KOS and DU,
- I've been banned from posting at a very large number of progressive blogs (mostly the ones I've discredited, outed and humiliated),
- I've got the local MoonBats warning each other that I'll be showing up at their protests,
- I've sacraficed untold hours away from my family to keep the blog going,
- I was booted from the Blogging Tories because I'm too extreme in my views, and,
- I've lost co-bloggers (Jeff) because my views are too extreme.
- I've set up the Anti-PC League which now has close to 300 members,
- I'll stand and be counted as a member of Canadian Heros, The Wide Awakes, LLP, The Alliance, Pro-Victory Blogs and others,
- I've made some good friends,
- I've gotten myself plugged into the conservative movement on the municiple, provincial and national levels,
- I've positioned this site in the top 1% of all the blogs listed on the TTLB
- I've arranged a successful meet and greet for local bloggers and,
- I've got the local MoonBats warning each other that I'll be showing up at their protests
max said...Hey Richard,
You are my cause right now!
What an arrogant demand that I not question your loyalties or that I need proof positive of my claims. Life is not a law court. I will question your loyalties as I see fit. That is exactly how tyrants and moonbats behave: "Where is the proof?" they cry, while murdering their victims!
Since you are so masochistic, I will tell you why I think you are a moonbat:
Something you're going to have to learn about life Max is that you have to either put up or shut up. You can question all you'd like but without having anything to substantiate your argument, you'll just be considered a raving loon.
Actually you are one of the McClelland's biggest supporters, you just can't see it. You are suffering from some sort of neurosis, very much like the moonbat neurosis. In fact "Moonbat versus Neo-con" is not relevant to your psychology. you are wired in a different level and these terms are meaningless words to you, you actually are having a personality difference with your friends, and they are your friends , you even personally see them (puke). My point in calling you a moonbat is that I see you as having the same world view, the same psychological profile, the same philosophy as the moonbats. In that context your political arguments are only personality differences. I think your politics in fact have no practical reality. You are similar to a homosexual in denial suffering from homophobia ie a moonbat in denial afraid of your moonbatism.
Where to begin... Alright... You're correct, I am wired differently. Wired differently than the MoonBats and wired differently than raving loons like you. I've got my eyes on the prize and I know that it's going to take a long-term view to get it.
The proof is in the pudding when it's time to stand up and be counted you chose your moonbat friends and I think you would do the same you would do the same in times of crisis. You are so frightened of being criticized by your moon bat friends you would turn on your own mother.
The items cited at the beginning of this post are proof enough. I don't think you can match 1/10th of those items Max (Notice how links have been provided when they're available).
Take a good look at your Blog. Moonbats go there to make propaganda, it is moonbat infested. Look at Bacon's Blog. He generally has to go somewhere else to argue with the moonbats. If they come her , they don't feel comfortable, but you make your moonbats comfortable, you accommodate them.
With all due respect to "Bacon", what you just described is called an "ECHO CHAMBER"! No one expands themselves in an environment like that. Honest debate doesn't take place in environments like that. You can't dis-assemble a MoonBat's argument and show it to be wrong if you don't interact with them. Further, I don't really think Bacon's got the echo chamber you described either.
You don't research or disseminate much information about terrorism. You are obsessed with arguing with the Blahg people and playing by their rules. That's why they infest your site. You spend your time 24/7 obsessed with them and even copying their dialogues (UGH!) How offensive an useless that is. Why should anyone want to read that?
I can't speak for my readers reasons for popping-in but the fact that between 450 - 500 of them show up daily tells me that I'm doing something right. What are the stats like on your site Max?
I want the opposite I don't want anything to do with them or you.That's easy. Stay away...
I just go in to take an analysis of them and get the hell out and leave forever. They are no use. I'm happy to get banned by them, It is an achievement!
Take an example of Mclelland "Fuck the Jews" thread, I would post a link to expose him, but I would never waste as second replying to it let alone the lifetime you have spent.
This tells me that you don't have the courage of your convictions. That you're not willing/able to justify and stand by your positions. Sucks to be you.
I'm not posting at your Blog because for one thing, is is an odious moonbat infested environment and you the Blog owner hasn't got the guts or moxie to denounce and revile the moonbats who come there. You want to have a rational argument and debate with them except their intellectual method is totally dishonest and full of ad hominems an insults. Their arguments have no meaning, it is their intentions that have meaning,. because you can't understand that you can understand nothing.First, you're not posting at my blog because you were told to tone it down and now you're having some sort of hissy fit. Second, the objective is to have the moonbats expose/illustrate their methods as well as their arguments. Once they do, they're mocked into oblivion.
The other reason is that you required me to "tone down" my rhetoric and "go easy" on your moonbat friends. Tell me are they sick? Are they dying? Is someone shooting at them? Why do you need to protect them pray tell? Shall I send flowers?
See my comment directly above...
You also attacked me several times earlier without any specific complaint. If you want to work against the moonbats you would have contacted me in private but you are working WITH them and you are too neurotic to understand yourself. I refuse to be repressed so I won't post on your website, and GEEZ I don't miss it, it is a waste of time.
What I did was give you subtle warnings and a chance to clue-in before I reacted. As for you not posting, that's alright. You were never asked to do so. You won't be missed.
And what is this big deal about making an"unsubstantiated charge" Life is not kindergarten, it's a legitimate tactic especially when the point is to challenge unsubstantiated innocence.
But then you are afraid the moonbats might criticize you if someone did this, God forbid the moonbats would criticize you, they have you shaking in your boots.
Now, you see, here's the problem: I continually demand that the moonbats put up or shut up. If they can't back their positions they're sent packin' and mocked to oblivion. What do you think would happen if I let you get away without substantiating your claims? You and I would both be LUNCH! I would be tagged a hypocrite and they'd have the materials to prove it. I'm not going there...
If you are trying to win a "logical argument" with an insincere moonbat then you have already lost. Two opposing sides with different intentions cannot "win" arguments. For every point there is a counter-point. One can only discover and reveal intentions and methods.
Intent is revealed in one instant One word can tell you if someone wants to murder you or help you kill the enemy. One doesn't argue about getting killed , you don't argue with grenades, you deal with them, you do the same with moonbats and terrorists.
As stated earlier, I've got my eyes on the prize. Toying with the moonbats is just bait. You on the other hand, haven't even figured out there is a prize.
I don't care if you went to a protest or what you think you did there or if you shot someone through the head. you still are what you present yourself to me and in my opinion that is a neutered moonbat.
Oh well, you know what they say about opinions and assholes...
If I post on a moonbat blog or a blog infested with moonbats, I expect them to hate me and be upset by what I say or I am not doing my job. I bury myself deep in their minds like a satan bug. And on both the Balhg and your blog they were hysterical to get rid of me since my first post. But you, you make them tea and cookies and grovel like a dog.
No Max, they brush you off as just another hysterical right-whinger and then carry on. In their eyes, guys like you make guys like me look sane. You know, I see in you what Stephen Taylor saw in me when he booted me from the BT's and, looking back, I probably owe him an apology.
Why are you trying to earn their respect, why do you need their approval? I saw FOUR (4) of them use the genuine threat on you that they would withdraw EMOTIONAL support from you if you did not get rid of me. And that to you is a genuine threat because you need them emotionally , you are hooked into them and they know it. They walk all over you and make a fool of you because you do not have the moxie to revile them or aggressively reject them. Someone neutered you in your infancy.
Sorry Max, they were pointing out that I should be making you play by the same rules that I make them play by. I will not be known as a hypocrite. I will not act like McClelland in banning those that disagree with me while allowing a minion to spew garbage with impunity. If we're making comparisons, I'd have to compare you to thai-guy. Sorry dude but the shoe fits...
Your responses to them are lame and pathetic. I don't respect you. I don't want to read anything you wrote on your site no matter what is is ostensibly about because you can't stand up and tell the moonbats to F**k off and Die and Burn in hell where they belong. You are a nebbish. You are a schmuck. You are a person without a voice and without any fire, you don't know who you are. You are a moonbatophobe. If you got the moonbats of your site and they didn't go there what would you have? Nothing, because you are empty.
Now you're just projecting...
Despite your protestations I have not seen you revile or renounce the the moonbats. If you would you would bark at them and enjoy it.
You know, back when I was taking my training I was in an interpersonal relations course and the instructor used the "barking anology" as well. Only what he said, and what I've seen to be true over the years, was that it was the yappy dogs that could be ignored/easily dealt with. He went on to say that it was the quiet ones that would inevitably end-up biting you in the ass. It was sage advice for a young individual entering the corporate world.
You should try barking at them it would do you some good. Let me address you in the language that you understand and deserve:
Bow wow
woof woof
You just keep on barking little puppy. I'm sure someone, somewhere, will throw you some scraps. As for me, I'm not playing your game.
As the title states: Sometimes, even right-wingers need a smack. It's painful when it's one of your own. Lets hope Robert McClelland folows the example and deals with his own resident troll.7/18/2006
Oh Look
I wonder how that'll work out for them...
I don't like how big business operates so I'm going to stand on this street corner all day while kissing my lesbian lover!

No, what you really want is to flaunt your sexual orientation and you're using big business as an excuse.
h/t to NealeNews for the above stories...
Breaking News!!!
Just kidding.
The actual breaking news is that Oprah just proved that you can be a man-hater without being a lesbian...
Looks Like an Invitation - Updated
Rally to protest Israeli aggression in the middle east
Upcoming Events › Rally to protest Israeli aggression in the middle east
- Monday, July 17, 2006, 7:00 PM 20060718T010000Z
- Where:
Want to know where this event is? Sign up for this group.
- Description:
From: CanPalNet Calgary
Dear friends and fellow activists,
As you know, the situation in the Middle East is deteriorating fast. Israel's disproportionate response has killed over a hundred Lebanese civilians, and destroyed much of Lebanon's infrastructure, including airports, roads, communications, and electricity. Our prime minister considers this "defensive" response to the kidnapping of two soldiers to be "measured". Meanwhile, 8 Canadians have died from Israeli airstrikes.
We wish to assemble not only to protest American support of Israel, but also our own prime minister's.
The rally will be taking place in front of the American consulate (1st st, 7th ave SE), at 7pm on Monday, July 17. Bring banners, flags, signs, noisemakers, candles, etc.
We can expect that the usual handful of hecklers will come out - Please ignore them. They feel validated by the confrontation they provoke, and without it, they will get bored and leave.
Feel free to circulate this email to ensure that as many people as possible know about this. If you have friends without email, give them a ring.
With hopeful hearts,
Canpalnet calgary.
http://peace.meetup.com/r/user/0/0/0/http://www.canpalnetcalgary.ca/- More information:
Looks like I've got a date for 7PM seeing that they're already expecting me...
UPDATE - Alrightythen! - Click for larger images -
Here's what I saw when I wandered up to the protest:

Some shots from in behind. The group featured in the 1st picture was the most vocal.

Some media was still there when I showed up. Don't think I'll be making the news though. After getting a those pics, I decided to set up on the leading corner and get a few more before I brought my sign into view.

Here's a pic of the sort of signs they were waving.

It was time to raise my sign. At this point, I've got to explain the sign I took to this little adventure because it was responsible for some good humor. It has different messages on each side.

On the other side (side 2), we have this:
As I was on the leading edge of the crowd I had side 2 facing the oncoming traffic. Side 1 was facing the crowd. You wouldn't believe the nice comments I was getting from the terrorist supporters for what they read on side 1. I have no idea why, but they couldn't seem to figure out that side 1 was actually in support of war. Maybe they thought that terrorism didn't fall into any of those categories. Stupid terrorist supporters.
All the while side 2 was telling the passing traffic to ignore the moonbats and terrorist supporters. I was smiling and waving and having a great time because the terrorist supporters didn't know any better and the moonbats (who know me and were warned to ignore me) didn't tip anyone off to what I was doing. (That's where the good humor comes in.) It was cool while it lasted but then things started breaking up and some of the terrorist supporters saw what was on the other side of the sign as they were leaving. They didn't seem happy.
Being a smart little bastard, I figured that pissing off the whole group of terrorist supporters wasn't in my best interest (I was all alone) and decided that it was time to skidaddle.
After answering a few questions as to where I actually stood on the issue (they didn't like my answers) I was back in my Jeep and headed home.
The evening was altoghether uneventful but still productive. The MoonBats and terrorist supporters know that their drivel won't go unchallanged. The MoonBats knew this already, judging by the reference to "hecklers" in their e-mail and it's good to keep them on their toes. The terrorist supporters didn't however and now they do. It's also served to let me know what I'll be up against when they do it again this Friday at 3:00pm.
PS I'm looking for some volunteers who are willing to join me in the counter protest at that same time...
One Of The Left's Many Faces
Reading this article by Ted Byfield yesterday I saw reference to something that I didn't know near enough about. Eugenics in North America. Here's what Wiki sez about eugenics:
Think that the concept of eugenics has been wiped out since Hitler's attempt to eliminate the Jews, cripples, retards, queers and people with dark skin? If you'd said "yes", you'd be wrong. The concept of eugenics is alive and well and practiced "liberally" by those on the left.Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of humanhereditary traits through various forms of intervention. The purported goals have variously been to create healthier, more intelligent people, save society's resources, and lessen human suffering. Earlier proposed means of achieving these goals focused on selective breeding while modern ones focus on prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering. Critics argue that eugenics is immoral, and is based in or is itself a pseudoscience. Historically, eugenics has been used as a justification for coercive state-sponsored discrimination and severe human rights violations, such as forced sterilization (e.g., of those perceived to have mental or social defects) and even genocide.
Selective breeding of human beings was suggested at least as far back as Plato, but the modern field was first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1865, drawing on the recent work of his cousin, Charles Darwin. From its inception, eugenics (derived from the Greek "well born" or "good breeding") was supported by prominent thinkers, including Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, and Winston Churchill, and was an academic discipline at many colleges and universities. Its scientific reputation tumbled in the 1930s, a time when Ernst Rüdin began incorporating eugenic rhetoric into the racial policies of Nazi Germany. During the postwar period both the public and the scientific community largely associated eugenics with Nazi abuses, which included enforced "racial hygiene" and extermination, although a variety of regional and national governments maintained eugenic programs until the 1970s.
That's right, I said that it's being practiced by those on the left. And it always has been.
Only now they've changed the name to make it more "politically correct":
Liberal eugenics is the study and use of reproductive and genetic technologies to improve human beings, specifically in regard to biological characteristics and capacities.
The term liberal is used to differentiate it from the eugenics programs of the first half of the 20th century, which were associated with racism, classism, and coercive methods to decrease the frequency of certain human hereditary traitspositive (encouraging reproduction in the designated "fit") and negative (discouraging reproduction in the designated "unfit"). Many positive eugenics programs were advocated and pursued in early 20th-century eugenics programs, but the negative programs were responsible for the forced sterilization of hundreds of thousands of persons in many countries and states, and were contained in much of the rhetoric of Nazi Germany's programs of racial hygiene and ethnic cleansing. Advocates of liberal eugenics generally do not favor sterilization except as a part of population control.
Liberal eugenics is conceived as being entirely "positive", relying more on genetic manipulation than on breeding charts to achieve its aims. It seeks to both minimize congenital disorder and enhance ability, traditional eugenic goals. It is intended to be under the control of the parents, though the substantial governmental and corporate infrastructure required for genetic engineering may limit or steer their actual choices. Currently, tests such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis, have been developed to allow for embryos carrying congenital diseases to be discarded.
Right, they're all about trying to prevent birth defects. Not so much. Lets have a look at the real, not-so-politically-correct, liberal eugenics program. The stuff they like to keep hidden:
We'll start with abortion. A mainstay of liberalism. Did you know that the pro-abortion movement in general and Planned Parenthood organisations in particular are offshoots of the Eugenics movement?
In the years after World War I, a number of competing organizations formed to promote birth control. The most controversial of these was the American Birth Control League (ABCL). In 1933, Eleanor Dwight Jones, the President of ABCL, described the organization's founders as "a devoted group of liberals and feminists led by Margaret Sanger."[1]That's right, if we can stop "dumb" and "poor" people from having babies, we'll have less of them around messing up the gene pool... They disguise it by calling it a "woman's right to choose".
These organizations arose out of the fears of America's affluent, educated elite. To have more money and time for themselves, they were having fewer children. As a result they were alarmed by the high birth rates of poor and working-class people.[2] They considered the prolific poor, as Sanger put it, "the most far reaching peril to the future of civilization."[3]
Two Movements
Two movements developed in response to these fears. Both considered the nation a "race" that could be strengthened by keeping the birth rate of the "fit" (the affluent) above that of the "unfit" (the poor). They differed only in whose birth rate they wanted to change.
The eugenicists warned of "race suicide" if the nation's dominant group, educated people of Northern European descent, did not increase its birthrate. President Theodore Roosevelt expressed their view in March 1905 when he attacked women who used birth control as "criminal against the race."[4] This group wanted more children from the "fit."
The other movement, birth controllers, was more attractive to feminists such as Margaret Sanger.[5] It did not demand that affluent women abandon careers for large families. It planned to achieve race building by forcing down the birth rate of the "unfit." In her autobiography, Margaret Sanger summarized the differences between the two movements:Eugenics without birth control seemed to me a house built upon sands...The eugenicists wanted to shift the birth-control emphasis from less children for the poor to more children for the rich. We went back of that and sought to stop the multiplication of the unfit."[6]To stop this "multiplication," Sanger could be harsh. Her book The Pivot of Civilization has a chapter called "The Cruelty of Charity." In it she blasts as "insidiously injurious" programs to provide "medical and nursing facilities to slum mothers." Such programs "facilitate the function of maternity" when "the absolute necessity is to discourage it." Sanger believed that a poor woman who died in childbirth gave other poor women more incentive to visit her conveniently located birth control clinics.[7]
By the late 1930s, growing public hostility meant eugenicists and birth control groups could no longer afford to compete for the dwindling funds from foundations and wealthy donors. As Gordon notes, "In 1938 rivalry in the birth control movement was ended with the reunification of Sanger's friends and enemies in the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA)."[15]
In January 1940 the BCFA held its annual meeting in New York City. The title of the symposium, "Race Building in a Democracy," showed little had changed. The same title was given to a luncheon speech by Henry Fairchild, president of the American Eugenics Society.
At that meeting, the eugenics movement, tainted by public hostility to their Nazi-like ideologies, united with the birth controllers. In his speech Dr. Fairchild noted, "One of the outstanding features of the present conference is...that these two great movements, eugenics and birth control, have now come together as almost indistinguishable."[16]
Planned Parenthood was the product of that union. The luncheon at which Dr. Fairchild spoke also began the 1940 fund drive for "The Citizens Committee for Planned Parenthood." Birth Control Review noted that the two events would give "an unusually comprehensive portrayal of the Federation of today and tomorrow."[l7]
What's next.... Oh, OK... Euthanasia. Sometimes undesirables are born or created through accidents and they need to be dealt with as well no?/sarc. The solution of those on the left is to kill them.
Who was screaming at the top of their lungs that that poor little brain-dead girl (Terry Schiavo) should be killed at the request of her husband? The ACLU. An extreme left-wing organisation born of the American communist movement.
Euthanasia is legal in Belgum and Holland - two very liberal countries:
In 2002, Belgium legalised euthanasia for adults who are suffering "constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain", and who are sufficiently conscious to make the request to die. Holland passed a similar law in 1995. In neither country is it legal to put infants to death.
But doctors in Holland have led a public campaign in recent years to have the law changed to reflect what they call the reality that paediatricians routinely assist children to die.
Read the whole article and you'll see that they're routinely killing kids who aren't expected to have a good quality of life.
Here's something interesting. Dr. David Suzuki is a genetisist. A practitioner of "Liberal Eugenics". He's Canada's most well known left-wing activist taking positions on the environment, war and anything else that has to do with anything else. - Just a little factoid...
Eugenics in politics - It's very real and very well hidden.
The UK Green Party believes in eugenics (liberal or otherwise) to ensure we don't over populate the planet:
P104 There are many causes of population growth and some of these must be addressed to avoid overpopulation. Causes may be as basic as a lack of family planning information and contraceptives. Inequality and lack of opportunities can result in people having more children than they would otherwise want. On a wider scale, it has been observed that populations often increase following wars, social strife and environmental disasters.You can find statements like this on every Green Party website regardless of country of origin. They don't want to control the birthrates of just the "poor" and "dumb" however. They want to control the acceleration of the human race as a whole. In fact, there are some Green Party supporters who support "depopulation". Lets ignore the Green Party however because they were probably stoned when they dreamed up their platform.
How about another party, Canada's NDP.
Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin meanwhile said he personally opposes legalizing assisted suicide. “I’m not saying it’s an easy decision, but I couldn’t do it,” the Prime Minister said, as reported by CanWest News Service. “I’ve had discussions with my wife and others who don’t agree with me. But myself, assisted suicide, I would have a good deal of difficulty as prime minister approving it.” The Liberal Ministry of Justice expressed opposition to many aspects of Lalonde’s bill last year but gave strong indication that it would not oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide legislation that met its own conditions on how such legislation should be worded.
NDP Leader Jack Layton, whose party platform includes support for euthanasia, said “Maybe it’s time to have this discussion. We have the bill. Perhaps it’s time for Canadians to consider the different aspects of the question.”
Hard-core eugenics wrapped-up in the compassionate and pretty package called "right to die".
How about the left in general? The "Grass-Roots"?
Well they seem to be very supportive of the ME terrorists who wan't to eliminate the entire Jewish population:
Juan Cole has a good round up of the building global backlash against Israel for their recent invasion of the Gaza Strip and persecution of innocent Palestinians.
Update: Dawg’s Blawg has been following the situation in Gaza too and Le Revue Gauche wonders where the outrage is.
It’s a shame our new Conservative government has taken a pro-apartheid stance when it comes to Israel. Otherwise they’d see that what is being done to the Palestinians is no different than the atrocity committed against North American Aboriginals over the past several centuries.
related articles 41 commentsJuly 9th, 2006 Robert McClelland
This is to be expected from McClelland though. His moral compass is so loose that he can justify anything. He's the individual who recently supported a psyched-out psych prof for threatening children.
What else have we got.... hmmm....
Here's some babble:
Babbler # 10510
posted 15 July 2006 03:02 PM
COA News just featured a great short video titled "Hezbollah: Lebanese Defenders"It's great to see a news organization that is covering this from a different perspective! I'm sure we'll see conservatives slaming them for it though.
I found out about this from their News Alert Service
[ 15 July 2006: Message edited by: Ryaninfo ]
Babbler # 8163
posted 16 July 2006 07:15 AM
GO HEZBOLLAH!!!Israel's tactics are getting so, so vicious. Did anyone see that leveled appartment building on the news this morning? This is sickening.
Hezbollah's stated goal is to wipe Israel off of the map and kill all of the Jews. Complete genocide. Pick a "progressive" blog or message board and you'll see that they've (Hezbollah) got an exceptional number of "progressive" supporters. More hard-core eugenics.
So what's the point? Well it's this:
Folks on the left generally believe in evolution which they see as liscence to control the direction of the human race. Folks on the right generally believe in creationism or intelligent design which tells them to keep "hands off" in this area.
Those on the left make a point of referring to conservatives as Nazis and even Hitler himself in the case of individuals. Now, knowing the lib-lefts penchant for eugenics, you can accurately remind them that is they, who most closely resemble the Nazis... They'll whine and cry about it and say that it "jes'taint so!" but you've got the proof in front of you.
Sign 'Em Up!
Mistake number 2: Staying in Lebanon after Israel has declared war on it.
I don't care if you are Canadian. You were warned to get the hell out and you didn't. And now you're dead as a result. And, because of your stupidity, good people have to waste energy explaining the concept of "collateral damage" to stupid MoonBats!
Somebody nominate these morons for a Darwin Award!
Don't Go Away Mad, Ti-Guy, Just Go Away...
Do you guys actually think I'm afraid of you? Do you guys think I'm going to be intimidated by some sad little net pest and his minions who spend an inordinate amount of time seeking out powerless people they despise to ridicule them? Do you guys actually believe that when it comes to fight or flight, I'll choose the latter and cave into your sad little attempt at vigilantism?
You better think again. Especially you, Debris Trail.
And in case you haven't realised this, you made yourself an actual enemy, Richard Evans. There will be no RCMP or ISP repercussions from your little stunt here, but you intended vigilante action from this. You've done this so many times to other people, but this time, you took on the wrong f**ker.
Oh, please. You're not fooling anyone, you racist. When you joined little Richard Evans's pogrom, referring to me as "Tye Dye" you revealed exactly who you are.
And immature psycho who I hope is no longer allowed around children.
Sorry guys, I think I pushed him over the edge by reporting him to his isp and the RCMP... Hopefully he's just drunk and it'll wear off in the am... He should be venting on me and NOT you guys...Lets break that statement down a little shall we?
You're such a joke. I've got relatives in the RCMP. There will be no report...there is no crime. You're a malicious net pest and everyone knows that, including the RCMP. As far as the ISP...nothing so far.
What bugs me is the call for vigilantism. You know what you did you fascist and your stupid racist friend Debris Trail here joined in on the fun.
I had nothing to do with you Richard since January and you f**king posted my IP address out of pure spite.
You made yourself a huge enemy and your little lap-dog, Debris Trail, has tagged along.
You're such a joke. I've got relatives in the RCMP. There will be no report...What are thai-guy's relatives going to do to that report to ensure that it doesn't exist? Is thai-guy implying that his "relatives" are crooked? I wonder how the RCMP would feel knowing that thai-guy is running around telling the world that they are going to "fix" things for him.
there is no crime.Uttering threats is, in fact, a crime: section 264.1 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada - Uttering threats.
You're a malicious net pest and everyone knows that, including the RCMP.So what thai-guy's saying here is that the RCMP has a file on me and beside my name is the term "net pest". How did thai-guy see the file? Maybe his relatives (the ones that "fix" things) showed him...
As far as the ISP...nothing so far.Time will tell... Maybe they need to get another e-mail...
What bugs me is the call for vigilantism.If anyone, anywhere can find and link to this "call for vigilantism" I'd sure appreciate it.
You know what you did you fascist and your stupid racist friend Debris Trail here joined in on the fun."fascist" and "racist"... I wonder if thai-guy knows what those terms really mean...
I had nothing to do with you Richard since January and you f**king posted my IP address out of pure spite.No, I posted thai-guy's IP out of frustration and anger. If I witness a robbery or a hit and run, is it not my responsibility to report it? Same thing applies here. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
You made yourself a huge enemy and your little lap-dog, Debris Trail, has tagged along.Oh well, I can't please everyone, all the time, can I?
And for thai-guy's grand finale he left this little gem:
And I told you this Richard, you c**k-sucking son-of-a-b**ch....if there are any repercussions from this, I call the Calgary Police so f**king quick your f**king head will spin.
Ya hear me, c**k-sucker?
I Wan't To Go Back!
I wan't it erased. All of it! I don't want to know what I know any longer.
I don't want to know that Communism is still alive and well in a lighter version called progressive secularism.
I don't want to know that those who practice progressive secularism are lying about it.
I don't want to know that a large portion of the North American population has bought into the lies.
I don't want to know that we've allowed the progressives to slowly erode away at North American society. That we're to blame because our own apathy allowed them to do it.
I want to go back to my bubble. Pre 9-11. Back to ignorance of the left, their tactics and their goals. Back to where my biggest worry was whether or not I had enough gas for the BB-Q.
But I can't. Because, to quote Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
The MoonBat PlayBook
"Today, Times editors and columnists are doing what liberals always do when they're caught red-handed committing treason: They scream that they're being "intimidated" before hurling more invective."And then compare it to the rantings over at the Blahg:
Ti-Guy Says:
July 12th, 2006 at 7:37 pm | |This seems coordinated. Janke writes that post, Kate shows up at Prog-Blogs and Richard Evans went gunning for me yesterday and today (despite, as far as I know, not having anything to do with him since January).
I think the proto-fascists have adopted the tactic we’re seeing quite bit in the States and which the Deb Frisch/Count Cockula affaire illustrated so well this weekend….bloggity-blah being re-directed into material threats of actual people. That’s what the rethuglicans do, after all, and the CPC supporters are following the script.
Janke’s smear implied that you posed a material threat to his child. That’s a complete fabrication.
My, my, my... It's all a conspiricy intended to intimidate. {Snicker}
It's nice to see that the MoonBats in Canada and the US are consistant in their approaches. Or maybe the Canadian MoonBats aren't bright enough to come up with their talking points...
Wednesday AM
It's Stampede Week in Calgary
Bell Sympatico Terms of Service
The Dumbass Daily has been updated.
Is Robert McClelland Going Crazy?

There has been an event taking place over the past several days in the blogosphere. One of the more hardcore MoonBats made some really nasty comments on the Protein Wisdom Blog and has been suffering a backlash, from both the left and right, as a result. Here are the comments that sparked the adventure:
"I’d like to hear more about your “tyke” by the way. Girl? Boy? Toddler? Teen? Are you still married to the woman you ephed to give birth to the tyke?
Tell all, bro!"***
"[...] as I said elsewhere, if I woke up tomorrow and learned that someone else had shot you and your “tyke” it wouldn’t slow me down one iota. You aren’t “human” to me."
" Ooh. Two year old boy. Sounds hot. You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one Jon-Benets your baby.
Are you still married to the woman you humped to produce the toddler? "
Give your pathetic progeny (I sure hope that mofo got good genes from his mama!) a big fat tongue-filled kiss from me! LOTS AND LOTS OF SALIVA from Auntie MOONBAT, if you don’t mind!Somehow, Jeffy boy, I think you get off on the possibility of Frenching your pathetic progeny, even if it is a boy. You seem like a VERY, VERY sick mofo to me, bro.
(comments as found on Michelle Malkin)
The woman that typed those things is a psychologist and adjunct professor at the University of Arizona and those remarks are clearly beyond any and all good judgement and decency. Especially for someone in her position. It's unconfirmed but it seems that this woman has lost her job over those remarks.
This woman also has a blog of her own and that brings us back to the topic of this post. As I was reading the comments thread on one of her posts re this issue, I came across a familiar name.
Robert McClelland.
And here's what he had to say to her:
Primo Burn!
The two leaders, who walked a red carpet flanked by American military honour guards holding flags of the two countries to reach their respective microphones, were greeted by reporters who stood upon their arrival.
"Thank you for doing something I never thought I'd see, which is have the Canadian media stand when I enter the room," Mr. Harper quipped.
A quick note
I told him that I'd talk to the one that was alive and called him a dumbass...
Moral Violence
One of my favorite movies of all times is Starship Troopers. However it's not because I'm a male geek who's into sci-fi action flicks. Nope. Although I am. It's because of the following dialogue (which takes place in one of the early scenes):
Jean Rasczak: All right, let's sum up. This year in history, we talked about the failure of democracy. How the social scientists of the 21st Century brought our world to the brink of chaos. We talked about the veterans how they took control and imposed the stability that has generations since. We talked about the rights and privileges between those who served in the armed forces and those who haven't, therefore called citizens and civilians.
[to a student] Jean Rasczak: You. Why are only citizens allowed to vote?
Student: It's a reward. Something the federation gives you for doing federal service.
Jean Rasczak: No. Something given has no value. When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.
Dizzy: My mother always told me that violence doesn't solve anything.
Jean Rasczak: Really? I wonder what the city founders of Hiroshima would have to say about that.
[to Carmen] Jean Rasczak: You.
Carmen: They wouldn't say anything. Hiroshima was destroyed.
Jean Rasczak: Correct. Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst.
Alright, so now you're probably asking "What's the point?"
Well, the point is that might sometimes does make right.
Light 'em up...

It's Independence Day
In America your destiny is not prescribed; it is constructed. Your life is like a blank sheet of paper and you are the artist. This notion of being the architect of your own destiny is the incredibly powerful idea that is behind the worldwide appeal of America. Young people especially find the prospect of authoring their own lives irresistible. The immigrant discovers that America permits him to break free of the constraints that have held him captive, so that the future becomes a landscape of his own choosing.h/t NealeNews
Robert doesn't condemn her actions, he condones them. He doesn't chastise the woman for her hateful words, he offers her moral support.
Seeing this reminded me of a post we put up not long ago where Robert McClellan and his favorite minion Thai-Guy were screaming "fascisim" because it became illegal for a 35 year-old to have sex with a 14 year-old up here in Cannuckistan.
The connection between the two instances is Robert's acquiescence, or if you'd prefer, acceptance and support, of people being so vile. I wanted to ask Robert about this so I rotated the ip (Robert doesn't like it when I ask questions on his Blog and has banned me from posting comments. As a result I have to go in under stealth), picked a new user name and wandered over to the Blahg. Here's what I asked:
So Robert goes onto this woman's blog and offers her support and then tries to defend himself on his own site by saying that the woman didn't make death threats. Even with his own words quoted for him to read before he responded. He completely missed the fact that he himself referred to her comments as "death threats" and called me a liar for asking the question.
Judge for yourself but Roberts open support of hate and complete denial that he's doing as much enters, in my unqualified opinion, the realm of insanity. Has his absolute hatred of conservatism and freedom finally pushed him over the edge?
To help Robert with his journey back to reality, we at LFR would like to extend the olive branch and provide the following reference. Give her a call Robert, she can help you.
As a side note, here's how Robert's minion thai-guy responded to my question:
If you've ever wanted to watch a slow-motion MoonBat train wreck, head over to the Blahg...
It's some good humor!