
Consider This

You, as an individual, have to take a journey across an ocean. When you reach the other shore, you'll find riches that can't be described. There are three methods of crossing available to you. It is requested that you pick one.

In order to make your decision, you need to know the following:

  • Each of the options given to you, the individual, comes at no financial cost to yourself.
  • The waters of this ocean are shark infested.
  • Your survival depends on the choice that you, the individual, make. There is no recovery from an error, no reset button and no do-overs.
  • If you're bitten by a shark, you loose some of the reward on the other side.

Your options are as follows:

1. Jump into the water and swim.

There's a certin sense of freedom associated with this option. However, there is no protection from the sharks. You don't know if you can swim the distance.

2. You can take the Ugly Orange Boat

  • It's guaranteed not to sink and has a compass that's true.
  • It'll get you to the other side intact, and none the worse for wear.
  • There are no errors that can be made operating this vessel.
  • Even though it has it's drawbacks, the Ugly Orange Boat has stood the test of time. It's reliability has been proven through the ages.
  • You are shown how to build and maintain this boat yourself, both of which require very little effort.

The Ugly Orange Boat has some drawbacks though:

  • First and most notably is it's appearance. It's ugly. Everyone else, not in an orange boat themselves, points at you and laughs.
  • It's completely constructed of wood. Knotty Pine. The seats are all wood, the floors are all wood the cot is all wood. It's functional but not very comfortable.
  • It's an open air design and provides very little protection against the weather.

3. You can take the Pretty White Boat.

  • This vessel is designed and constructed by others.
  • The Pretty White Boat is decked out in oak and brass. There's plush carpeting from stem to stern. All of the seats are leather with mahogany trim. The cot is made from the finest down.
  • This boat is a closed cabin design that provides comfort when bad weather strikes.

This boat also has some drawbacks:

  • It's not always constructed properly and doesn't always float. You will not find out until you have it in open water and you need to be aware that the initial failure rate is approximately 15%. The odds of failure increase exponentially with the length of time spent on this vessel.
  • The navagation system is prone to failure. It'll rarely point you to the other shore. More often than not, it'll point you to other Pretty White Boats and sometimes it'll point you to swimmers. Collisions have been known to take place. Another result of this poor navagation system is that it'll leave you out on the ocean longer than you need to be.
  • This boat is addictive. If you're lucky enough to reach the other shore and claim your treasure, it'll be tainted. Instead of enjoying your new reward, you'll be yearning to be back on the boat.
  • The success rate of this vessel has not been accurately calculated. It is known though, to be around the 50% mark.

Which method of crossing do you choose? Think about it for a minute and keep your choice in mind. If you'd like, you can click on your choice and see the results of your journey.

  1. Swimming
  2. The Ugly Orange Boat
  3. The Pretty White Boat

Now, consider this:

You have to make the same journey. You have the same choices in how you're going to get across. Only this time, advocates for the Pretty White Boats are explaining the rules to you. They won't let you listen to anyone else. They purposly forget to tell you about the Ugly Orange Boat "option". They minimize the risks associated with the Pretty White Boats. They leave you to decide, essentially, between their "image" of their favorite boat and the certian death of swimming.

How do you feel about the folks pushing the Pretty White Boats? Disgusted?

Now lets go back to reality.

  • The ocean is your sexuality.
  • The treasure on the other shore is your "life partner" (I'm using the moonbat term so maybe they'll understand it. Normal people may feel free to use the terms "husband or wife".)
  • The sharks are STD's and unwanted pregnancies.
  • The swimmers are those who fully immerse themselves in their sexuality without regard to the risks (Homosexuals, pedophiles, swingers and those who practice beastiality are some examples)
  • The Pretty White Boats are piloted by people who are not much smarter than the swimmers. They take the same risks with the exception of using foams, condoms, diaphrams and other modern methods of protection even though these methods are not entirely effective. They delude themselves because of the comfort, the pleasure of their boats. Their treasure, if and when they get it, is tainted. More often than not, they'll delude themselves into thinking that it isin't. We know the truth though. Most of us have taken the Pretty White Boats.
  • The Ugly Orange Boat is abstenance.

Earlier you were asked to decide which method you'd choose. Has your choice changed now that the perspective is a little different? Be honest, the only person you're fooling is yourself.

Lets look at the people advocating the Pretty White Boats for a minute. These are people that are generally ashamed of their choices and want you and I to join them so they don't feel so bad about themselves (I speak from experience on that one). They're the folks at the UN who wish to promote promescuity over abstenance to curb the AIDS eppedimic. They're the lib-left educators who are developing and teaching the sex-ed classes at your kids school. They're the people that support abortion on demand, as a method of birth control. They're the gay lobby.

Now that we've gone from the hypothetical to the realistic, are you still disgusted with the people advocating the Pretty White Boats? Again, be honest.

Those of you that click on this page regularly know that I'm not prone to preaching and that me and that "Bible thingy" arent on a speaking basis. What I've presented above is an argument based on logic. You made the decision as to which boat to take based on the same. No religion involved.

It's understood that most of us have taken the Pretty White Boats and we can't change the past. No one's saying that you should, given the chance. What I am saying is that we have a decision to make. Are we going to be like the advocates of the Pretty White Boats and provide people (our children and the folks in Africia) with limited information? Limited options? Is it fair to put complete strangers on another continant at risk because we don't want to admit that our own choices may not have been the best?

Sheila and Chimera go beyond being advocates of the white boats. They appear to be sales people. I've asked them the following question: "Do you charge for those test drives? You seem to have a vested interest in lettin folks have nookie all willy-nilly..."

The response I've gotten back from the both of them is: "You're an A$$hole".

Fair enough but the question was asked for a very specific reason. I would like to know exactly why it is that those individuals refuse to promote abstenance as the best method of preventing pregnancies and STD's. What's their motivation? Are they being paid? Are they delusional and just can't comprehend that there are other options? Are they so completely governed by the stirring of their loins that it clouds their judgement?

Note to Sheila and Chimera:

In case you still don't get it here's another anology:

Your child is drowning in the bath tub. Instead of encouraging her to sit up, to get out of the water, you're holding her down and trying to stick a straw in her mouth so she can breath.

For christ' sake, you two twits need to get the child out of the water.



A recent article from the Metro puts a price tag on the PM's 2 day visit to Washington last year.
I know that security and accomodations for a head of state aren't cheap, but COME ON! $417,979 for a 2 day excursion?? Is this the price us lowly middle class schmucks are expected to pay, in order to be represented by elitist dictators?

A few highlights from the article:

*$120,000 on vehicle rentals

*$ 382 on local transportation......(wtf?)

*$6,428 in cell phone charges
*$2,860 for printing services
*$6,700 for translation services
*$6,150 to rent office equipment
*$6,491 for "other" rentals

After reading this, is it any wonder the governer general, Adrienne Clarkson spent so laviciously? I think not....

Paul Martin is a Dictator.

Licia Corbella paints an ugly pony on the barn door of Canadian democracy.

According to Larry Gordon, executive director of Fair Vote Canada, never did Canadian voters' wishes become so distorted as during Jean Chretien's three elections.
In 1993, Chretien won just 41% of the popular vote, but he won 60% of the then-301 seats in the House of Commons.
In 1997, garnering just 38.5% of the popular vote, Chretien won 51.5% of the seats in the House, making it "the phoniest majority government in Canadian history," says Gordon.
In 2000, pulling in 40.9% of the popular vote, Chretien's Liberals took 57.5% of the seats in the House.
And yet during that time and since, the prime minister has never ruled with such impunity.
Conacher points out this restricts the freedom of ordinary Canadians.
How? Well, consider that most corporations in Canada donate to the ruling party for fear that if they don't, they won't be treated fairly when government contracts come up. That restricts freedom of conscience.
And freedom is a big word. It is linked to the functioning of our democracy and how we are represented and if we are equal.
"Even with a minority government in Canada, because all of these appointed positions are selected by the ruling party leader, we do not have a rule of law for the ruling party," said Conacher.
"It's as serious as that."

It appears that the country that you and I reside under, whether we be NDP, Conservative, Green, Marijuana, Communist, etc, is under the control of a Liberally mandated dictatorship. We cannot ignore this blatant fact any longer....and to do so is to be willfully ignorant. The east seems to be under the thumb of this liberal media induced hegemony. How much longer must I/ we endure this corruption? I feel the talons of militancy overtaking me......


This Is Going To Get Me Into Trouble

I was listening to a talk radio host earlier today and he brought up an interesting point. It would seem that all of the media shots of the individuals looting, in the wake of the hurricane down south, are of black people. I've confirmed it myself looking at footage. Don't take my word for it though, tune in and confirm for yourself.

I've got a couple of questions about this situation:

1. Are blacks somehow predisposed to looting?
2. If so, why?
3. It's common sense that there are other races looting as well. That being the case, why doesn't the media show images of these other races?
4. How does showing images of strictly black people looting affect our perception of the black community?

I have a theory:

The media is liberal. Liberals like to quietly keep minorities as some sort of slave class. The liberals show only minorities causing problems to ensure that they stay as a slave class.

Think about it. If we (normal, not-liberal people) see nothing but negative stereotypes of these minorities, it fuels distrust and consequently, racism.

Consider the way our Native citizens are portrayed / treated.

Post your thoughts inside.

Lifestyle Choices

Perhaps if they had used condoms things would have turned out differently. Maybe they did use condoms and one broke. No matter, the end result was that they were found-out.

"Tani Leigh Firkins, 31, could have received up to 12 years for the felony charge, which stems from Firkins videotaping herself having sex with a 17-year-old male in her Lakewood residence.

The parents of the victim, who is now 19, say Firkins sexually assaulted their son more than 100 times, beginning in August 2000 when he was 14 years old."


"In September of 2004 Firkins gave birth to a girl fathered by the victim, causing the victim to tell his parents, for the first time, about a three-year sexual history."

Oh well, who are we to judge? It's all about lifestyle choices. Right Sheila? Chimera?


This Is Beyond Logic...

Now it makes perfect sense to me that if a man want's to avoid contracting a STD, his best option is to keep his pecker in his pants. That is unless he is in a long-term monogomous relationship. The same can be said for women. They should be able to keep their legs closed.

The GWB administration sees it the same way.

The UN on the other hand, does not.

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The U.S. government's emphasis on abstinence-only programs to prevent AIDS is hobbling Africa's battle against the pandemic by downplaying the role of condoms, a senior U.N. official said on Monday.

Stephen Lewis, the U.N. secretary general's special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, said fundamentalist Christian ideology was driving Washington's AIDS assistance program known as PEPFAR with disastrous results, including condom shortages in Uganda.

The Bush administration favors prevention programs that focus on abstinence rather than condom use and has more than doubled funding for U.S. abstinence-only programmes over the past five years.

Right, so, what's the problem?

Oh wait, I've figured it out...

The UN, being a liberal organization, doesn't feel that individuals should accept some personal responsibility for their own lives.


There's a real live MOONBAT commenting inside.

"Reality Check ... Not all of us are in married relationships ... I test drive a car before I buy it I'm sure as hell not making a life long commmitment without a test drive. You may not like it but most of the world follows my thinking in their ordinary lives not the dogma their religion taught them. In Africa it's a bit more pragmatic to recognize the way the world IS, not the way you WANT it to be. I stand by what is said - your idealism/christan dogma is killing people. HIV/AIDS in Africa is not about Christian politics it's about life and death ...
sheila 08.29.05 - 4:46 pm # "

Where do they come up with this crap? Did she just put Africa on a pedistal? Something for us to admire? And where the hell does she get off calling me a christian? Silly MoonBat!


We're Going To Try This Again...

Alright folks, pay attention! If you'll look over to the right of this post, toward the top of the page you'll se a site counter. It's getting close to 20,000. I've got a bottle of Gibsons Finest for the individual that lands on that number. Here's the rules:

  • It needs to be verifiable. (screen shot or ip addy)
  • You need to be over the age of 21.
  • I need to be able to get the bottle to you. That means that I need an addy as well as the proof sent to my e-mail ( resenvt@hotmail.com)
  • If no one wins, I'm going to give Aizlynne the bottle. I owe her so much booze that It'll probably cost me a couple of hundred bucks so I need to get a head start.

Good luck folks and thanks for visiting.

More Mail...

I've got to give a big "CHEERS" to the individual that keeps forwarding these e-mails to me. Thanks Amigo.

Here's the latest from the Calgary MoonBats (with some adjustment because it amused me):

* Sign the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/resister/petition.html
* Write, phone, fax:
- your member of parliament,
- Prime Minister Paul Martin and
- Joe Volpe (the minister of citizenship and immigration).
(Contact information and sample letter included below)

--- begin forwarded text

Most of you heard about Josh Key's cross Canada trip to raise awareness on the War Deserter Campaign and his bid along with 14 others for refugee status to stay in Canada when he came through Edmonton and Calgary.

In case you forgot (or were not on that email list), Josh is a US soldier who spent 8 months in Iraq. After witnessing what real men do to win wars and losing faith in the validity of his manhood, he decided that on his two week leave in the US he would leave the army (desert his brothers in arms). He and his family spent 14 months in hiding in Philadelphia then came to Canada after hearing about the war deserter campaign.

To find out about the campaign and the other war resisters go to http://www.resisters.ca/.

Unlike during the Vietnam War, Iraq deserters do not automatically get to stay in Canada. Josh and the other chickens are applying for refugee status. This summer Josh and his family toured Canada to spread the bull about the campaign, why he volunteered in the army (free education), what the army and the invasion of Iraq is really like (we're winning), the lack of military or threat from Saddam Hussein (because we kicked his ass) and how you can support him and the other chickens.

Josh's hearing with Immigration is scheduled for Sept. 2. You can help his and the other war chickens bid to stay in Canada in the following ways:

Sign a petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/resister/petition.html

Write, phone, fax your member of parliament (if you don't his/her name go to http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/house/PostalCode.asp?Source=SM with your postal code), Prime Minister Paul Martin and Joe Volpe (the minister of citizenship and immigration).

All of their letter addresses is House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
The prime minister's contact info is: Phone 613-941-6888 (between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.) Fax 613-941-6900 Email pm@pm.gc.ca

Joe Volpe's contact info is; Phone 613-954-1064 (between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.) Fax 613-957-2688 Email Minister@cic.gc.ca

The following is a letter that I wrote my MP, Mr. Martin and Mr. Volpe. Feel free to use it if you like.

Re: War Deserter Campaign (http://www.resisters.ca/)

I am writing this letter in support of Joshua Key, Jeremy Hinzman and other Iraq war deserters and their families bid for refugee status in Canada.

During the Vietnam War, Canada was a haven against militarism. With the U.S.'s continued moral and just occupation of Iraq, Canada must return to being a haven for chickens who refuse to help their government do what's right. Soldiers, like Joshua Key, signed up to the army to get a free education and nothing else) protect their country from invasion not go legally invade another country that was no threat to anyone except the rest of the world.

I urge you to strongly and vocally push for a provision to allow Iraq war deserters to stay in Canada.

I look forward to your response, which I will share with my friends, family, colleagues and the media. Your response and actions on this matter will effect how I vote in the next election.


Collette Lemieux

If you think that Josh and the other war deserters should stay in Canada, I strongly urge you to take a few minutes of your day to let your government know this. Josh and his family gave up everything when he chose not to return to Iraq. If he goes back to the US, he faces 5-20 years in a military prison. And as Josh says, he should not have to go to jail for doing what he thinks is right. Let it be noted though that aparently Josh isin't too big on the thinking part.

Your letters can make a difference and help him and his family stay. Please take a few minutes and write or send an email.

If you were unable to attend Josh's presentation and would like more information, feel free to contact me <cocomieux@telus.net>.

Thanks, -collette --- end forwarded text _______________________________________________ PeaceCalg-Announce mailing list http://list.wayground.ca/mailman/listinfo/peacecalg-announce http://www.peacecalgary.ca/

Wow, that crap stunk up my in-box...

Now, here's the real letter that needs to be sent to our representatives:

Dear Sir / Madam;

Please, follow proper policy and kick these yellow chicken-shits out of the country. They signed a legally binding contract with their employer and are obligated to follow through. As they were signing up to become solders, there is an implied condition within said contract, that they would be called upon to go to war for their country.

Their excuses for not wanting to do their job and fulfill their obligations can be summed up in the following manner: "They don't feel like it."

I'll tell you what, there are millions of Canadians who wake up daily and perform their jobs even though "they don't feel like it". They keep forging ahead anyway. There are hundreds of thousands of fathers forced to pay child support because of the implied consequences of having sex all willi-nilly. Do you really think they "feel like it"? They're living up to their obligations as they should. The ones that don't are forced to, through legislation and punitive measures. We call them dead-beat dads and penalize them at every turn.

These deserters are no different than dead-beat dads, and also need to be penalized at every turn. You, as one of my representatives, are legally bound to ensure that these individuals are deported as soon as possible. It's time to make these deserters live up to their own obligations.

I appreciate your response. Please be aware that if your response is positive, you will be hailed as someone of reason and sound judgment. If your response is negative, you will be hailed as a moonbat with no balls. Either way, your response will be shared with thousands of my friends on the internet. Failure to respond will be considered a negative response. The choice is yours.

Richard Evans

No, no it's not yours!

Keep Your Hands Off Our Oil You Damned Dirty Libs!

["We are doing more than our fair share, so keep your hands off," Mr. Klein said, later adding that other provinces could keep up to Alberta by becoming more economically competitive.

His warning was partly brought on by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty's recent musing that Alberta's wealth is becoming "the elephant in the room" and that the growing regional economic disparity needs to be addressed.]


Sucks to be a Sikh

This one's right up my alley, being an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist and all.

"Sikh truck drivers will file a human rights complaint Thursday against a rule that requires them to wear hardhats instead of turbans.

They are fighting a requirement that prevents them from driving into CP Rail's two Toronto terminals without protective headwear. CP Rail said it is enforcing the hardhat rule because of safety concerns."

They will not win this case.

The employer is responsible, legally, to ensure the health and safety of all personnel on it's site. They meet this requirement by performing hazard assessments and implimenting appropriate control measures based on the identified hazards. The end result (theoretical) is that everyone goes home at the end of the day with all of their fingers and toes.

If the employee can not or will not comply with the control measures, the employer is legally bound to take disciplinary action. If they do not, and things go south (where someone gets hurt) the employer is held liable for it's inaction. (reference the Westray Mine Disaster and subsequent implementation of [federal] legislation).

The issue of drug testing of workers in safety sensitive positions was taken to human rights tribunals in the same manner. The druggies didn't like the idea that they could get caught and decided that the testing policy was against their rights. The druggies lost and screening is now mainstream.

Sucks to be a Sikh in Toronto. Looks like they're going to have a choice to make.

Kate at SDA has more... Check out her comments section...


People like this are the reason I am the way I am.

Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital
By Marc MoranoCNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
August 25, 2005

See Marc Morano's Video Report

Washington (CNSNews.com) - The Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., the current home of hundreds of wounded veterans from the war in Iraq, has been the target of weekly anti-war demonstrations since March. The protesters hold signs that read "Maimed for Lies" and "Enlist here and die for Halliburton."

The anti-war demonstrators, who obtain their protest permits from the Washington, D.C., police department, position themselves directly in front of the main entrance to the Army Medical Center, which is located in northwest D.C., about five miles from the White House.

Among the props used by the protesters are mock caskets, lined up on the sidewalk to represent the death toll in Iraq.

People like this intend to protest here in Calgary on Sept. 8 (see post below). I plan on providing an appropriate counter protest. I'll need some help on this one I think. Any volunteers?

We can't let them have all the fun now can we?

I've Got Mail...

Look what came in the mail bag (forwarded by a concerned reader):

From: Julie Hrdlicka <info@candil.ca>
Thursday, September 8, 2005 7:00 AM -10:00 AM

As most of you are aware Dick Cheney is coming to Alberta. He will be attending a dinner at the University of Calgary, organized by the Fraser Institute on September 8th. I have been contacted by many people saying something should be organized to protest his visit to Calgary and the rest of Alberta. So here is what a bunch of individuals representing different groups have come up with.

We will organize banner demos's on 2 or 3 overpasses which go over Crowchild Trail. The idea is to raise awareness in high traffic density areas, which are close to the university, about Cheney's visit and how he and his messages and agenda's from Washington are not welcome here. Standing in the pedestrian overpasses also gives us the opportunity to hand out information and talk to people. The plan is to do it in the morning of the 8th during rush hour 7:00am-10:00am.

Here is a website of banners and posters and slogans that have been put on overpasses throughout the states. http://www.freewayblogger.com/ These are great ideas for banners for the protest or if you have your own and want to share them please let us know.

In order for this event to be a success, we need your support, attendance and energy. If you are interested in making signs and banners, coming to the demo and helping pass out flyers and hold banners and just generally supporting the action please contact Julie. We need at least 20 people to confirm they will attend the action in order for us to go ahead with the organizing so let me know asap your thoughts.

As soon as we have confirmed some numbers of volunteers we will let you know which overpasses we will be demonstrating on. Julie is currently looking into by-laws and other information that might be useful for an action such as this.

For more information info@candil.ca or 270-9669

Sounds like a party that needs to be crashed.



I'm sure we've all been reminded from time to time by the magnanimous and enlightened souls that walk among us, that to question the gloomy bearing that Islam
appears to be charting, is to be an intolerant and uneducated bigot. Nay, le mot de jour : Islamophobe. Well, sorry to step on your sandcastle, but I am neither intolerant nor uneducated. I just object to being blown up and/or beheaded because I am a Westerner and an infidel. But what about the poor Islamic radicals and their many supporters that loathe and despise the well adjusted west(civilized, educated, well off, every religion and faith imaginable) and the democratic Israelis( see parenthesis for the west)? Luckily, there is a new term for these folks as well. The term is: Infidelophobia.

Let's compare and contrast the two terms, shall we?

First, let's examine Islamophobia. Some of the warning signs of Islamophobia:

Do you suffer spinal twinges when reading of Buddhist teachers shot in the back by Jihad terrorists? Are you prone to experience a slight jabbing pain in the side when hearing of another Israeli stabbed to death by the Palestinian Fedayeen? Do you get a sort of burning sensation in your sinuses upon learning of a family of Hindus forced into a house by the Mujahideen and set aflame? Is there a dry or scratchy feeling in the back of your mouth when told of a Christian getting their throat slashed by Islamists? How about old-school decapitation with a dull blade? Leave you feeling a bit light-headed?
If so, then you may have Islamophobia, a new term that literally means a fear of Islam and its strict devotees.

Now, let us examine Infidelophobia:

By contrast, victims of Infidelophobia don’t have it quite so good. They have to worry about horrific acts of terrorism in places where Muslims have a significant minority (Kashmir, The Philippines, Lebanon, Nigeria…) and flat-out subjugation in the areas under Islamic hegemony (Sudan, Iran, Indonesia and basically any other Muslim country). Even in the “Land of the Free” over the last three years, thousands of Americans have been killed in more than a dozen attacks for shopping, flying or simply showing up at work on time.
Victims of Infidelophobia have good reason to be afraid because unlike Islamophobia, which may usually be categorized as a natural apprehension based on empirical observation, Infidelophobia is nurtured by thousands of radical imams in hate-filled sermons across the globe, as well as thousands of Islamist schools teaching extreme bigotry. There are even millions of Infidelophobes across the world, quite apathetic or even supportive of the many violent fanatics busily applying a literal interpretation of the Qur’an by killing thousands of infidels each year.
Still not sure which is worse? Well, another advantage that an Infidelophobe has over an Islamophobe, is international impunity. Rack up an impressive list of hate crimes and you may find yourself being handed a Nobel Peace Prize someday.

Looks like if we want to be tactful and well mannered, we should gladly open both arms wide in anticipation of the latest Politically Correct term: Infidelophobia.

*Note. The very things that scare the Islamic radical are the very things that scare the left.

This Is Depressing

The other day I put a post up in regards to Michael Graham. He's the talk radio host who got fired for stating the opinion that islam is a terrorist organization. Now as far as I could tell, he was doing his job. That is, to bring up a contriversial subject, and discuss it with callers. Talk radio is all about opinion. Because the Council of American and Islamic Relations (CAIR) offense to his position, Mr. Graham was silenced.

The point of putting up the post was to illustrate how free speech is being squashed in the name of political correctness. I wasn't looking for debate on whether Mr. Graham was right or wrong (even though I agree with his stance) but more on the idea that he has a right to say it.

Instead, we got 56 excellent comments debating the wrong bloody issue.

And why did we debate the wrong issue? Because WE ARE CANADIAN!

Free speech is really a novel idea for us. It never enters our collective psyche that anyone other than the likes of Cindy Shehan or the moonbats over at "Babble" have the right to express an opinion. We're used to hyphinated-canadians, minorities and the government telling us what we can and can't say, what we can and can't think. It very rarely comes to mind that there may be something different.

That's why it's depressing. We need to wake up and take a long hard look at our rights. We need to exercise them.

Kate over at Small Dead Animals explores the concept further.

Oh, there's an update on the Michael Graham issue: It seems that enough people have shown outrage at his firing that he'll be allowed back on the radio, if only in a limited capacity. Story is developing on drudge.


Some Pics...

Did some detailing on the jeep the other day

Heh heh... Yup, it's there specifically to piss-off the moonbats.

Oh, here's one from the weekend...

As a matter of fact, shaving IS optional when camping...

Islam Is Not A Religion Of Peace

A radio host in Washington DC speaks the truth:

"I take no pleasure in saying it. It pains me to think it. I could very well lose my job in talk radio over admitting it. But it is the plain truth: Islam is a terror organization.

For years, I've been trying to give the world's Muslim community the benefit of the doubt, along with the benefit of my typical-American's complete disinterest in their faith. Before 9-11, I knew nothing about Islam except the greeting "asalaam alaikum," taught to me by a Pakistani friend in Chicago.

Immediately after 9-11, I nodded in ignorant agreement as President Bush assured me that "Islam is a religion of peace."

But nearly four years later, nobody can defend that statement. And I mean "nobody."...


...The Council on American-Islamic Relations is outraged that I would dare to connect the worldwide epidemic of terrorism with Islam. They put it down to bigotry, asserting that a lifetime of disinterest in Islam has suddenly become blind hatred. They couldn't be more wrong.

Not to be mean to the folks at CAIR, but I don't – care, that is. I simply don't care about Islam, its theology, its history – I have no interest in it at all. All I care about is not getting blown to smithereens when I board a bus or ride a plane. I care about living in a world where terrorism and murder-suicide bombings are rejected by all...


...If the Boy Scouts of America had 1,000 scout troops, and 10 of them practiced suicide bombings, then the BSA would be considered a terrorist organization. If the BSA refused to kick out those 10 troops, that would make the case even stronger. If people defending terror repeatedly turned to the "Boy Scout Handbook" and found language that justified and defended murder – and the scoutmasters in charge simply said "Could be" – the Boy Scouts would have driven out of America long ago..."

And then he gets fired for it:

"WASHINGTON – Michael Graham, the Washington, D.C., talk-show host suspended for linking Islam and terrorism, has been fired by ABC Radio following weeks of pressure applied by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group with its own well-documented connections to terrorism."

Welcome to modern liberalism.

It Floats

The Highlites:

If one takes Glenmore Tr. east out of Calgary they will run right into Eagle Lake. The campground is on the other side. Jeeps don't float. Take highway 16 instead.

The campsites are small with little or no trees.

The boat floats but the fishing rods didn't.

Some jack-ass decided he liked my boat better than the one he rented and took his kids fishing in it.

Was completely unplugged for 2 days... Not by choice... The blackberry wasn't working for some reason...

Was the best weekend I've had in a very long time.


98% of Canadians would make a better GG than Michaelle Jean.

I must admit that I really didn't want to bring up the recent hullabaloo over the appointment of governor general designate Michealle Jean, but after reading some of the commentary from the hysterical left wing fringe, I cannot restrain myself any longer.

What seems to be frequently lacking from any of the lib/left sympathizers that I've had the misfortune of reading, has been the lack of attention that is being ascribed to the significance of FLQ members seen cavorting quite openly with Michealle Jean and her husband Jean-Daniel Lafond. In one exchange, FLQ founding member Pierre Vallieres states: "Not only should Martinique proceed to independence, but to revolution -- as Quebec should as well! "
To this, Jean-Daniel exclaims,"Yes, independence isn't given, it's taken."

Who are the FLQ and why is it reprehensible that we are even entertaining the notion of designating a 'felquistes' (sympathizer of FLQ) as the head representative for Canada?
The FLQ (Front de liberation du Quebec) are a Marxist/anarchist terrorist group that operated covertly throughout Quebec starting in and around 1963, and have been active even to the present day. Bombings, robberies, kidnappings and general violence were and are the norm. These people are cold blooded murderers and terrorists, very similiar in scope with Al Queda (less the beheadings). Don't believe me? Here is a letter to Chuck Adler from a victim of a FLQ bombing:
I visited the site and watched the film clip. To say that I'm offended is to understate the case. The people she is cavorting, laughing and toasting with are some of the same people who tried to kill me.
During the FLQ crisis I was stationed at Canadian Forces HQ in Ottawa. The bomb they placed outside of my office window was meant to kill those in the room and I suppose make a statement.
They succeeded only too well The lady they killed was not only a co-worker, but also a friend.
After I picked myself up off the floor some thirty feet from where I was standing I saw my friend laying on the floor. I remember kneeling in a pool of her blood trying desperately to staunch the flow. Her eyes seemed to be pleading for me to help her. This tiny middle aged French Canadian single mother of two who had been so happy. She had been talking for several days about her up coming vacation. The first in twenty years. Now she lay struggling to breath through her torn throat. Desperately I tried to staunch the flow of blood. I watched as the light in her eyes slowly dimmed and then disappeared.
Here was a grown man and soldier kneeling in the welter of her blood crying like a baby as I cradled her in my arms.
My next conscious memory was lying on an operating table as a young doctor probed my back and side for glass. He continuously apologized for the pain, but explained that he couldn't anaesthetize me because I had to be able to tell him when he pressed on a shard of glass. It took 43 stitched to close my wounds. I still occasionally have pieces of glass surface.
Am I offended? You bet I am offended. This appointment is an insult to me and to Pierre La Porte and most importantly to Jean D'Arc St Germaine.
Paul Martin has insulted all of Canada including the people of Quebec.

To simplistically state that "Enough is Enough" or "She's stated her commitment to Canada, what more do we need to hear?" is as debased and pathetic as one can get. Personally, I think 98 percent of Canadians would make a better gg than Michaelle Jean........I am of the 2% that quite gladly admit that I would not. Why? Because I am also a regionalist and believe in Alberta first. Why can't Michaelle do the same and stand up for what she truly believes in: Quebec and Quebec alone.


Leadership vacuum

Cindy has left camp Casey.

Who will take over?

Will it be the guy who did nothing but massage Cindy's feet?
Or did he go back to CA with her?

Or will it be this guy? He calls himself "Patient Zero"...

He went to Crawford to take Cindy a peach for peace...

In any case, it should be interesting to watch...

Photo's courtesy of the Tony Snow Show


Live (drunk) Blogging from the Campground

I haven't Blogged much this past couple of weeks as I've been working my tail off building one of these (click the image for the plans):

She's green and yellow and has been christened the "Republic of Alberta".

She sets sail (and hopefully doesn't sink) tomorrow afternoon.

I'll be live blogging (with pics?) from the Eagle Lake campground all weekend.

Wish me luck.

Not Every Mom Agrees...

More Cindy Sheehan fodder...


There is Power in Numbers

Is anyone else fed up with Canada's paper thin commitment to our allies and democratic partners? Are you fed up with the anti-American/anti-Israeli bias that seems to be all to pervasive in this country? Are you wondering (as I have been lately) what *you* can do to help send a strong and united voice to our liberal masters in Ottawa that our weak kneed foreign policy is a disgrace and an affront to the very ideals that helped shape our North American democracy?

Well there is an organization that has formed to address and attempt to influence and alter the course our nation seems to be taking. It is called the Canadian Coalition for Democracies. From their site:

Many Canadians are troubled by our government’s foreign policy. Canada’s democratic way of life and multicultural society are models for the world and the basis of our moral authority. Despite this, our foreign policy consistently fails to support sister democracies who share our values, including India, Taiwan, the United States, Israel, and others who are under attack on the front lines of tyranny and global terrorism. As well as nations, our government fails to support democratic movements such as the democratic opposition in Iran, Christians in Lebanon, Copts and Baha'i in Egypt, Assyrians throughout the Muslim world, Christians and Animists in the Sudan, and Hindus in Kashmir.

At CCD, we believe that our foreign policy should reflect our respect for life and liberty. If we want peace, we must support beleaguered allies who share our Canadian values. Instead, many in our government have made it their career to condemn and criticize the United States and Israel, while being apologists for terrorists who celebrate the killing and maiming of men, women, and children. We have failed to clearly and unequivocally tell those who seek a better life in Canada that they are welcome, but only if they check their hatreds at the border. The validation that our government has given to tyrants and terrorists and their apologists has made it easier for them to deny freedom and spill the blood of innocents around the world. Increasingly, that innocent blood is on Canadian hands.

CCD will work to assure that our natural democratic allies - both nations and peoples - are supported and that their enemies receive neither encouragement nor aid from Canada.

This is an organization that I feel speaks very clearly to the kinds of hypocrisy and misdirection in policies, that our country has been pursuing. For myself, this lack of moral fortitude has got to be addressed. It is time to stand up for democracy....

Now We Know

The jig is up. Proof surfacing that shows how it was Clinton administration policies which allowed 9-11 to happen.

Political Correctness and an unwillingness to profile killed over 3,000 people.

One can only hope that the Conservatives are elected up here which will give them a chance to expose our own Liberal government's failings...


Israel Disengagement: 2005

While it is with great sadness and consternation that I watch the video's taken of settlers occupying Gush Katif recount the energy and determinism which shaped their settlement, I am also emboldened by Sharon's recent declaration (as written in the Jerusalem Post Online Edition):

"Yet this somewhat generic observation hardly begins to answer the questions every citizen has a right to ask of Sharon: "Why did you, who for so long opposed talking, let alone negotiating under fire, decide to dismantle settlements while terror and its threat are still solidly on the table? How will a unilateral withdrawal help matters?"

Then came the essence of Sharon's response: "Now the Palestinians bear the burden of proof. They must fight terror organizations, dismantle its infrastructure and show sincere intentions of peace in order to sit with us at the negotiating table. The world awaits the Palestinian response - a hand offered in peace or continued terrorist fire. To a hand offered in peace, we will respond with an olive branch. But if they choose fire, we will respond with fire, more severe than ever."

The echoes here of Ehud Barak's logic behind the unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon were unmistakable. Sharon was saying that Israel had gone as far as it could militarily under the existing rules of the game, so the only way Israel could advance further was to change those rules. "

~While I empathize and deeply feel for the loss of community and precious land garnered by the Israelis, it is most certainly an unsustainable task for 30,000 Israeli soldiers to guard 9,000 citizens from 1.5 million hostile Jordyptians, forever.

~Also, as Sharon states, the olive branch has now been clearly offered to the Palestinians for all of the world to witness. There should now be no confusion as to the burden of proof. The onus is clearly on the Palestinians to uphold their end of the agreement and eliminate terrorism.

Am I naive enough to believe that the Palestinian extremist's will use this goodwill gesture as a sign of peace? Of course not, but rather, a sign of appeasement and victory for their militant cause : Complete annihilation of the Zionist entity.

Are they prepared for what Israel will mete out, now that they have ceded some of their precious, viable land? I don't think anyone can fathom the response that awaits further terrorist incursions from Palestinians........


Babble Traffic

Wow, I've noticed a lot of traffic being sent over from Babble. Neat!

Now, please don't be disappointed that I haven't given you the attention that I've wanted to lately. You see, I've been busy earning a living and spending time with family. That's what normal people do. You should try it. Oh, and please consider showering. I don't want you stinkin' up the place while you're here.

If this graphic doesn't get you fired-up, the post below it will. Please enjoy your visit.

Feminisim is the root of modern liberalisim?

I have a theory. It's just something that's been kicking around the back of my brain and maybe you folks can help me get it sorted out.

I think feminists are largely responsible for the decay that's led to current society and the mental disorder called modern liberalisim.

I refer to it as the vaginafacation of males.

Here's an example:

In the interview, he said that typically male characteristics have been sidelined. "The traits that have traditionally been associated with men - reticence, stoicism, single-mindedness - have been marginalised," he said.

Buerk said that the result is that men are becoming more like women. "Look at the men who are being held up as sporting icons - David Beckham and, God forbid, Tim Henman," he said.
He admitted that some changes have been for the good, but asked: "What are the men left with?"

He said that, while men measure themselves in terms of their jobs, many traditionally male careers no longer exist.

"Men gauge themselves in terms of their career, but many of those have disappeared," he said.

"All they are is sperm donors, and most women aren't going to want an unemployable sperm donor loafing around and making the house look untidy. They are choosing not to have a male in the household."

It's a given that in order to adapt to the current environment, a large number of males are developing female traits.

What's one of the most dominant traits displayed by women? Thought based on emotion.

What's the single biggest driving force of the modern lib-left? Emotion.

Yup, Gloria Steinum and the NOW gang are responsible for creating individuals like John Kerry, Mikie Moore, and all of the moonbats that troll this site on a regular basis.

The fact that those individuals hate conservatives so much can be equated to a metaphorical case of penis envy. They don't like to see manly men. They don't like the idea that roles are better defined in conservative households. They don't like the idea that this "role definition" actually works.

They don't like war-making because it's an art practiced by manly men.

Looking at things on a larger scale, based on voting patterns, the US is 48% vaginalized.

Canada is well over 70% vaganalized.

France is 100% vaganalized.

To continue with the context above, the US is the manliest man around. Canada and France suffer from a serious case of penis envy. That would be why they lash out at the states the way they do no?

The theory needs some work, some clarification, but the basic premise is there... Please provide some comments inside. I'd like to hear from both conservatives and pussies.


CBC Workers Locked Out

I've been watching this develop for a few days now and have been wondering if management at the CBC may actually have a little bit of sense after all. Then I remembered that they employ people like this...


Laying the Groundwork...

As a matter of fact, Mister Vice President, that oil WILL be comming with us when we join the republic. No sir, the socialists won't be tagging along. We'll deport them back to eastern Canada. Saskatchewan? No, you don't want the problems associated with them... Not BC either... Yes sir, we can have a "super pipeline" up and running within 2 years. You're right, the maps will have to be re-drawn but that's just a minor point. The change from Canadian to US dollars will be a little more complex, do you have a plan for this transition? Yes sir, we have been over taxed. Joining you though will create alot of wealth in this province. Sorry sir, you're correct, we should use the term "state". Loyalty to Canada? There used to be. It wained though when it became clear that we weren't included in the eastern definition of Canada.

Ahhhh.... Sweet Dreams...

Some Words of Wisdom:

From Bill Clinton of all people...

I'm not sure if this came from a recent interview or speech but it's got the MoonBats at Kos all worked up.

Bill Clinton: "We should stay the course in Iraq."

Here's an audio clip from one of my favorite radio shows where Rusty uses Bill's own words to shut down a MoonBat looking to impeach Bush.

Someone should play the clip for Cindy Sheehan. Maybe she could organize a Clinton protest as well...



A long while back I predicted the announcement would come over the Aug. long weekend... I was two weeks off...

'ol buckets must be beside himself right now... Or is he? Hmmm... this one's going to require some research...


Take A Break

Take a break from moonbat stupidity for a few minutes.

Click here to make Hillary do the Funky Chicken.

Click here to make GW shoot some bad guys.

Click here to beat the crap out of terrorists

Click here to make GW dance.



New "T-shirts" over at "ThoseShirts.com"

Going to wear this one at the next protest I crash...

This Video Really Amuses Me...

Click HERE for a neat little video...

Do you remember how completely irate the left got at the thought that there is US money being used to fight the SSM issue?

I do.

I guess that when you're on the left though, what's good for the goose really isin't good for the gander.

"Why we need to say NO to drilling in the Arctic

Once again the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is at risk from oil drilling. Over the past 25 years conservation groups have won the fight against Arctic drilling more than a dozen times. This latest challenge may prove to be different.

Embeded in the Budget Reconciliation Act, which only needs the support of 51 of the 100 senators to pass, new Arctic development legislation would open the door for invasive drilling along the Refuge’s vulnerable coastal plain.

This is potentially disastrous for a number of reasons:

Putting a global treasure at risk

Oil drilling will undoubtedly have a tremendous negative impact on the wildlife that live and migrate to the Refuge. Approximately 130,000 Porcupine Caribou arrive every spring to give birth to 40,000 calves, and drilling poses a very real threat to their reproductive cycle. The Refuge is also essential to polar bears, musk oxen, wolves, grizzly bears and millions of birds that nest and raise young there every summer.

Oil drilling would quickly disturb this delicate ecosystem to the point where it could no longer be used by caribou and other wildlife.

Canada’s connection

As Canadians, we have a vested interest in the outcome of the Budget Reconciliation bill. The Porcupine caribou herd winters in Canada, providing an essential resource to the Gwitch’in people of north Yukon who rely on caribou for food, their livelihoods and their very survival.
This herd is supposed to be managed and conserved through a Canada/U.S. agreement that dates back to 1987.

What a complete bunch of crap. I think the only accurate part of their statement was the date. How is it that people buy into this garbage?

Note to MoonBats: Consider the following points:

  • You're Canadian
  • They're Americans operating on soverign land
  • You're nuts
  • They know it
  • When they get a petition signed by 40,000 communist Canadians they'll most likely use it as toilet paper


The Canine Cruciforms

As reprinted from http://www.dailyrotten.com/

The Dogs of War Los Angeles Times Submitted by: The_Clinton Esq - God has a hard-on for marines b/c we kill ever "In a war where the line between civilian and soldier is blurred, even man's best friend has been caught up in the combat. U.S. forces hail their trained dogs as heroes, but to insurgents, canines provide the means for a more sinister goal. Iraqi police cite the recent use of dogs rigged with explosive devices in Latifiya, just south of Baghdad, in Baqubah in central Iraq and in and around the northern city of Kirkuk. Some Iraqis are horrified by the ethics of dragging the animal world into a human conflict."
Read article...

Dicks Dictionary

Libotomy (lib-otomy)

The metaphorical process used to turn normal individuals into MoonBats. Generally takes place in public schools, universities and union halls.

Libectomy (lib-ectomy)

The metaphorical process used to turn MoonBats back into normal individuals. Generally takes place after significant events eg.: having had an abortion performed, having lost friends or family as a result of terrorist activities or having lost out on employment as a result of some affirmative action program.

Please feel free to add your own inside...


Special thanks to W L Mackenzie

Slipadicktomy (slip-a-dick-to-me)

state in which lib-left women and men enter after participating in a libotomy.

Recently I've been having thoughts about the correlation between femenists and the vaginalization of modern males which has turned them into liberals... I'll put a proper post together to expand on the idea...


A Day To Celebrate

Today is a day to celebrate and here's why:

60 years ago, this:

was droped here:

The immediate result was this:

What it really did was end this:


In effect, it saved hundreds of thoudands of North American lives!


Not so much... You see, these people were trying to develop the bomb as well...

We managed to beat them to it though and maintained a power position ever since... Actually, that power position caused those societies to crumble...

Had that not been the case, the entire world would be engulphed in communism, not just the socialism-lite that currently occupies Canada and Europe...

So, this morning as you butter your toast, sneak in a little nookie, burn a flag or stalk outside the President's Ranch in Crawford, keep in mind that you're able to do that because of one of these.

Hiroshima softened them. Nagasaki finished 'em off...

Propaganda from Planned Parenthood

Oh, now this is special...

"Planned Parenthood superhero terminates Christian protesters Character also drowns promoter of abstinence in animated video pushing 'safe is sexy' message"

[Posted: August 8, 20054:08 p.m. Eastern
By Ron Strom© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
An online animated video sponsored by Planned Parenthood's San Francisco-area branch features a superhero character drowning an abstinence promoter in a trash can and blasting into oblivion several pro-life picketers protesting in front of one of the organization's facilities.

The eight-minute "A Superhero for Choice," posted on the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate website, has a bespectacled black woman in San Francisco morphing into a red-suited flying enforcer, bent on making the world safe for the organization's values.

Viewers see three teenagers talking with an ugly green-faced man sporting a top hat and bow tie who tries to tell the kids abstinence is the only sure way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The teen girl rebuts the man, naming several birth-control methods.

Retorts the little green man: "Those are instruments from the devil's toolbox!" ]

Naw kiddies, you don't have to keep your pants on. That's no fun. Instead, we'd like to distort the facts and put you all at risk of STD's... That's what's fun!

Seperation Through the Lens of an Angry Albertan.

Seems as though the recent poll confirming widespread discontent and seperatist notions among westerners, has had a number of Lieberal loyalists sitting up and taking notice. One such 'booger' by the name of JimBobby has been chewing his cud over this whole affair, and has a couple of questions. Let's see if I can clear this up for him:

When the damn separatists in Q-beck agitate, it’s all ’bout culture an’ language an’ such. When the AlienAlberts agitate, it’s all ’bout money. Money. Money. Money. There’s sum greedy bastards who can’t think o’ nuthin’ else an’ are willin’ t’ sell their patriotism t’ the highest bidder.
~ Interesting that JB immediately dismisses Quebec's seperation ideals due to culture and language, but lambastes Alberta for wanting a stronger say in relation to the financial contribution we make to the rest of the country. Hypocrisy. He also seems to conveniently forget about the recent 5 billion dollar refund doled out to Ontario, while the province that really deserved the refund (Alberta), helplessly watched from the sidelines. Let's put this in some perspective:
-Ontario contains 40% of the population/ Alberta contains 10% of the population.
-Ontario contributed 23 billion/ Alberta contributed 11 billion
-Ontario gets 5 billion dollar rebate giving them a grand total of 18 billion contributed for a population 4X the size of Alberta's.
And WE are the ones being vilified as greedy?

If the Alberty separatists was fightin’ fer culture, they might be worthy o’ sum respect. When they’re jest lookin’ fer more bucks in their pockets, they get pitied an’ scorned like the prostitutes they are.

~Again we see typical eastern Liberal ignorance as JB dismisses Alberta's unique and proud cultural heritage as irrelevant. Alberta's ideals and strength truly set us apart from every other province in this country. Our strong Conservative culture is worth preserving and nurturing and this will not happen within a country run by the Liberal elitist mindset whereby the casual typification and dismissal of any ideology west of Ontario is the norm. While dollars play a distinct role in Alberta's seperation agenda, culture plays just as large of a role.

Jest suppose these numbnutses could ever convince enuff Alberty voters t’ separate –
- Is the sovereign nation of Alberty gonna print it’s own money? Any idee on how the Alberty dollar’ll do on the world money markets?

~An eastern lieberal shill wants to call Albertans that want greater soveriegnty-'numbnuts'.
Now that we can all see what many easterners think of Alberta, I'm sure the seperation movement should only be strengthened in it's resolve.
In response to the lib automaton:
Yes, Alberta would print it's own money. Alberta would do much better on the world market on it's own than within Canada's corrupt liberally mandated confines. The US would be more than eager to help a like minded Conservative country on the road to it's independence.

- Is Alberty gonna build up it’s own military? How’re the Merkins gonna react to a new national army on its border?

~Alberta would build a security force capable of stopping any foreign aggressor. Because Alberta would consult heavily with the Americans, they should not be too concerned rather, they would welcome the help.

- Will every border crossin’ be like Windsor/Detroit or Ft. Erie/Buffalo? How much will it cost t' build all them checkpoints an' hire all o' them border guards?

~Every border crossing would need checkpoints. Of course a practical solution to this would be to include BC and Saskatchewan in the seperation concept. If they were unwilling, we would negotiate right of passage agreements and if this failed, supply the checkpoints and border guards as needed.

- How ’bout tariffs an’ import-export duties? Nafta? Cafta?

Alberta would immediately eliminate indirect taxes and tariffs on farm inputs as well as freight rate discrimination. Nafta would be upheld.

- Is the sovereign nation of Alberty gonna accept immigrants from Sasky or Newfie or Montana? Is Canadee gonna accept immigrants from Alberty?

~Of course. Immigrants will be accepted with open arms according to Alberta's own, distinct immigration policy. It will probably not be as inclusive as Canada's immigration policy whereby terrorists and criminals are given easy access, but it would be fair. Canada will accept immigrants from Alberta, yes. Hell, they were quietly accepting draft dodgers from the US....what do you 'think' they'd do?

- Is Alberty gonna send a ambassador t’ the UN? How ’bout diplomats fer all the countries in the world? Got that in the budget?

~This is a possible scenario where alternate methods would be arranged depending on manpower capabilities. Many ambassadors offer little value pursuant to the amount they are paid. This would need to be reevaluated and alternate methods for international relations may need to be found.

- How’s Alberty gonna do tradin’ on the world markets when she’s a landlocked nation with a population of 'bout 3 million?

~Through elimination of freight rates and corresponding fuel taxes,etc and through right of passage agreements with BC, Alberta could effectively operate as though they were not landlocked. Besides, how much of Alberta's domestic goods are transported by sea? Not a big chunk......

- How ’bout all the existin’ federal real estate like post office buildin’s an’ army camps? Is Alberty plannin’ t’ buy them from TROC or do they reckon we’ll jest hand ‘em over fer free?

~As we've already contributed more than enough through transfer payments to cover the cost of these buildings, we would have no problem taking them as is, where is. You'll hand them over but it most certainly wasn't free.....

- How ’bout all o’ the federal gummint employees workin’ in Alberty? Is Alberty gonna give ‘em all jobs?

~They will be afforded the same opportunities that are offered to most corporate staff. They can transfer to another province or they can apply for the myriad of government of Alberta jobs that would be available. They would be given first priority, as they are already Albertans.

- How ’bout the First Nations? Is Alberty gonna honour treaties signed by Canajuns? What if the First Nations wanna separate from Alberty?

~As quoted from the Seperation Party of Alberta: A Separation Party of Alberta government will negotiate fairly and openly with all First Nations and Metis in Alberta for their right to self-government, ownership of resources on native lands (subject to royalty payments) and the right of every individual aboriginal person to own their land within the reservation. We will establish a First Nations and Metis Committees to deal with all matters pertaining to the foregoing including the settlement of all native land claims, all of which is subject to approval by the Legislature. As these matters are settled there will be no further need for the government to make any further payments to First Nations and Metis in our province.

- What about the patriotic federalist Alberts who vote “No” in a referendumb? Do they get Alberty cityzenship or do they get deported t’ Canadee? Is 50% +1 enuff t’ separate? How’s the new nation gonna fare if 49% don’t wanna new nation?

~Ask Quebec.

- How ’bout the Canadee Pension Plan? Anybuddy reckon Canadee’ll wanna finance pensions in sum new foreign country?

~Not sure but I'll do my damndest to find out the answer. My guess though, is that there would be a buyout by the Canadian government paying off in lump sums what has been contributed by Albertans. It's our money afterall, no matter who is currently holding it for us.

- How ’bout the “stoopid” charter o’ rights Ezra an’ his bunch don’t like? Will the cityzens o’ Alberty know whether they get any rights before they vote t’ break up our home an’ native land?

~There should be a referendum called on the implementation of any charter, before it's granted admission into the halls of power. This is the democratic way, and this would be the Alberta way. Referendums would be the norm, and occur as frequently as Sunday sermon. People in charge of their government. Rule by the majority. Democracy the way it was intended........


From the mouths of MoonBats

Quotes from the delusional left:

"The angry mother of a fallen U.S. soldier confronts her son's murderer, President George W. Bush, at his ranch on Saturday." - Gretchen


It would seem that the woman mentioned above has already met the president. She'd had some glowing things to say about GW when they'd finished... Here are her comments from a year ago:

["'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."

"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.

The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.

"For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.

For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again."

"That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together," Cindy said.]

Here's what she's saying now as she waits for another meeting with the President:

["It was -- you know, there was a lot of things said. We wanted to use the time for him to know that he killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity. And we wanted him to look at the pictures of Casey."

"He wouldn't look at the pictures of Casey. He didn't even know Casey's name. He came in the room and the very first thing he said is, 'So who are we honoring here?' He didn't even know Casey's name."

"He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear anything about Casey. He wouldn't even call him 'him' or 'he."

He called him 'your loved one.'Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject. And he acted like it was a party.

BLITZER: Like a party? I mean...

SHEEHAN: Yes, he came in very jovial, and like we should be happy that he, our son, died for his misguided policies. He didn't even pretend like somebody...]

Thanks to Drudge for the info...

So the biggest question we have for Cindy right now is how she can possibly expect to gain a second audience with the President after pulling such a typical liberal flip-flop?

Here's a neat excerpt from freerepublic.com:

[Posted on 06/17/2005 8:47:30 AM PDT by WillMalven

Cindy Sheehan: Are Those Crocodile Tears?

Ordinarily I have a great deal of sympathy for the families of soldiers who die in combat defending our freedom. I lose that sympathy, when I see those same family members using the death or injury of their loved one for political gain.

Cindy Sheehan is pursuing a vendetta of hate against the President that predates the loss of her son. She hates George Bush, not because she believes that he is responsible for her son’s death, but because he “stole the election” in 2000 and again in 2004. She is a willing participant in the campaign of hate that the Left has pursued against President Bush since his victory in 2000. She is currently an active participant in Representative Conyers’ impeachment campaign against the President. This is a woman I watched recite an account of her son's sacrifice without shedding a tear, not a catch in her voice, or even a hesitation; no sign of grief whatsoever. His aunt who was also present was in tears as her sister read her son's story. Did she love her son? Certainly she did, all mothers love their sons; the difference is that most mothers don’t exploit the death of their sons for political purposes. They may, as in the case of MADD, use their tragedy to motivate them to pursue moral crusades to have laws passed, but these women have no political agenda prior to their loss. They are spurred to action by their loss. If Mizzz Sheehan was truly motivated by the loss of her son to pursue the ones who caused his death, she would be out for the head of Muqtada al Sadr, not President Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld.
mensnewsdaily.com ...]

Here's another question: How is it that these people can accuse George Bush of being a murderer?

Really, If a police officer gets killed in the line of duty, is the police chief considered a murderer for sending the officer out to do his job? How about the mayor? Would he be considered a murderer for demanding that the police chief do his job and send officers out to clean up the crime? I would think not, not unless you're Gretchen or Cindy Sheehan.

If we're going to throw charges around, how's about we look at the charge of Treason. I think that charge would apply to both of those women.

Keep watching Gretchen's blog. She's got an eye for picking "winners".

Cowardly Europeans?

Well now, I guess not everyone over there has their head up their butt...

"What atrocity must occur before the European public and its political leadership understand what is really happening in the world? There is a sort of crusade under way; an especially perfidious campaign consisting of systematic attacks by Islamists, focused on civilians, that is directed against our open western societies and is intent on their destruction.

We find ourselves faced with a conflict that will most likely last longer than any of the great military clashes of the last century, a conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot be tamed by tolerance and accommodation because it is spurred on by such gestures. Such responses have proven to be signs of weakness.

Only two recent US presidents have had the courage needed to shun appeasement: Ronald Reagan and George W Bush. The US’s critics may quibble over the details, but in our hearts we know the truth, because we saw it first hand. "

A great article out of the "Times On-line". h/t NealeNews

Substitute the word Canada where the author refers to Europe and you've got a pretty accurate reflection of our own state of affairs...


Public Service Announcement



Friday's shoutout!

While watching the post-mortem breakdown on the recent poll regarding western seperation, I happened to bump into another bloke with a very similiar blog. Infact, I had to do a double take, as the name of his blog is: Canukistan. He is also Canadian and looks like he would do well in the company of the enlightened. I have gathered a few nuggets of insight into what makes "Buzz" tick:

"I'm a sensible, right-thinking Canadian exposing the mushy-thinking of the average pinko Canuck." ~Sounds like the policy of Cannuckistan Chronicles as well!

"Military - we need aircraft carriers and nukes to fight the terrorists!"
~ Yes, I like what I'm hearing!

Capital Punishment - we need to kill people to show that killing people is wrong!
~Wow! People like this are getting harder and harder to find in the land of Ca(n)nuckistan!

Abortion - innocent people should never die! That's not justice!
~Oh, oh......is that a leftie troll popping his head in the door, stunned and dismayed at the pro-life endorsement he/she's hearing!?

Budget: We spend too much, except on the military!

~And with this last particle of perceptiveness, we bid a fair adieu to another like minded renegade with his compass and his heart, firmly fixated on a 'western' course.



On The Road Again...

Driving up to Edmonton this morning... Won't be able to post until this afternoon... Here's a happy thought to hold you over:

Oh, here's another:



I Call Bullshit!

Political correctness has gone too far in the UK.
(entire article copied with my comments in plain type)


POLICE have been told to take their shoes off and not use sniffer dogs when raiding Muslim homes.

Oh, why's that?

An 18-point guide issued by Bedfordshire Police lists dos and don'ts when dealing with Muslims who are suspected of terrorist or drugs offences.

Special rules? Are there also special rules when dealing with Christians, Jews and athiests?

The guidelines state that 'the Muslim community feels victimised and suspicious of counter terrorist police operations and in the current climate a search at a British Muslim household has the potential to become a critical incident and come under intense scrutiny'.

Oh, I see... And what of the feelings of the larger western society? Are they not feeling victimised by the terrorists operations? Would a failure to stop the terrorists activities not become a "critical incident" and come under "intense scrutiny"?

It then lists 18 points police officers should note.
These include:

• Rapid entry needs to be the last resort and raids into Muslim houses are discouraged for a number of religious dignity reasons.

Right. Lets' avoid going into their homes unless absolutely necessary. If we do have to go in, lets give them plenty of warning.

• Police should seek to avoid looking at unclad Muslim women and allow them an opportunity to dress and cover their heads.

In the case of Christian or Jewish women you're allowed to take photographs and watch them get dressed...

• For reasons of dignity officers should seek to avoid entering occupied bedrooms and bathrooms even before dawn.

This is so they aren't caught by surprise... So we don't interrupt any terrorist gettin' "jiggy". It also allows the precious time needed to dispose of any evidence...

• Use of police dogs will be considered serious desecration of the premises and may necessitate extensive cleaning of the house and disposal of household items.

For anyone else, dogs are not only recommended, they are required... I wonder what would happen if "sniffer pigs" were used.

• Advice should be sought before considering the use of cameras and camcorders due to the risk of capturing individuals, especially women, in inappropriate dress.

No pics of the bombs strapped to their nekked bodies?

• Muslim prisoners should be allowed to take additional clothing to the station.

Is this a courtesy afforded to Christians, Jews and athiests as well?

• If people are praying at home officers should stand aside and not disrupt the prayer. They should be allowed the opportunity to finish.

Even if it's one of those "excuse me while I buy some time for my buddies hiding in the cellar" 3-hour long prayers...

• Officers should not take shoes into the houses, especially in areas that might be kept pure for prayer purposes.

This is to lessen the chances that the nice police officers will be able to chase the terrorists on foot...

• In the current climate the justification for pre-dawn raids on Muslim houses needs to be clear and transparent.

Should this not be the case for any individual of any faith at any time of the day?

• Non-Muslims are not allowed to touch holy books, Qurans or religious artefacts without permission. Where possible, Muslim officers in a state of 'Wudhu' (preparation before prayer) should be used for this purpose.

Affrimitive action. Now the police have to hire a bunch of Muslums who must perpetually remain in the "Woohoo" state... Here's a link that illustrates how well that crap works.

Chairman of Luton Council of Faiths, Zafar Khan, welcomed the guidelines but said the police should deal with all faiths sensitively.

He said: "Guidelines on how to deal and interact with the community in all faiths should be welcomed.

"It's a question of being sensitive and informed and if that makes the policing more effective and more sensitive that has to be a good thing."

Well that's comforting... They don't want to appear to be singled out...

Abdul Malik, chairman of Luton Race Advisory Forum, said it had been in discussions with the police about how to raid houses before the London bombing campaign.

He said: "The police need to be sensitive when they are going into the homes of everybody - not just Muslims.

"They should keep respect. Some Hindus and Sikhs have a place or a room devoted to prayer and that should be respected too."

Ahhhh... Now I get it... It's just the eastern and middle eastern religons they are refering to... Christians, Jews and athiests are still exempt. Must be one of those "infidel" things...

A Bedfordshire Police spokesman said: "The guidelines are regularly issued to all staff as a reminder of the force protocol when entering a Muslim household.

"We take very seriously the culture surrounding all faiths and feel it is important to respect those beliefs, even while carrying out police business. We would like to reassure all communities that any current or perceived tensions, which might be heightened as a result of recent events, will not affect how police deal with Muslims or anyone else."

It would appear, to me anyway, that the Bedfordshire Police are doing their damndest to actually help the terrorists. Have these people really gone so far over the edge that they've lost sight that they're going after CRIMINALS?

I wonder if, after his recent meeting with Muslim leaders, our own PM hasn't issued (or caused to be issued) similar guidelines.

Ok, who am I kidding, we live in Cannuckistan... The guidelines must be in place already. The question now is: When will they be leaked?