In the mean time, have you ever wondered what a brain-fart looked like? Here's a pretty good example.
Zionism is a Jewish movement to re-create the ancient Jewish state of Isreal. Who they displace or push out of the holyland (a holyland that is home to three different religions) in the process is of no concern to them.
This is a priceless statement. S.B actually wants us to believe that Israel is so rutheless and barbaric in their approach to the Palestinian people, that they have 'no concern' for who they push out. If this was the case, why wouldn't they finish the job and push them all out, or attempt to end their existence completely? Could it be that Israel is not the evil lynchpin of the American oppressors, that the left continues to pretend it is? Could it be that Israeli-Arabs have it better under a democratic Israeli governance, than their brothers in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia? Yes. The answer is yes they do have it better than their Arabic brothers living under the Islamic flag of submission.(warning- this link is gruesome and may not be suitable for those with a queasy stomach).
In reality this is just one clear example of the mistakes committed by the British in their time of imperialistic decline.
Again, we see the atypical bashing and blame game that the left is so fond of perpetuating......this time pinning the blame on 'imperialistic' Britian. This almost sounds like agitprop straight out of the handbooks of Pol Pot and company, but it's not. It's just the normal view of today's Cannuckistanian Liberal.
To the average Palistinian the conflict has very little to do with religion. It's a matter of equal representation and freedom in their homeland.
Sadly, it is with this last brain fart pronouncement from S.B., that I must pull up my pant leg, lift my knee high in the air, and swiftly stomp on the buzzing menace as it lays squirming in it's own arrogant bile. Again, we are reminded that suicide bombings and the continual breaking of peace agreements and signed treaties, is just a simple matter of the Palestinian people wishing for 'equal representation and freedom in their homeland'. Gee, if that's all it is about, why don't we see Tibetans strapping up or how about native Americans? Not about religion? Your right, let's just call it jihad then, shall we? This kind of terrorist, nationalist, religious fundamentalist activity has been seen across all nations from Muslim extremists.
Btw, don't you think the word 'Bacon' may be offensive to the Palestinian cause, S.B?
Enviro-Nuts and bureaucrats responsible for the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. Bureaucrats responsible for damage to shuttle currently floating above us.
The story goes like this:
To summarize: NASA chose a path based on political correctness. That path got 7 people vaporized when they tried to re-enter the atmosphere back in 2003. Their refusal to change their path has another shuttle crew in jeopardy.
All to please the sandal-wearing, tiedyed patchoulie stinking, frog licking, tree hugging HIPPIE FREAKS...
Mike's Noise has the full scoop...
(click the graphic to see other cool "Libranos" stuff)
Or better yet, they could follow the model established by the CBC. They have the government give them our tax money directly. No need for all of those middlemen.
What are the odds that a Catholic teacher would be allowed in the doors, let alone teach here?
If you scroll to the bottom of this page you'll see that it's funded by Toronto taxpayers. Good for you folks!
Google "gay school" and you get 13 million hits. Some valid, some not... all are interesting...
Would some HP sause make digesting your Korean-made synthetic crosstrainers a little more palatable?
(ps: PAMELA: Screw the beer. After finding these pics I owe you copious quantities of "top shelf" liquor."
Att: Audra Estrones and Judy Rebick of Rabble.ca
This is an open letter.
I am extremely disappointed with the way your organization is running the "babble" BBS. You individuals are clearly not living up to your own policies as documented here ( http://www.rabble.ca/babble/policy.html ) and quoted below.
"rabble.ca is a public, progressive news and information source. As part of rabble, this message board (babble) was created to ensure that readers/participants could explore any issues of interest and concern. While all points of view are welcome here, repeated attempts to provoke conflict, bait or taunt will not be tolerated. Offenders generally receive warnings before being suspended. Continued abuse could result in eventual or immediate suspension of posting privileges. Posters using multiple identities can be banned outright. Continued participation on these boards is at the sole discretion of the moderator(s) and staff of this site."
I signed up over the weekend in the spirit of lighthearted debate and encouraging a different point of view. From the outset I was attacked for my principles. One of the users even set up a post dedicated specifically to me. Below is a sampling of the hurtful and hatefilled comments that were directed at me:
The sexual references were completely out of line and in my mind, constitute sexual harasment.
The thread went down hill from there. Individuals within the thread said they were going to get me banned because of my position on how the terrorists at Gitmo were being treated. Some were offended that I posted a (graphic) picture which is no different than others posted in other threads ie ( http://www.rabble.ca/babble/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=28&t=001194&p= ).
Several individuals went so far as to visit my web-log and encite my readers / commenters to violence:
Pleased to meet you Mr. Wizard.
Does this story have a moral?
I think so, post your thoughts in the comments section.
Now for the experiment.
When your date comes into the room with a drink or a snack ask them "where's mine?"
More often than not the conversation will go something like this:
you: "where's mine?"
date: "your what?"
you: "my drink."
date: "you never said you wanted one."
you: "well you were up, you could have asked."
at this point the date begins to feel obligated...
date: "I'm sorry, would you like me to get you one?"
date: "here, you can share mine."
you (please think this part to yourself...): "You're my slave now!"
That and many more mind tricks just like it from "Get Anyone To Do Anything And Never Feel Powerless Again" written by the NY times best selling author David J. Lieberman, PH.D.
Kate has a great piece up right now about censorship, dissent and control. It ties in perfectly with my experiences over the weekend.
Seven robot jockeys took part in the race at Al Shahaniyya Camel Racecourse on the outskirts of Doha.
Race officials said it was a successful event. Robot jockeys were developed after child camel jockeys were banned.
Camel racing is a hugely popular sport in the Gulf countries and children were preferred jockeys because of their light weight.
But the ban was introduced over concerns the children were treated like slaves by their employers."
For some strange reason I'm half expecting to see Jawa's, land speeders, pods and George Lucas somewhere in these pictures.
Those with strong stommaches can click here for the Nick Berg beheading video.
Here's a lovely photo from London:
Oh hey, how about those nukes? We should maybe worry a little about those as well no?
"Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S. Terrorists, bombs smuggled across Mexico border by MS-13 gangsters"
Oh, look, we may even find out about terrorist operations here at home:
"According to recent reports, one of the group's captured leaders, Nouredine Nfia, has told Moroccan authorities the organization had sleeper cells prepared to mount synchronized attacks in Britain, France, Italy, Belgium and Canada.
Nfia allegedly told Moroccan authorities that agents were in place in Ottawa and Montreal."
Note to moonbats: Go whine somewhere else. Winning this war is going to be done by real men and women who are willing to do what needs to be done. You're not them.
Kate ties the issue to John Kerry's Presidential run
Gretchen just whines...
Conservative Dialysis is bang on with their assessment.
Kate at SDA points out some interesting connections between Grewal's accusers and the Liberal Party... Very interesting...