Animosity on the part of the "Old Guard" PC Tories toward the new CPC blatantly shows itself this week via one Sinclair Stevens.

Here's a little bit on Stevens:
- former MP under the Mulrooney Conservatives has had business dealings with Magna International Inc. (Belinda Stronich's company)
- has gone through extensive court dealings in regards to a conflict of interest with Magna International Inc. (Cleared of all charges from what I understand)
- campaigned with David Orchard against the merging of the PC's and the Alliance parties.
- launched a failed lawsuit to prevent that same merger and retain the PC party.
It would appear that our new friend Sinclair has a serious "hate" on for Steven Harper as well and here's how he screwed up:
Sinclair's hate for Harper drove him to set up the anti-Harper / anti-Bloc website called Bloc-Harper. The single objective of this site is to smear Harper and the CPC using the common ground found between the Bloc and the CPC. It's a "free country" and he's allowed to do that.
The problem is that when he set up his site, Sinclair used the Royal Commonwealth Society of Toronto to register the domain name. By doing so, he placed a registered society in jeopardy of loosing it's "tax exempt" status because said societies and foundations are required to maintain political neutrality.
Further, Sinclair also inadvertently tied Canada's Governor General, Adrian Clarkson, to a politically partisan website through her association to the Royal Commonwealth Society. The GG has to be seen to be completely neutral in political issues. Putting her in this position is a big No-No on the part of Sinclair.
Since the story came out this am, Sinclair has transferred ownership of the registration to an outfit called "Freedom International". Kate from SDA has a screen capture of the original registration.
Freedom International is sponsoring the website, which appears to be a complete contradiction of the organization’s policies. Here is what Freedom International says about itself in a downloadable brochure:
FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL seeks to challenge infringements of human freedom, wherever they may occur and under whatever pretext.
FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL is a concerned body of people who believe that all individuals should have the right to live in a state of freedom within just law.
FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL is an activist organization, which champions the cause of freedom throughout the world. It conducts research into the state of individual freedom everywhere and reports its findings. It promotes the merits of the private enterprise system in the developing world through economic self-help programs and trade links, in the belief that trade is a more effective stimulus of development than aid. It upholds the value of democracy as an alternative system to those of the extreme left and the extreme right. These activities will reach out into every field of human endeavor, They will embrace nutrition, education, ecology, agriculture, fishing, reforestation, energy, and medicine.
We have defined more clearly the abstract concept of freedom. We believe that it comprises three fundamental elements which combine to give reality to that freedom most basic to the democratic system: individual freedom.
The Right to Dissent
Civil freedom guarantees the rights of an individual within the state. The existence of organizations standing apart from the government, an independent judiciary, open public discussion, no political imprisonment and a free press-these are the means by which citizens may constructively criticize political, social and economic systems. Without this right to dissent, civil freedom does not exist in any real sense.
The Right to Choose
Political freedom provides that members of a society have the opportunity to elect freely and at regular intervals the government of their choice. In a democracy governments are accountable for their actions. A truly free nation has the inalienable right to institute change in its leadership when it fails to provide good government. Citizens must be able to approach their government at any time to promote the policies they favor or the beliefs they hold. The principles of free elections, accountability and accessibility are the cornerstones of political freedom.
The Right to Property
Economic freedom must be decisively upheld in today's society, for it is the key to individual freedom. Economic freedom allows the freedom of the marketplace to all members of society. The right to property means that an individual has the right to earn, use and dispose of it as he sees fit. When state ownership replaces private ownership. the free market system is lost to all sectors of the economy alike. The insidious erosion of economic freedom heralds a threat to civil and political rights as well. A political system that would deny the right to property will not hesitate to extend its control over the individual to include civil and political rights That is why the protection of economic freedom is paramount in preserving individual freedom.
The Freedom Weapon
The desire to be free continues to stir the heart of man. Freedom is a concept that is valued not only in democratic nations. Unleashed. it is a powerful weapon, able to overcome tyranny and repression in all their forms. Our members recognize the responsibility which is theirs as they use this weapon to challenge those doctrines of our age which would imperil democracy or diminish the stature of the individual person. FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL stands ready to defend the freedom we already possess and to work to extend that freedom to all individuals throughout all nations.
Wow, those sound like conservative values. Hence the contradiction. How can an organization with these values condone or support a website targeting individuals that share those same primary values? Easy! They're MOONBATS in disguise!
A little search on the web found a branch of Freedom International in Australia stating the following as their mandate:
Resisting the legal enforcement of morality in:
- Censorship....
- Public Nudity....
- Same Sex Marriage....
- Beat Sex....
- Sexual Practices....
Well isin't that special!
There's also a group out there called "Friends of Freedom International". I don't know if they're connected to Sinclair's outfit or not but they've got some batty policies as well.
I have a theory. I think the old PC party was just as corrupt and left leaning as the Liberal Party. I think that folks like Sinclair, Stronich, Orchard et al are the last vestages of that dead party. The CPC and Bloc represent something dangerous to those individuals and it's going to get worse before it gets better.