I often stop by "
I Am (Also) Canadian" for a chuckle and light hearted insight. He's provided the inspiration for the following:
I Am Also CanadianI don’t live in Ontario. Nor do I live in Quebec. I don’t see hockey as the lifeblood of the nation. The CBC speaks neither for nor to me. In fact, I was happy when they were on strike.
I don’t speak French nor do I wish to. When I was young and had it forced down my throat in elementary school, I resisted. When given the opportunity to make my own choice of a second language I chose anything but. I don’t regret it. I see having two different labels on all consumer products as wasteful and inflationary.
I see this forced duality as destructive. I see the results of our great "cultural mosaic" experiment as being outright disastrous. We cannot be one nation when we’re divided into so many fragments. I know that at the hands of Liberal governments, our once singular culture has been replaced with one of constant turmoil. Ethnic group competes against ethnic group. Region competes against region.
I don’t buy into Ontario’s claim that it’s the center of Canadian civilization. Nor do I buy into the idea that Quebec is distinct.
I don’t hate the United States. In fact, some days I admire them. Other days I’m indifferent. They’re an industrious nation. They know their history. They know where they came from. They understand the perils of communism and socialism and resist both.
I disagree with Canadian socialism. I believe that individual responsibility is more important than state provided entitlements. The government doesn’t owe me a job or a paycheck in lieu. The government isn’t responsible for my health. Ken Dryden isn’t responsible for raising my children, I am. I believe that it takes a family to raise a child and the village can go to hell if it doesn’t agree.
I believe the family is the cornerstone of society. I feel the manner in which my federal government continues to allow the sexual exploitation of our children undermines that. Why do they feel so adamant that a 45 year old man should be able to have sex with a 14 year old girl? I also feel that taking marriage away from a husband and wife and giving it to sodomites was a mistake. I believe that marriage should remain solely within the realm of religion.
I don’t bash religion or speak ill of those who practice it even though I myself may not. I believe that spirituality holds a very important place in our society. It’s our foundation and the source of our indelible rights.
I believe that I have a right to own property. Unrestricted. The money I earn is my property. When the government demands taxation without providing appropriate representation they are stealing and misusing my property. I should be able to own land. I should be able to own a firearm.
I don’t believe that gun control works. I don’t believe that we’re getting value from the gun registry. I believe that when you take firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, you leave firearms in the hands of the criminals alone. You leave the law-abiding citizens defenseless.
I believe that as a sovereign nation we need to be able to defend ourselves. Without regret. We need a military that understands that it’s job is to win the peace by killing. We need a government with the intestinal fortitude to allow them to do it.
I believe in racial profiling if it will help prevent terrorist attacks.
I believe in being polite but not being politically correct.
My voice will be heard.
My name is Richard and I am ALSO Canadian!