
The Unions Have Too Much Power?

Well... If they can't deliver the mail, how will I ever get my "Tax Over-Due" notices?

From the Ottawa Citizen:

"...Ms. Charbonneau is being threatened with having mail delivery to her Orleans home cancelled because, according to Canada Post, her steps are too dangerous for a postal carrier to negotiate -- never mind that her elderly mother-in-law has no problems making the climb..."

"...Because employee safety is very important, we have to ensure access to mailboxes poses no hazard to our delivery staff and an extra four inches is too much," said corporation spokeswoman Martine Lepine. The step must be reduced to a rise of 20 centimetres, or the mailbox moved to permit mail to be delivered without using the step, she said..."

I'm an occupational health and safety specialist myself and it pains me to see crap like this put forward in the name of "employee safety". I guess every profession has moonbats.



Well now, I've always been under the impression that those within the gay community were more tolerant than the rest of us because a) they constantly preach tolerance and b) they've been victims of intolerance.

Well here's post from a gay individual:

"What, Me Fundie?
the CPC is, like, totally necking with the Religious Reich now. I don't know what to think about this. I have trouble believing that anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-sex education, anti-abortion bigots like Focus on the Family could possibly have the success in moderate, socialist Canada that they have had in America. But still. This is a scary trend. If they have the pull to get nominations, they have the pull to get votes. Gear up to see fag-bashing become just as tolerated in Canadian political discourse as it is in America! Or not. Let's hope.

An, in lieu of hoping, you could always organize a protest every time one of these bastards opens his mouth.

It seriously pisses me off, the way these people continually accuse us of persecution. And then turn around and tell the world that I am an abomination on the face of God, that I have no right to marry whomever I please, and btw, women in the workplace are an abomination unto god, the baby-murdering bitches. I am also really pissed off by the phrase 'pro-family'. It should be 'pro-bigotry'. Because these people, they just live the families, yknow. Except for single parent families, families with working mothers, families with two dads or two moms, families which would rather plan themselves than live on social security, non-Xian families, Xian families which don't want to embrage their fag-hating, woman-hating fundamentalist line, and, yknow, basically, families. That's right: Pro-Family Advocates Hate Families. Plus half of them are secretly gay and the other half rape their wives in the ass.
posted by
Violet Nightshade @ 12:29 0 comments"

Wow... So many questions... Why can these individuals call each other fags where if we do it we're "gay bashing"? Does any of what this individual said sound like hate speech? Does this guy seem a little heterophobic? Could this individual be projecting with that whole "rape their wives in the ass." thing? I wonder what would happen if something like this was forwarded to the Sask. Human Rights Tribunal with a formal complaint... hmmmm

I prefer to mock the moonbats whereas SDA, Mike, Len, Adam and Angry address the larger issue of intolerance by those claiming to be tolerant and unbiased...

Memorial Day Tribute



More Crap From The American Psychiatric Association

It seems that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is taking the position that SSM should be legalized...

From PlanetOut
"The American Psychological Association (APA), the largest association of psychologists in the United States, said it will take a leadership role to help repeal laws that make marriage for gay couples illegal.
The group said the fact that gay couples can't marry could psychologically harm the couples and their relationships."

It should be noted that this comes from an organization that not long ago supported and published a study saying that SEXUAL ABUSE WAS REALLY NOT HARMFUL TO CHILDREN. This work, known as the Rind Report, is being used as justification "FOR" pedophilia even though it has not passed an independant, mandatory 3rd party peer review. In fact, It has been completely debunked by that same independent 3rd party. It was shown through said peer review that the "politics" of the authors of the Rind Report completely skewed the results... The APA is still supporting (ish) the results of the initial report

Now the question I have is this: If the APA could screw-up so completely with the Rind Report, what are the odds that they're screwing up by pushing SSM? Would blindly trusting the opinion of the APA not be like blindly trusting the opinion of the CBC?

Here are some interesting links I came across while looking into this story.


From The Mail Bag

"I flipped an e-mail to Kate at SDA thanking her for the blog, you are next. In Cali we have heard nothing on the travesty that it unfolding in Canada Richard, even my mom in WA has heard nothing and she is Canadian. With you, Kate and Neale among others I can now safely say I am appalled at the goings on up there. And I thought the Dems here were monkeys, but they could learn from the Libs. Mr. Ricahard I thank you for your blog and the service you provide You are a Great Canadian don't give up. Thanx Craig"

Thank You Craig, It's nice to know that we've got some support from south of the border.

Yesterday's SSM Post...

was moved from this page because it was screwing with my code...
It can be found here

Provincial Assembly Starts Today

Provincial Assembly
May 27 & 28, 2005
The Blackfoot Inn
5940 Blackfoot Trail SE
Calgary, Alberta

1 - 5 pm - Constitutional Workshop (Heritage Room)
7 - 11 pm - Opening Reception (Heritage Room)
- Hors D’oeuvres / Cash Bar
- Paul Hinman M.L.A. Speaker

9 - 11 am - Constitutional Workshop (Ballroom)
11 - 12 pm - Policy Workshop (Ballroom)
12 - 1 pm - Lunch (Heritage Room)
1 - 3 pm - Policy Workshop (Ballroom)
3 - 5 pm - Election of Table Officials (Ballroom)
5 - 6 pm - Closing Remarks (Ballroom)

Toll Free: 866 - 968 - 7864
Local Tel: (403) 358 - 3130

From The Headlines

Privileged "Whities" not being stopped enough by police!

This report tells us that aboriginals and blacks are stopped by police more than whites. Ok, fair enough... What it doesn't tell us is WHY these individuals are being stopped. Is it possible that these individuals are doing more to get themselves stopped? The report goes on to put ratial profiling in a negative lite through various links on the page. Here's a hint to those who think ratial profiling is wrong: We're not going to detain an 80 year old polish grandmother when you're looking for a 18 year old native male that just knocked over a liquor store! Get it?

At least 3 people in Ontario have balls - Sort Of!

3 people protested Belinda Benedict-Arnold at her first public appearance since she turned to the dark side. Cool! They wore costume masks and wouldn't show their faces though. Not so cool! This was actually a well balanced article and worth a read...


From the Headlines:

Voters in Poll Too Stupid to Realise That There Is No Hidden Agenda!

I guess the Liberal spin is working...

Toronto Star under Spotlight For Blatent Liberal Bias

Wow, someone finally noticed...

Cyber-Pope = Cyber-Moonbat in Disguise

In an earlier post I wrote the following in regards to a recent protest against SSM:

"Well, isn't that special! A protest consisting of thousands of people gets covered by only 2 major media outlets whereas a SNC anti-war protest earlier this month containing literally dozens of activists, gets coverage with every major news outlet. Welcome to Cannuckistan!"

A friendly fella named "Cyber-Pope" stopped in and left this comment:

"Perhaps the other protests got more coverage because because they were worthy causes, rather than a bunch of religious busy-bodies with too much time on their hands. I think there's only one reason you lot take such a big interest in what gay people do in the privacy of their own homes. It's all explained at the link below:http://www.selfhelpmagazine.com/ ...glbtphobia.html
Cyber-Pope Homepage 05.25.05 - 6:15 am # "

Lets have a look at moonbat logic:

To the moonbats, a small (dozens of people) action against a company based on the fact that it legally manufactures and supplies bullets to the US military is WAY more important than a large (thousands of people) action to prevent the passing of SSM legislation right here at home.
Note to moonbats: No one gives a shit about your bullets whereas over 50% of the population wants SSM legislation done away with.

To the moonbats, anyone who speaks out against SSM legislation is a religious busy-body with too much time on their hands.

To the moonbats, anyone who speaks out against homosexuality is a homophobe and judging by the link provided, is actually a closet queer.
Note to moonbats: It's generally only those on the left that project their own inadequacies onto others. The "I think he doth protest too much" line does not work when it comes to differing opinions.

To the moonbats, it's completely acceptable to refer to yourself as a pontiff and spread anti-church venom.
Note to moonbats: I'm not religious but I think it's probably not too pretty good to go around calling yourself a Pope. You loose credibility. Credibility is further lost when you use www.cyber-pope.net as your homepage when it in fact is not a registered domain.


Welcome to socialist utopia of Cannuckistan!

Please leave your weapons, wallets and dissenting opinions with the customs agents. Anyone caught having developed their own opinion while in Cannuckistan will be sent for immediate re-training. All subjects must gain their "informed" new opinions through the state sponsored/controlled media outlets.

The Liberal government is the ruling party in Cannuckistan and any efforts to unseat them will be dealt with harshly. Or ignored, whichever is most advantageous to the state. To thrive in this country you must become numb to and in fact, embrace, corruption. Honest people are allowed to contribute to the socialist state financially but they are not permitted to hold positions of authority. Any violation of this rule will be met with immediate re-training. Or expulsion, whichever is more advantageous to the state.

All persons in Cannuckistan must work and contribute a major portion of their wage to the state through taxes. Mothers are not allowed to stay home to raise their young because it; a)reduces the monies transferred to the state and, b)provides an inappropriately nurturing environment for the offspring. The only exemption to the "work" rule is for students who study in between bouts of complaining about having to repay state-funded student loans.

The young are to be called fetus's pre-birth and offspring, post-birth. A fetus may be eliminated at any time and offspring may be sexually violated with little or no repercussion, but, anyone caught smoking within the vicinity of offspring will be shot on site. Or fined, whichever is more advantageous to the state.

All subjects to the west of Ontario must face east each morning and shout "Thank The Great Ones!" at the top of their voices. All subjects to the east of Quebec must face west each morning and shout "All Hail The Great Ones!" at the top of their voices. Anyone found in violation of this rule will be branded as a redneck

"Thank The Great Ones"!

A Neat Quiz

What military aircraft are you?

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Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.


Thousands Attend Protest

It's nice to see that those of us on the right are starting to gain a voice...

Peter Kuitenbrouwer
National Post
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

TORONTO - Christians, Muslims and Jews shared a stage at Queen's Park yesterday as thousands rallied to support defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
They came to downtown Toronto, not far from the city's gay village, to fight the Liberals' Bill C-38, which would legalize same-sex marriage across the country.

Speaker after speaker vowed to stop the legislation or, if it passes, to target MPs to ensure the next federal government is "pro-marriage."

"There is no such thing as a right to same-sex marriage," said Maurice Vellacott, the Tory MP for Saskatoon-Wanukewin. He compared gays pushing for the right to marry with someone playing a game on ice without a hockey stick and demanding it be called hockey.

Wow, didn't see the story on CBC NewsWorld. The story IS on CTV's NewsNet but it's somewhere below a story about "Red Delicious Apples". Didn't see it on Globel. Nothing to be found on the Globe and Mail website. Lets see what the Toronto Star has to offer: Nope, nothing there either...

Well, isin't that special! A protest consisting of thousands of people gets covered by only 2 major media outlets whereas a SNC anti-war protest earlier this month containing literally dozens of activists, gets coverage with every major news outlet. Welcome to Cannuckistan!

Sinclair Stevens Screws-Up "Royaly"

Animosity on the part of the "Old Guard" PC Tories toward the new CPC blatantly shows itself this week via one Sinclair Stevens.

Here's a little bit on Stevens:

  • former MP under the Mulrooney Conservatives has had business dealings with Magna International Inc. (Belinda Stronich's company)
  • has gone through extensive court dealings in regards to a conflict of interest with Magna International Inc. (Cleared of all charges from what I understand)
  • campaigned with David Orchard against the merging of the PC's and the Alliance parties.
  • launched a failed lawsuit to prevent that same merger and retain the PC party.

It would appear that our new friend Sinclair has a serious "hate" on for Steven Harper as well and here's how he screwed up:

Sinclair's hate for Harper drove him to set up the anti-Harper / anti-Bloc website called Bloc-Harper. The single objective of this site is to smear Harper and the CPC using the common ground found between the Bloc and the CPC. It's a "free country" and he's allowed to do that.
The problem is that when he set up his site, Sinclair used the Royal Commonwealth Society of Toronto to register the domain name. By doing so, he placed a registered society in jeopardy of loosing it's "tax exempt" status because said societies and foundations are required to maintain political neutrality.

Further, Sinclair also inadvertently tied Canada's Governor General, Adrian Clarkson, to a politically partisan website through her association to the Royal Commonwealth Society. The GG has to be seen to be completely neutral in political issues. Putting her in this position is a big No-No on the part of Sinclair.

Since the story came out this am, Sinclair has transferred ownership of the registration to an outfit called "Freedom International". Kate from SDA has a screen capture of the original registration.

Freedom International is sponsoring the website, which appears to be a complete contradiction of the organization’s policies. Here is what Freedom International says about itself in a downloadable brochure:

FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL seeks to challenge infringements of human freedom, wherever they may occur and under whatever pretext.
FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL is a concerned body of people who believe that all individuals should have the right to live in a state of freedom within just law.
FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL is an activist organization, which champions the cause of freedom throughout the world. It conducts research into the state of individual freedom everywhere and reports its findings. It promotes the merits of the private enterprise system in the developing world through economic self-help programs and trade links, in the belief that trade is a more effective stimulus of development than aid. It upholds the value of democracy as an alternative system to those of the extreme left and the extreme right. These activities will reach out into every field of human endeavor, They will embrace nutrition, education, ecology, agriculture, fishing, reforestation, energy, and medicine.

We have defined more clearly the abstract concept of freedom. We believe that it comprises three fundamental elements which combine to give reality to that freedom most basic to the democratic system: individual freedom.

The Right to Dissent
Civil freedom guarantees the rights of an individual within the state. The existence of organizations standing apart from the government, an independent judiciary, open public discussion, no political imprisonment and a free press-these are the means by which citizens may constructively criticize political, social and economic systems. Without this right to dissent, civil freedom does not exist in any real sense.

The Right to Choose
Political freedom provides that members of a society have the opportunity to elect freely and at regular intervals the government of their choice. In a democracy governments are accountable for their actions. A truly free nation has the inalienable right to institute change in its leadership when it fails to provide good government. Citizens must be able to approach their government at any time to promote the policies they favor or the beliefs they hold. The principles of free elections, accountability and accessibility are the cornerstones of political freedom.

The Right to Property
Economic freedom must be decisively upheld in today's society, for it is the key to individual freedom. Economic freedom allows the freedom of the marketplace to all members of society. The right to property means that an individual has the right to earn, use and dispose of it as he sees fit. When state ownership replaces private ownership. the free market system is lost to all sectors of the economy alike. The insidious erosion of economic freedom heralds a threat to civil and political rights as well. A political system that would deny the right to property will not hesitate to extend its control over the individual to include civil and political rights That is why the protection of economic freedom is paramount in preserving individual freedom.

The Freedom Weapon
The desire to be free continues to stir the heart of man. Freedom is a concept that is valued not only in democratic nations. Unleashed. it is a powerful weapon, able to overcome tyranny and repression in all their forms. Our members recognize the responsibility which is theirs as they use this weapon to challenge those doctrines of our age which would imperil democracy or diminish the stature of the individual person. FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL stands ready to defend the freedom we already possess and to work to extend that freedom to all individuals throughout all nations.

Wow, those sound like conservative values. Hence the contradiction. How can an organization with these values condone or support a website targeting individuals that share those same primary values? Easy! They're MOONBATS in disguise!

A little search on the web found a branch of Freedom International in Australia stating the following as their mandate:

Resisting the legal enforcement of morality in:

  • Censorship....
  • Public Nudity....
  • Same Sex Marriage....
  • Beat Sex....
  • Sexual Practices....

Well isin't that special!

There's also a group out there called "Friends of Freedom International". I don't know if they're connected to Sinclair's outfit or not but they've got some batty policies as well.

I have a theory. I think the old PC party was just as corrupt and left leaning as the Liberal Party. I think that folks like Sinclair, Stronich, Orchard et al are the last vestages of that dead party. The CPC and Bloc represent something dangerous to those individuals and it's going to get worse before it gets better.


Alberta Bloggs

A new group for all Alberta Bloggers. Look for updates to the listing on the right-hand side of this page.

Click HERE for information on getting your Blog listed as a member.

The Perfect Example of Lib-Left Mentality - Socialism at Work

Single mother of 3, divorced twice, complains about state provided housing and subsistance stating that it's inadequate for her to take care of herself, her three teenage daughters and their infants. Mother blames the "education system" for the pregnancies.

By Hugh Davies(Filed: 23/05/2005)

Three sisters have each had children while still at school, the youngest at the age of 12.

Jemma, Jade and Natasha Williams, who receive benefits totalling more than £31,000 a year, are raising their babies alone after they became pregnant within three months of each other.

The sisters, aged 12, 14 and 16 when they gave birth, live in Derby with their twice-divorced mother, who holds the education system responsible for their plight.

"I blame the schools - sex education for young girls should be better," said Julie Atkins, 38. "More and more kids are getting pregnant younger and younger and sex education needs to start a lot earlier...

...The family lives rent-free in a three-bedroom council house, which they claim is too cramped. Their mother claims benefit for Jade and Jemma, now 15, as well as for their children. However, she said that day-to-day life was a struggle.

"It's really difficult to survive on what we have," she said. "My average shopping bill is £90 a week, and then there's all that extra stuff like toys, nappies and medicine.

"The house is far too small. I have to share a bedroom with Natasha and Amani which is very cramped. Hopefully we may be able to get a bigger house, but who knows?"...

...Natasha (16) said her pregnancy, while unplanned, had pleased her. "I don't really want to be anything but a full-time mum," she said.

The father, 38, came to see the child "from time to time", but "he's Asian and still lives with his parents, so they don't know about me or Amani".

The article concludes,

Earlier this year, the Government's tax and benefit system was said to be responsible for making Britain the single-parent capital of the world.

The Centre for Policy Studies think-tank said married couples on average weekly salaries were only £1 better off than single mothers who never worked and had no contact with the father of their children.

I have no idea how to respond to this story right now because it's so completely loaded... When I think of something I'll add it to the comments section.

Hat Tip JB

From the Mail Bag...

I've finally got caught up on my e-mail. Here's a question that came up earlier in the week:

"This just happened. I just voted in the BC Provincial election. After I voted I asked how and were I could observe the counting this evening. The BC Elections official after grilling me about what party I belonged to, and finding out I was just another citizen that wanted to watch them count the votes (so I could feel that no shenanigans went on)I was told that he couldn't allow that to happen. Now I ask the question, is this democracy or just a show for the folks?"

I know that party reps can watch the counting but is the public in general allowed?


"Leaving The Left"

Hat Tip Powerline

There is a growing chorus of individuals speaking out against the left from the very unique position of having been fully immersed within that culture. Today another voice has been added. Kenneth Thompson writes to powerline:

"I thought you might enjoy my essay from Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle. It's called "Leaving the Left" and it describes my realization (as a liberal) that what the American cultural left has become is deeply at odds with the core principles of true liberalism: freedom of expression, equal opportunity, and a willingness to fight to protect our way of life."

And some quotes from the essay:

"...I'm leaving the left -- more precisely, the American cultural left and what it has become during our time together.

I choose this day for my departure because I can no longer abide the simpering voices of self-styled progressives -- people who once championed solidarity with oppressed populations everywhere -- reciting all the ways Iraq's democratic experiment might yet implode.

My estrangement hasn't happened overnight. Out of the corner of my eye I watched what was coming for more than three decades, yet refused to truly see. Now it's all too obvious. Leading voices in America's "peace" movement are actually cheering against self-determination for a long-suffering Third World country because they hate George W. Bush more than they love freedom..."

"...All of which is why I have come to believe, and gladly join with others who have discovered for themselves, that the single most important thing a genuinely liberal person can do now is walk away from the house the left has built..."

What does one say to a leftie who's discovered that the modern left is wrong? CHEERS!


This Is Interesting

I wandered over to JeffBlogWorthy.com looking for some good humor and found some:
"You might be a leftneck if......you expect us to believe that a smart, corrupt leader is better than an ordinary, honest one."

What I also found was this great link to a citizens activist website called Perverted-Justice.com. It's a group of concerned citizens that go onto web chat sites pretending to be children. They do this in order to lure out the pedophiles who lurk in those sites. Once they've got one they nail his ass to the wall... They've made it possible for numerous convictions so far.

Pedophiles are sexual deviants that prey on children. They are one of the next groups to attempt to get their lifestyle legitimized once the SSM thing passes. Did you know that the vast majority of pedophiles are gay? Don't know if it's relevant but I threw it in anyway. Maybe because a "sexual deviance is a sexual deviance".

I have a 10 year old daughter and an 8 year old son... thinking of getting something like this going up here to help keep our own streets safe...

Any thoughts?

Oh, just in case you're a fruitloop wishing to protest my association between gays and pedophiles, don't. I've got statistical back-up. ie:

"Study after nationwide study (3) has yielded estimates of male homosexuality that range between 1% and 3%. The proportion of lesbians in these studies is almost always lower, usually about half that of gays. So, overall, perhaps 2% of adults regularly indulge in homosexuality. Yet they account for between 20% to 40% of all molestations of children.

Child molestation is not to be taken lightly. Officials at a facility which serves about 1,500 runaway youngsters each year estimate that about half of the boys have been homosexually abused and 90% of the girls heterosexually assaulted. (27) Investigation of those suffering severe chronic mental illness implicates child molestation as a primary cause (45% of Bigras et al’s (28) patients were homosexually abused).

If 2% of the population is responsible for 20% to 40% of something as socially and personally troubling as child molestation, something must be desperately wrong with that 2%. Not every homosexual is a child molester. But enough gays do molest children so that the risk of a homosexual molesting a child is 10 to 20 times greater than that of a heterosexual..."


"...The gay movement is forthright about seeking to legitimize child-adult homosexual sex. In 1987, The Journal of Homosexuality – the scholarly organ of the gay rights movement – published "Pedophilia and the Gay Movement." (29) Author Theo Sandfort detailed homosexual efforts to end "oppression towards pedophilia." In 1980 the largest Dutch gay organization (the COC) "adopted the position that the liberation of pedophilia must be viewed as a gay issue... [and that] ages of consent should therefore be abolished... by acknowledging the affinity between homosexuality and pedophilia, the COC has quite possibly made it easier for homosexual adults to become more sensitive to erotic desires of younger members of their sex, thereby broadening gay identity."


Where Does One Go From Here?

My favorite moonbat agitator stopped by and left a comment:

I see you are back to your paper thin commitment to Canada again Richard. You are hardly inspiring. Anything for power right Richard, anything to get your own way and just f**k everyone else. Is Harper like this too? Is the rest of the CPC like this as well? Lead by example, and the example you set here is extremely poor (and that is being kind).
Zorpheous Homepage 05.20.05 - 8:12 am #

In a manner of speaking zorph is correct. I do have a paper thin commitment. That paper thin commitment is to his version of "Canada" though and not my own.

I refuse to support socialism. I refuse to endorse a regime that has taken away our property rights and the ability to speak freely. I will not condone an environment where the "nanny state" rules all. I do not appreciate having the government take the responsibility of raising children away from parents through excessive taxation. It pains me to see social policy dictated to the population by unelected representatives.

That is Zorph's Canada. Those of us who have woken up call Zorph's country "Cannuckistan" or "Bananada". Zorph doesn't understand that though. Zorph is one of the brain-washed sheep-people. Zorph is a model citizen of his "Canada". He is a proud"Cannuckistanian".

Zorph doesn't understand that what we're doing is not about power but about justice and freedom. Zorph and his kind would say that the American Revolution and Civil War were about power too. Zorph and his kind lack ideals and therefore can't recognize ideals when placed before them.

Zorph left his comment in regards to a previous post where I listed some options in regards to the future. Zorph, obviously emboldened by yesterday's continuation of the status quo, didn't take the time to fully understand the post. Either that or he's not bright enough... For Zorph and the other "Cannuckistanians" a clarification follows:

We have tried to institute change from within the federal system. Political corruption coupled with media bias coupled with a centralized population of "Cannuckistanians" has seen to it that change will not take place, in my opinion. We will keep fighting though. Now, failing that change at the federal level I see three options:

  • Institute the "FireWall" - Insulate the province of Alberta from the foolishness of the east. Choke off the supply of cash that feeds the insanity. Make the rest of the country understand that they need us more than we need them while maintaining a place within federation. This is what I personally would like to see happen first.
  • separation - Become the independent country of Alberta. Alberta is probably the only province in the current federation that could do it and succeed. That is option 2.
  • Move to the US - This is the last option and I use the following analogy as justification: You have a friend who's gotten into drugs and crime. The friend will not change even though you've begged and pleaded. You know that your association has already had an adverse effect on you personally and you know that continuing to associate with this friend puts you in further jeopardy. So what do you do? Do you continue to associate with this individual and put your family and career at risk or do you sever all ties? If you're a citizen of Cannuckistan (Zorph) you continue with the association. Realistically, is immigration to the US by a Cannuckistan national any different than immigration by a North Korean national? Both are leaving despotic nations are they not? The only difference I see is that Cannuckistan has better packaging.
I'm committed to the ideals of freedom and justice. I believe that the family is the cornerstone of society. I believe in responsibility and accountability in government. Those things are hard to find in Zorph's "Canada".

Paper thin commitment to your "Canada" Zorph? Absolutely. Your "Canada" sucks!

Are we setting an example? Absolutely. We're standing up to the ignorant assholes who wish to maintain the status quo inching us, ever further, toward assured destruction. And we'll keep standing up. That is what inspires people. Zorph will never see it as anything other than hostile though, because he's one if the induhviduals that is being stood up to.



Truth is not determined by majority vote. ~Doug Gwyn

For Future Reference

Separation Party of Alberta

The Alberta Alliance Party

US Consulate General Calgary
615 Macleod Trail, S.E. Suite 1000
Calgary, Alberta T2G 4T8
Phone (403) 266-8962 (403) 264-6630 fax

Corinne (my wife) has been telling me for quite a while now that I should be supporting separation as opposed to my current adventures... After Today's vote, after today's affirmation of corruption and socialism, I'm seriously starting to doubt that there's any alternative...

The Alberta Alliance - a party that supports the proverbial "firewalled approach" is having their Provincial Assembly on May 27th and 28th... I will be on hand to hear what they have to say...

If the seperation Party of AB would get their shit together and hold some meetings I'd hear them out as well...

A Simple Quote

Mankind will never see an end of trouble until... lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power... become lovers of wisdom. ~Plato, The Republic

No posts until after this afternoon's votes in the Commons


Martin Math = Shallow Math

Yesterday, PM PM tried his damdest to convince us that Benedict Belinda's defection would be worth only one vote in the house of commons. Though he may look correct on the surface, it was actually worth two votes. Consider this (all things being equal):

Al Capone has 152 cappos working for him.
Elliot Ness has 152 Gang Busters working for him.

They are equal in forces right?

Now, one of the Gang Busters defects and becomes a cappo...

Al Capone now has 153 cappos working for him (152+1=153).
Elliot Ness now has 151 Gang Busters working for him(152-1=151).

153 - 151 = 2,

Ness is now 2 Gang Busters short if he want's equal forces.

The same thing happened with the house of commons yesterday. The crooks made a "2 vote grab" which makes them dead even with the good guys...

PM PM stated repeatedly that he could count, and that's why the press gallery was laughing at him yesterday when he said that it (the defection) wouldn't make a difference in the upcomming vote. In a way it's true I guess, Martin CAN count. He's counting on the folks in Ontario to be unable to count for themselves. Hopefully they're not that shallow...


If Politicians Were Doctors

Moved this post up because it humors me...

For the purpose of this post, the Canadian electorate east of SK will be referred to as "The Hockey Player." Now, the hockey player dislocates his shoulder and, in great pain, goes to the doctor. Lets look at what would happen if his doctor were some of our prominent politicians:

If Steven Harper was the physician he would tell the hockey player that it was going hurt a lot more for a few seconds as he re-set the shoulder but the pain would stop almost immediately afterwards. "POP"! It's done. Hockey player is given a prescription for Tylenol 3, a sling for his arm and instructions to go easy for a couple of weeks. Hockey player's private health plan covers the cost of the prescription. Shoulder heals and player is allowed to play again at full capacity.

If Paul Martin were the physician he would state that he was glad the hockey player didn't go to the conservative doctor because "he's scary with all of those modern techniques". Dr. Paul would do nothing about the injury itself although he would prescribe large doses of daily morphine. The Morphine Company just happens to be a good friend of Dr. Paul. The Morphine Company gives Dr. Paul lots of nice things. The cost of the morphine is picked up by the hockey player in the form of a "Dr. Paul Tax". When Dr. Harper (see above) is outraged at the treatment offered by Dr. Paul the hockey player in his drugged up state says: "Hey man, don't be so angry, this is great!" (Note that Dr. Paul is "upping" the dosage in the background.) Hockey Player is instructed by Dr. Paul that he should keep playing even if he's only partially effective. Shoulder does not heal but the drugs are good!

If Smirkin' Jack Layton was the physician he would take the same action as Dr. Paul with the exception that Dr. "Smirkin' Jack" would refuse treatment unless the hockey player paid a breathing tax, a "walking-in" tax, a tax that funds equality for gay hockey players in addition to the "Smirkin' Jack" Tax. Dr. "Smirkin' Jack would also require that the injured hockey player join the "National Union of Rejected Transgender Candidates, Students Upset Because They Have To Repay Their Loans, Drugged Up Injured Hockey Players and Those who think "Princess Monkey" has an Informed Opinion (Otherwise known as the "Blogging Dippers"). Shoulder does not heal, the drugs are good and the only entertainment the hockey player can afford is going out to the street corner where he listens to "Princess Monkey" extol the virtues of socialism.

If Jim Harris (Green Party leader) was the physician, he would explain that the players injury is making him less than effective that and de-population of less than effective people was the policy. Mark from Section 15 loads the syringe while his pet Zorpheaous digs an environmentally friendly grave. Injured hockey player is summarily de-populated.

If the physician were either of the "Conservative" MP's from Newfoundland, they would talk to the hockey player like they were Dr. Harper and try to hide the fact that they have a morphine-filled syringe behind their backs.

I'm Biting My Tongue

In my first week of posting I commented on Belinda Stronich in the following article:

The Conservative Convention
Houston, we have a problem. Specifically, we have a problem with Belinda Stronich. Now I understand that it has always been the conservative position that MP's would be able to speak their minds and take positions contrary to party policy. My problem is having Ms Stronich stating that we need to embrace the idea of gay marriage in order to reach out to different domographics. Is it really appropriate to ask people to go against their morals solely for the purpose of winning an election? Is it just me or do the new conservatives seem to be morphing into a new division of the liberal party?

My second article on Belinda read as follows:

Belinda "Suckered" Twice?
The first time I wrote about Belinda Stronich was when she announced that she would be supporting SSM. She aparently took the moonbats at their word when they said there was a big demand for it.

This time she's been pulled in by the Libs spending spree. She wants all of the goodies PM[squared] has promised.
"They are disheartened at the corrupt Liberal government. They want to make a change," she said in response to questions. "But they're worried that some of the key programs promised that have been promised by this Liberal government will be compromised. That's the dilemma."
You're just going to have to pick one Belinda. When you choose, remember that all of those things can be given after a Tory win. In fact, I think they won't be given without a Tory win.

Oh, I also speculated here that PM PM had something up his sleeve seeing that he was trying so hard to stall the vote until this Thursday.

Well, aparently Belinda has made a choice and we can see what the libs had cooked up. She's defected to the Liberals. I wonder what her constituents think about it. Do they even care? What does this do for the confidance vote?

Kate over at SDA has more...



For A Little Dose Of Reality

Loonie Looses Traction

An interesting article by the CBC that got me asking some questions which follow below:

Dollar continues slideLast Updated Mon, 16 May 2005 13:02:43 EDT
CBC News
OTTAWA - The dollar's steady slide of the past several weeks continued Monday, as the loonie traded below the 79-cent US level.

The dollar fell almost a third of a cent (0.32 cents) to 78.71 cents US in afternoon trading.
That's the lowest level for the loonie in more than seven months. In just the past month, the Canadian dollar has tumbled by more than 4.5 cents against the U.S. dollar.

The currency has been weakening amid the prospect of an imminent end to the year-old minority government of Paul Martin. A vote on the federal budget is slated for Thursday. If the government loses, the country would face another election in June.

The loonie has also been hit by sliding commodity prices (oil, for example, dropped to a near three-month low of $48.25 US a barrel), and weaker-than-expected Canadian economic data suggest that Canadian interest rates won't be hiked for some time.

In the U.S., better-than-expected deficit figures, retail sales data and employment figures have also helped to give the U.S. dollar new strength.

Since the start of the year, the U.S. dollar has gained more than 7 per cent against the euro.

Now my questions:
  • Is it an election that's triggering the slide as the CBC asserts or has it been a gradual decrease over the past year topped off by PM squared's recent spending spree? He did start spending like a mad man within the past month after all.
  • When did the euro become the monetary standard by which all other currencies are judged?
  • Is the CBC somehow asserting that the Canadian economy also hinges on oil prices? Are they somehow saying that Alberta now has some relevance?
I'm not real big on monetary policy so comments would be appreciated...

This Just In:

Former CBC reporter cum Toronto Star Reporter Antonia Zerbisias, claims there is no left leaning bias in the media!

Holy Crap! I guess when you spend 30 years in the left-wing bubble you tend to forget where the "center" is.

The Wacky Socialist French Are At It Again

From the AP via CNews:

PARIS (AP) - Postal employees, bus drivers, school teachers and a spectrum of other workers across France stayed off the job Monday to protest the government's decision to scrap an annual holiday.

Under a new law, workers give up a holiday, while their employers pay into a government fund to improve health care for the aged and handicapped. But for the leisure-loving French, the end to a coveted springtime holiday has not gone down well. Transportation in up to 90 cities and towns across France was disrupted.

Did you know that the average work week in France is only 4 days long?

At first, it seemed like a good idea to close ranks with the growing numbers of elderly in France. But with the approach of the now-former holiday, public disgruntlement has swelled.

"On Monday, the government is going to feel the backlash from a totally unilateral measure made against the advice of unions and seen by workers as unjust, ineffective and hypocritical," said Maryse Dumas, the No. 2 official at the Communist-backed CGT union.

What? Communists back the unions? Wow, that sounds like something that was written about here (look at point #36).

Compounding the confusion is a private-sector exemption. Automaker Renault and the bank Societe Generale were giving their employees a day off, while retailer La Redoute was scrapping the holiday. Unions at Air France and France Telecom called on members to strike.

Taxi drivers' unions and a doctors' federation called on their members to apply holiday rates for service on Monday, which will add an extra pinch to clients' pocketbooks.

Doctors billing "Holiday Rates" to protest a measure that puts extra cash in the health care system? That's good humor in a twisted sort of way.

The government expects the extra work day to reap about $2.5 billion US a year in additional revenue for health care.

The health minister says even that is too little.
"The needs are considerable," Philippe Douste-Blazy told Radio-J. "It's really on the scale of closer to $7.5 billion" per year.

Unless we get our own moonbats under control, this is where we'll be headed.



Anybody know why my blogroll is going "wonky"?

I've Been Banned Again

First it was Gretchen over at the Green Lantern who didn't like to have her ideas challanged. She banned me from making comments on her site and, in fact, deleted any comments that I had already posted.

Today it's a "shy little puppy" over at The Amazing Wonderdog.

It seems that the shy little puppy didn't like a comment I left on one of his posts and determined that he would perform what appears to be one of his signature smackdowns.

I was curious and figured that I'd have a look at said smackdown. The little puppy referenced my posts in regards to "protesting the protesters" and called me a "bitter, angry little man."

I'm amused. I've noticed on several occasions now that some of the lefties keep mocking my protest protest. They can't seem to let it go. That's good. It shows that it's effective. Another point of note is his use of the word "angry". It fits perfectly with today's earlier post on how those on the left use the term "angry" in an effort to maintain control. The little puppy unwittingly added weight to my theory.

Back to the ban:
Clearly what the little puppy has done is show himself for what he really is. A little puppy with a little bark putting on a show of bravado from the security of being in the house looking out through the window. Willing to bark at the big dogs but completely afraid of letting them in...
Two points on that:

  • This dog's cage is always open and,
  • Lets hope the little puppy is housebroken

Update: 10:07 my time.

It would appear that the shy little puppy is still barking from the security of his cozy little home. What he has to say is extremely telling indeed:

Richard trolls blogs in an effort to provoke arguments, which he then copies and pastes over to his blog where he adds additional comments to mock whoever he sucks into playing his game. I do not intend to let him play that game here. The decision to ban him was made before he ever posted.

Yup, guilty as charged. I take a critical look at the arguments put forward by the left and then tear them apart. It's my mandate. Question: If the decision to ban me was made long before I ever posted a comment, does that mean that the little puppy has been watching me? Am I getting a reputation that is preceeding me? Are the left-wing bloggers getting scared?

People with opposing points of view are welcome to post here, and I blogroll some of those people. Stomaching people with opposing points of view is not a problem here.

I think he's trying to convince himself that he's tolerant and accepting with that statement.

As for the protesters, it's not their behaviour I'm discussing, but the behaviour of someone who appears to be only a half-step away from running around town wearing a sandwich board that proclaims the end is nigh. Neither does suggesting that his actions speak for themselves qualify as a childish taunt.Have a nice day. Please post hate-mail below, but do try to say something halfway intelligent, and avoid the obvious straw men and red herrings - remember, the thing speaks for itself.

It really does seem to disturb my new friend that I shut down a little protest. I was using the same tactic used by those very same protesters. Could it be that the protesters are also "only a half-step away from running around town with a sandwich board that proclaims the end is nigh"? By the puppies train of thought that would in fact be the case.

One thing the little puppy doesn't understand is that it is his own words and actions that allow him to be mocked. I don't need to goad him, making him to respond to me, to make him look like a fool. He does that all on his own.

Arff-Arff little puppy!

Left-Wing Mind Tricks

Had the BBQ, some beer and a good nites rest. Ready to finish yesterday's post.

A child in a school yard stands up to a bully after months or years of torment. The child is punished and sent for anger management training. Nothing happens to the bully because he's simply "misunderstood".

A store owner beats the crap out of a robber after having being robbed several times previously. The store owner is charged with assault and sent for anger management training. The crook gets a slap on the wrist.

The leader of the official opposition uses the force of numbers in parliament to bring down the corrupt government after said government has been shown to be completely screwing the population. Certain experts cited by the Globe and Mail claim that Harper is too angry and stop just short of demanding that he take anger management training.

The left has taken away our right to be angry and with it our ability to use force, political and physical, to defend our positions. It is one of, if not THE most, powerful forms of control they have over us.

What they've done is create an environment where we're "conditioned" at a young age to simply accept everything that happens to, and, around us. They've created a "powerlessness" of the masses.

The focus on teaching acceptance in the name of tolerance in our schools is a prime example of where it begins. The removal of discipline and structure within schools contribute. They show our children that there is no such things as accountability and responsibility.

In adulthood it translates to our lenient justice system, increased breakdown in marriage, the forced acceptance of same sex marriage and the gay lifestyle as well as a loss of parental accountability (forcing children into daycare so parents can meet the "tax needs" of the state). When debating these things with the moonbats one of their most common responses is: "That's just the way it is and you just have to accept it!"

A while back I did a piece regarding steps that were being taken by the socialists/communists in an effort to break down western democracy and capitalism. Those steps were documented well over 50 years ago by a man named W. Cleon Skousen in a book called the Naked Communist and were also submitted as evidence before a US Congressional Commimittee during the early stages of the cold war. Here are some of the points as they relate to this post:

  • 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  • 32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  • 38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
  • 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
  • 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  • 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
Our inability to show and act on anger clearly illustrates how these things have taken a firm hold on our society. If we slip and let our anger show, we're sent for retraining. Our society has become apathetic as a result.

The ruling liberals count on that attitude to stay in power. A quick look at comments made by individuals within the Ontario electorate confirm it. They're powerless sheep. The indoctrination by the left has been effective.

In case I havent been clear:

They don't want you to get angry because they loose their control over you!

So where do we go from here? We need to get angry.


Is Harper Too Angry?

I personally don't think that either Harper or the Canadian public is near angry enough.

From the Globe and Mail:

For the past few weeks, ever since Prime Minister Paul Martin appeared on television begging for a delayed election, and Mr. Harper immediately denounced it as a "sad spectacle," the Conservative Leader seems to have been simmering.

Experts say it is important for politicians to be able to show indignation at the appropriate times, but Mr. Harper risks alienating the public with his anger.

"If somebody only operates in one gear, which is the angry mode, it can be wearying," said Paul Nesbitt-Larking, who chairs the political science department at the University of Western Ontario in London. Canadians, he said, have shown their distaste for anger in their repeated rejection of political attack ads...

Does Harper not have a right to be angr....... Aw Screw it! I was going to wax politic about how the left has turned "anger" into a bad word and uses it to further their own means... I got too pissed off to type even thinking about it. I'll try again after a BBQ and some beer....


Blogs Political Advertisers?

If this is legit and if it applies on the federal scene, it's going go get interesting in the next month or so...

Blogs are advertising: Elections B.C.
Last updated May 12 2005 11:29 AM PDT
CBC News

"VANCOUVER – Elections B.C. is having a hard time keeping up with a boom of bloggers who are publishing partisan messages during the current election campaign.
They're supposed to register themselves as advertising sponsors if they post a partisan position on a candidate, party, or referendum question.
"Under the Election Act, it will fall within the definition of election advertising, and we would ask them to register," says Jennifer Miller, of Elections B.C."

I guess I'll be advertising for the ANTI-MOONBAT party. Where do I register?

Angry in The Great White North and Small Dead Animals have some great perspectives on the issue.

PM PM's Stall Tactics

Here's what the Calgary Herald thinks about the current "wriggling" being performed by Paul Martin and the Liberal Government:

"In an old-fashioned age, a man who hid behind a woman in a time of crisis would be thought of less than a man. In effect, one could accuse Prime Minister Paul Martin of doing just that as he seeks to delay a confidence vote until Thursday -- fully nine days after it was clear his party lost the confidence in spirit, if not the letter, of the House.
In this case, the woman Martin hides behind is the Queen. He wants a vote delayed, he says, because he must welcome Queen Elizabeth II to Regina on Wednesday and Thursday. As well, he doesn't want national business to interfere with British Columbia's provincial election on Tuesday.
Had the Martin government fallen this week, the fact that a provincial and federal election, would, for a few days, be in play in B.C. is hardly a reason for the prime minister to run away from parliamentary accountability. Presumably, British Columbians can walk and chew gum at the same time."

It should be noted that the Herald is Calgary's answer to the Toronto Star. It leans to the left a little. You'll notice that they point out the flaws in the PM's reasoning but fail to speculate on the real reason behind waiting.

Look at it clinically though, with no emotion involved. Look at the facts. It is a guarantee that one of the CPC members will be unable to vote on Thursday.

There are those who would say that "The Libs would never consider using the health of an individual for their own gain". And "That it would be morally reprehensable." Those individuals fail to see that the Libs have proven themselves to be far from moral. Those individuals themselves generally have a shifting morality.

Having said that, one has to ask the following: What, if anything, do the Libs have up their sleeve that will make that single vote relevent?

Kate over at SDA expands further...


From The Keyboards Of Moonbats...

Here are some interesting quotes I've come across lately:

"police could stand to be scaled back quite a bit, and maybe shift their focus to real criminals and not speeders or pot smokers. The day a cop goes after the real criminals, ie: the corporations and the government, is the day Ill kiss his feet. Show me a CEO being tasered and hauled away in chains by the police force and they have my support." - From Gretchen at the Green Lantern

I find it extremely interesting that Gretchen is extremely vocal "against" taser use on her website yet still advovates their use on heads of corporations. That's right, the people who build and maintain companies to employ people who pay taxes so Gretchen can live on welfare if she chooses are to be considered violent criminals in Gretchen's eyes.

"...They complain that parliament isn't working (all the libs fault of course) while it is they who are paralyzing it. I can't begin to know why SH has such a hardon for a vote today rather than next Thursday. Perhaps he has a long overdue appointment with his stylist. At any rate, now we have the PM announcing much needed Canadian help in the Darfur region. So while harper & co. have been scrambling to sabotage the government, we have the liberals scrambling to present an assistance package to refugees. Both acting out of desperation for sure, but interesting the contrast between where the two project their frustration. The liberals at their worst strike deals for childcare, cities, healthcare and global assistance. The cons at their worst (at least I hope this is their worst) pout, shut down parliament, and take the day off. Neat." - Princess Monkey (a student who's pissed that she has to pay back her student loan)

Thank You Princess Monkey. Now we know that you feel corruption should be allowed to proceed unabated.

"I am simply at a loss to comprehend anti-Gay marriage mania. I say this as someone who's been married twice, and whose first wife left him for another woman with whom she's now been happily encoupled for more than a decade (beating out the average "straight" marriage by quite a measure). Of all the stupid objections to same-sex marriage, the one I find the most annoying by far is the "argument" that same-sex marriage somehow undermines the "sanctity" of marriage..." - from the the "Continental Op" at the Red Harvest

Let me see if I've got this strait. The "Continental Op" turned his first wife gay, got divorced (not sure of the order) and now expects other people to listen to him talk about the sanctity of marriage? I'm sorry but if I'm going to get some info on what marriage means I'll be talking to my 80 year old grandparents.

Jack Layton: Dupe or Dope?

From CNEWS: [NDP Leader Jack Layton, who made a deal with Martin on the budget in return for NDP support, said he's willing to wait until May 19.

"Our goal has been to get a budget adopted that really addresses people's needs," Layton said, "and we see that as the most important work going on in the House right now and we'll do everything we can to try to bring that to fruition as soon as possible.

"The budget should be accepted because it's good for Canadians on an expedited basis. We're satisfied so far that that is happening."]

Let me see if I've got this strait. Jack layton knows that "HIS new budget" won't get passed, no matter when the vote is held.

He also knows that whatever budget goes before the house will still have the corporate tax cuts attached in some shape or form which completely goes against his "napkin" bargain with the Libs.

Jack has to know that propping up the Libs and putting on a "show" of trying to make the house work in the face of the dominate parties is akin to tinkling into the wind. He refuses to allow the public to have a say in sorting this mess out so that we (the public) can put a government in place that has a chance at being effective. He fails to see that the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can move on and really be effective, not just put on a "show" of being effective.

So the question is: Is Jack Layton a "Dupe" for believing in Martin or is he a "Dope" for not seeing what is clearly in front of him? Did he go from being a Dupe to being a Dope? Was it a lifestyle choice or was he born that way?


Anne McLellan

An open letter to Anne McLellan, Deputy PM:

Dear Anne;
You’re an embarrassment to Canadians. You’re a disgrace to Albertans. On behalf of both parties I would like to make a request. We all know that this will likely be your last few weeks as a Member of Parliament. Until the time comes that you are replaced I would respectfully request that you shut the hell up. Listening to your shrill invective day after day gives me a headache. Please Anne, shut the hell up.

Oh, in case I haven’t been clear, I’m asking that you, Anne McLellan, please shut the hell up.

Richard Evans

Liberal Arrogance

Shaken, Occasionally Stirred puts a great spin on what it means when the Liberals ignore the majority in parlament.

"The power dynamics of our Westminster system in Canada means that, unlike republican systems such as America's, we must rely - trust - that the elected portion of our government, the proxy of our individual powers, will follow certain conventions. These conventions are our only true political defense against despotism and totalitarianism. A government which steadfastly grasps power by ignoring these conventions telegraphs to the people a dark and frightening corner of its true nature - its core desire to plunge us into the abyss of totalitarian rule. Yes, I said totalitarian rule."


More Lib-Left Exposure

I've been trying really hard this past week to NOT pick on the folks over at the Blahg but they're making it too damn easy.

Lets pick it up where the Blahg moderator, Robert, states why he thinks the CPC can be considered racists...

So what. If I said I had a Pakistani wife and that we've adopted a jewish child, an aboriginal child and an oriental child, would that make it acceptable for me to call every black man I see a nigger?Besides, racial exploitation is not the same as racial diversity.
Robert McClelland Homepage 05.04.05 - 6:23 pm #

Robert, Mark, Zorph: I’ll make you a deal. If you can back this statement up, with actual facts, I’ll change over to the NDP and become it’s most vocal supporter."So what. If I said I had a Pakistani wife and that we’ve adopted a jewish child, an aboriginal child and an oriental child, would that make it acceptable for me to call every black man I see a nigger?"I want to see at least one documented instance where a CPC MP ever used the term "nigger" in reference to blacks. If you can’t do it I’d suggest that you drop the subject entirely.PS: I’ve heard that all NDP supporters are TBGLP militants. Is that true?
Richard Evans Homepage 05.07.05 - 5:04 pm #

Richard, I never made that claim, I believe it was Robert that made that statement. Now I could explain Roberts statement to you but if you need it explain than I don’t think you are capable of understanding. Now I will never pretend to speak for another individual (other than argueing the trands in polls, but that is another matter), so I will let Robert explain himself.Now Richard, why don’t you run along and protests those protesters.

Zorpheous Homepage 05.07.05 - 6:31 pm #

Already protested the protesters... They left in shame... score one for the good guys... As per your comments zorph, you sure used alot of words to basically state that you couldn’t defend the statement...

Richard Evans Homepage 05.07.05 - 7:17 pm #

Ok Richard I’ll dumb it down to your level.

1) Ask Robert to explain his remark.
2) Since it wasn’t my remark I am hardly the correct person to explain or defend it.Understand, or is it still to complex for your understand."They left in Shame" LOL, man Richard, how do you get your ego inside your Jeep? Is it a Hummer?
Zorpheous Homepage 05.07.05 - 9:11 pm #

Zorph: Mark, Robert and yourself seem to have a little 3-some thing going on. I figured that either of you could answer seeing that you play off of each other so well. It’s a jeep TJ, not a hummer. If it were a hummer I would have called it a hummer. Different companies manufacture each and they look alot different.

"They left in Shame" - Perhaps shame wasn’t the right word... rejection or maybe regret could have fit better. No... Their heads were hanging pretty low... I don’t know... How did you feel when I kicked your butt in debate zorph? Tell us so we can apply that same emotion to the little protesters...

Ahhh, now the ego... well, lets see... I went out into the real world and fought for something that I believe in and won. People like you may refer to those like me as being pretentious but it’s only because of your own lack of success... Perhaps you should consider therapy or maybe get out from behind the keyboard, quit following induhviduals like Mark and make your own way. You’ll notice that all I accomplish is dependent on me. I don’t need the validation of my peers as you seem to. I don’t have to feed off of others.Consider it as it’ll do you a world of good.
Richard Evans Homepage 05.07.05 - 10:51 pm #

"People like you may refer to those like me as being pretentious but it’s only because of your own lack of success... Perhaps you should consider therepy or maybe get out from behind the keyboard, quit following induhviduals like Mark and make your own way."Richard the number of assumption you just made about me are funny. Some people might say you are projecting, LOL, but I just think you are reacting without think as ussual."I don’t need the validation of my peers as you seem to. I don’t have to feed off of others."Go read your own blog Richard and then look in the mirror. LOL

Zorpheous Homepage 05.08.05 - 5:22 pm #

Projecting would entail that I’m projecting my own inadequacies onto you. In this case though, I’m identifying yours. read the blog as requested... nope, no validation requested...lol

Richard Evans Homepage 05.08.05 - 6:21 pm #

You really are funny Richard, but only in a sad and pathetic sort of way.

Zorpheous Homepage 05.08.05 - 7:54 pm #

Zoltar: Serious question: why do the Liberals hate women?"Liberal MP Pat O’Brien says he was wrong to call the chairperson of the party’s Ontario caucus a "blond bimbo." O’Brien said he spoke in anger yesterday about Toronto-area Grit MP Sarmite Bulte when asked about her comparing Liberal defectors to rats fleeing a sinking ship."
http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/Lo...994278- sun.htmlI am shocked and outraged that the misogynistic bigoted Liberal Party condones this behaviour.WHY DOES THE LIBERAL PARTY HATE WOMEN??? WHY DON’T THEY HAVE YOUNG DYNAMIC WOMEN LIKE RONA AMBROSE AND BELINDA STRONACH??? WHY DID PAUL MARTIN DROP SO MANY WOMEN FROM CABINET???
Anon. 05.08.05 - 9:06 pm #

Anon, best go ask a Liberal, or a member of the Liberal Party.

Zorpheous Homepage 05.08.05 - 9:32 pm #

*cough*bullshit*cough*closetliberal*cough*Dude, when you spend your days as a Liberal apologist - and a rather shitty, dimwitted one at that - that makes you a Liberal. Don’t tell me what you believe; do your thing and I’ll tell you what you believe. Now, answer the question, fuckchop:WHY DO YOU HATE FREEDOM?????

Anonymous 05.08.05 - 10:25 pm #

Ah another brave Anonymous Poster, come out and stand in the open.So I am a Liberal apologist, and a rather shitty at that too, eh? Well I guess that is because I’m not making up excuses for the liberals. As for your very silly and stupid question."WHY DO YOU HATE FREEDOM?????"I don’tWhy do you and Anon and Jeff always insist on asking these extremely stupid questions?Now let me ask you an intelligent question, why should I vote for the CPC and Harper? (I huess I should throw in a name calling lines in this as well to bring it down to your level, but I will assume you can raise yourself up out mud long enough to answer the question)

Zorpheous Homepage 05.09.05 - 2:24 pm #

Why vote CPC? Restoration of some morality. Restoration of the military. An end to liberal corruption. Fiscal responsibility. Restoration of property rights. Restoration of relations with the US. Ratially diverse. More accomodating than any other party in terms of gender and disabilities. They have the courage of their convictions. Bottom-up means of setting policy (grass roots democracy) as opposed to current "top-down" system. They look at all regions when considering the "whole" of the country. Bringing "justice" back to the "justice system". Reduced taxes. Better health care system. Sensible social policy. Responsible environmental stewartship.Do you need more Zorph?

Richard Evans Homepage 05.10.05 - 11:47 am #

"Do you need more Zorph?"Yah, I’d be happy to support the CPC if they stopped making homophobe bigotry remarks, as well as anti-Ontario remarks, as well as Anti-Aboriginal remarks, as well as anti-immigrant remarks, as well as anti-Muslim remarksetc...Do you understand? I’d rather have Canada be a land run by crooks than Klansman!

MWW Homepage 05.10.05 - 12:51 pm #

Ok Zorph. I’ve issued this challange before which you
kindly sidestepped. I asked you to provide one single instance where an elected
member of the CPC has made such remarks. You failed to do so. Are you telling us
that you form opinion without facts to back them up? Answer carefully Zorph your
(snicker) credibility is on the line.

Richard Evans Homepage 05.10.05 - 1:32 pm #

See how the folks on the left tend to make statements without being able to back them up? See how they take a condescending attitude toward those that challange them? See how they attempt to sidestep a question by claiming that doesn't apply to them?

Is it possible that "Zorph" is doing that whole "projection thingy" he referenced earlier?

Forewarned Is Forearmed!

Oh, if you'd like to see some lib-left narscicism at it's finest click here and read the comments thread.


US Libs = Canadian Libs (I can't see the difference, Can you see the difference?)

Hillary Clinton accused of election fraud the same way the Canadian Liberal Party is accused of election fraud. What the hell, do they have a freakin' liberal handbook that explains how to do this crap?

Here's a better question: Do they know that their ideas won't sell unless they have far superior financing?

Will It Ever End?

Lets see now, $4.6 Billion to Jack Layton, $5.75 Billion to Ontario plus cash for any other schlep that that puts his hand out while Martin's in view... Who the hell is going to pay for all this?


Protest photos

Finally got around to putting some pics up. Had to limit the pics due to server space.

1. Protester handing out flyers next to the 1st sign. I found this to be quite humorous. In fact, I think I'm going to e-mail it to the addy on their flyer.

2. They're trying to figure out what to do about me. Notice the individual hiding his face.

3. They moved away from the SNC Building.

4. The empty corner in front of SNC. - Newly Declared "MOONBAT FREE ZONE"!

5. This sign was made especially for my friends Mark and Zorph. (To let them know that I'm not someone who hides behind a keyboard and to also let them know that they haven't been forgotten about. They will get more of my "special" attention in the comming weeks.)

6. Most people thought I was with the protesters because of this sign. Untill they really read it that is.

Sorry that all of the pics are in the first person. There was no one I could call on to take some of me holding up the signs or causing problems for the moonbats.


Some Insight...

One thing I've learned about the left over the past year is that they are very reluctant to accept responsibility for themselves. It's always someone else's fault or the result of some external circumstance. The rampant use of drugs like prozac, valum or ritilin are extremely indicative of how these people aren't willing to accept said responsibility. Here's a high profile example:

"Robinson acknowledges having mental illness"

Ok Svend, lets pretend that you didn't make the choice to participate in an extremely high-risk lifestyle. Lets pretend that you didn't choose to steal a ring for your boyfriend. Lets also pretend that you're not looking for sympathy in order to soften public opinion. Prozac anyone?


Sandblasting A Cracker

The Power of One!

First a note to the MoonBats: If you're going to organize a protest please make sure you get the address correct when you post it. This will ensure that people will be able to find you.

As noted above, the actual "event" was several blocks away from it's advertised location. It took me an extra 1/2 hour to find them and that was simply by chance as I was leaving the core.

I parked, put fresh batteries in the digi-cam and then went to say hello.

There were two police officers stationed off to the side keeping an eye on things and looking kind of bored.

One of the protesters handed me a leaflet that explained how the EVIL SNC sold bullets and supported privitization. I gladly accepted.

Took a couple of pics.

They seemed happy that there was someone with a camera and a web-log that was going to give them some exposure. I didn't lie to them about it. I just didn't tell them that it would be negative exposure.

It was time. I went back to the jeep to get my signs. Commented to the officers as I passed that things were about to "pick up a little".

Pulled out sign number 1. "SAY NO TO LOONEY LIB-LEFT PROTESTERS" on one side and the Protest Warrior "War Has Never Solved Anything" slogan on the other side. I stood right next to them.

There was utter disbelief on the part of the moonbats. They stayed quiet for the most part and continued handing out their leaflets, looking at the sign and whispering to one another.

That wouldn't do.

Propped up sign number 1 and went back to the jeep for sign number 2. This one is bigger with "END THE ENCROACHMENT OF SOCIALISM" on one side and the Protest Warrior "VOTE GREEN" slogan on the other.

Time for more pics...

They got a little more vocal towards me at this point. One of them decided that she would try to enliten me.

MB: How can you be sticking up for these people? They make bullets that kill Iraqis.

ME: Yup, they make bullets that kill terrorists. This is a good thing.
MB: So you support genocide?
ME: Nope, genocide is one of the reasons the US went to war. Ask the Kurds, Saddam was committing genocide and now it's over.
MB: Did you know that over 100,000 innocent people have been killed in Iraq since the start of the war?
ME: I'm not sure of the number but you should maybe think about protesting the terrorists that keep blowing people up.

MoonBat walked away...

Another moonbat with a bunch of jewelry in his face made some smart remarks here and there...

I just smiled...

At this point I noticed that they were on all four corners of the intersection handing out their pamphlets. Time to get loud.

"Just Say No To Socialist Propaganda!" and "Companies have a right to earn a profit!"was heard through the intersection above the traffic noise. Less of their pamphlets were being accepted by passers by...

That got the MoonBats a little more fired up...

They had a little huddle to try and figure out what to do about me. They were now very concerned that I was taking photos and threatened to take my camera away. I laughed and took another picture. I don't think they noticed me do it though. They decided to leave front of the SNC office and move across the street. A small victory!

The nice police officer started asking questions about my efforts as well as ProtestWarrior so I couldn't follow them. Nice police officer was writing down an awful lot of information. I don't think he was prepared for anything like me and I'd like to think that he was a little amused. Can't say for sure though.

MoonBats got my attention again... They were walking away... It looked like they were leaving. I waved goodbye and wished them well.


They set up on another corner a block away.

Damnit, now I have to walk way the hell over there!

The majority left again before I got there. I Disrupted the last one's efforts though. He ended up leaving too.

Went back to the original site in front of the SNC office. Mission accomplished. I decided to hang around for a wee bit though in case they were just walking around the block hoping that I'd leave.

A security guard came out wondering where the protesters went. We chatted for a few minutes. He thought I was one of them until he actually read my signs. He had a chuckle.

Waited a few more minutes and noticed a 60's leftover with a puzzled look on her face. She walked by the jeep, noticed the signs and asked me where the others went mentioning that her daughter was with them. "They're gone" I told her. "I scared them away I guess." She asked who I was and I told her that I'm an anti-protest protester. She seemed to be quite beside herself as she read the signs in the back of the jeep. I just smiled and pointed her in the direction the others went. It was extremely amusing having this individual walk away while muttering on about how "one day this city will wake up to the greed of it's corporations". I waved goodbye.

Hung around for a little while longer. Took some pics of the empty street corners and the SNC office with my signs in front of it.

Loaded up the jeep and went home.

You know, I was really apprehensive going into this. I didn't know what to expect. I was all alone. Going through it though, I found a lot of support from the passers by. There were far more people chatting with me, getting information on the anti-protest, than there were paying attention to the "real" protesters. I think that may be why they left. They were being mocked and weren't getting support.

There were seven of them (including momma MoonBat) and one of me. All of their efforts were laid to waste because one person showed up and challenged them.