

The batteries have been re-charged and I'm back home... Regular posting will resume shortly.

In the mean time, have you ever wondered what a brain-fart looked like? Here's a pretty good example.


Way Cool!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love technology? Well I do!

Right now I'm at a campsite in the middle of nowhere... Laptop is being powered by an inverter in the Jeep. The Blackberry is being used as a modem. I'm on-line blogging while listening to a bootleg US satelite signal on the Sirius radio...

Lets pray that my wife doesn't catch me... lol

In a little while, my boy and I are going to do some very low-tech fishing...

Will blog later with pics if we catch anything...

oh-oh... wife's comming...


Time to Trim Some Fat off the Bacon.

The hive of hypocrisy has been buzzing again, and this time, a little socialist comrade by the handle of 'Slim Bacon' has decided to lay a stinging rebuke towards Israel and the Zionist Movement. His claims are outlandish and dangerous, and I shall swat him down and step on him like the bothersome nuisance that he is.

Zionism is a Jewish movement to re-create the ancient Jewish state of Isreal. Who they displace or push out of the holyland (a holyland that is home to three different religions) in the process is of no concern to them.

This is a priceless statement. S.B actually wants us to believe that Israel is so rutheless and barbaric in their approach to the Palestinian people, that they have 'no concern' for who they push out. If this was the case, why wouldn't they finish the job and push them all out, or attempt to end their existence completely? Could it be that Israel is not the evil lynchpin of the American oppressors, that the left continues to pretend it is? Could it be that Israeli-Arabs have it better under a democratic Israeli governance, than their brothers in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia? Yes. The answer is yes they do have it better than their Arabic brothers living under the Islamic flag of submission.(warning- this link is gruesome and may not be suitable for those with a queasy stomach).

In reality this is just one clear example of the mistakes committed by the British in their time of imperialistic decline.

Again, we see the atypical bashing and blame game that the left is so fond of perpetuating......this time pinning the blame on 'imperialistic' Britian. This almost sounds like agitprop straight out of the handbooks of Pol Pot and company, but it's not. It's just the normal view of today's Cannuckistanian Liberal.

To the average Palistinian the conflict has very little to do with religion. It's a matter of equal representation and freedom in their homeland.

Sadly, it is with this last brain fart pronouncement from S.B., that I must pull up my pant leg, lift my knee high in the air, and swiftly stomp on the buzzing menace as it lays squirming in it's own arrogant bile. Again, we are reminded that suicide bombings and the continual breaking of peace agreements and signed treaties, is just a simple matter of the Palestinian people wishing for 'equal representation and freedom in their homeland'. Gee, if that's all it is about, why don't we see Tibetans strapping up or how about native Americans? Not about religion? Your right, let's just call it jihad then, shall we? This kind of terrorist, nationalist, religious fundamentalist activity has been seen across all nations from Muslim extremists.

Btw, don't you think the word 'Bacon' may be offensive to the Palestinian cause, S.B?

From the Mailbag: An Interesting Petition

If someone's already gone to the effort of getting it started, the least we can do is sign it and spread the word.


As a Conservative blogger, I am writing to you today to ask for your support on an effort that I am partaking. With an escalation in the level of gun related violence in Toronto recently, I feel that it is time that the Federal government takes a strong look at the effectiveness of the Gun Registry. I believe that the only way to achieve this is through a full audit of the program via the Auditor General.

I have set up an online petition in the hopes of developing an underground swelling of support to this idea. I believe that with enough support it would be impossible for the mainstream media and the Liberal government to ignore the demand for accountability in tax spending. However, this will only happen if enough people actually stand up and take action.

The petition is located at:

All I ask is that you take the time to sign it and if you feel comfortable, tell your friends about it so that they may add their name. I feel that it is time that somebody does something about the ridiculous cost-overruns of this ineffective program, and I hope that you will take the time to add your voice to this cause.

Thank you,
Craig Estrella

From Link Byfield...

Surreal world

Canadians becoming Prisoners to Liberal government spin

By -- Calgary Sun

Maybe it's just me, but I get a surreal feeling these days about the country we live in. There's a disconcerting disconnection from reality.

Sometimes it seems like that 1960s British TV show -- The Prisoner -- where everyone lives on a comfortable island, everything is managed by experts who pry into our secrets, and nobody can escape.

Welcome to Cannuckistan...


The Time for Testicular Fortitude Has Arrived.

In the Cannuckistan world there are three sides to the political wheel. On one side, you have the left,on the opposite side you have the right, and directly in the middle of the wheel you have the moderates or centrists. I make no bones about where my political allegiances lie. I am a staunch right wing conservative and have been since I escaped the clutches of the liberal elitist university milieu. I don't regret my time in this left wing propaganda machine, rather, it has enabled me to understand and empathize with the brain washed automatons that are unknowingly being subjected to the forced sterilization process known as 'Political Correctness'.
Ok, so we've covered the right side of the tire, the left side of the tire, now comes the middle 'traction' portion. This portion of the tire must meet all of the potholes and irregularities in the path. I like to call it the mushy middle, because it has no allegiance but knows only to accomodate to the prevailing conditions. I believe most citizens in the land of Cannuckistan lay their political gumption here.

Alright. Through the preamble I believe I have established my affinity for pragmatism.
This is where I cut to the chase.

A recent commenter/blogger by the handle of Andy, has chosen to take acception with a post I have written. I take no offence to this, and infact, welcome the debate. Can everyone say with me: 'Welcome Andy!'

Let us begin.

~Canada is not like a house. It is, though, a country. See how he immediately excludes those who normally disagree with him from the conversation. Nice bullying tactic there, Hoss. Have you ever heard of someone bumping into an epiphany? Richard, I would like to introduce you to the English Language--English Language, this is the guy that I was telling you about. Call me later!

First, let me establish that my name is Jeff, not Richard. Second, I sense a disconnect between Andy's sense of metaphorical vs literal. If you are a literalist, Canada is most certainly a country. If you are a metaphorical writer, Canada could most certainly be defined as a 'House'.
Again, 'bumping into an epiphany' is another of those 'blindingly obvious' metaphors I like to use. Confusing stuff for a literalist, I'm sure.......

Oh my goodness...could this be Richie's immigration policy? How coy of him to dress it up in child-like allegory. Even on the surface of his rather juvenile "roommate" scenario, the concept of guest is misapplied. Anytime that I've had (or have been, for that matter--with a few exceptions--sorry 'bout that, Liam!!!) a roommate, rent was paid. They stop being "guests" after that. So, to follow the migraine-inducing reasoning of Mr. Evans, even if immigrants pay taxes, they don't really count as residents. If only he could make all of his pronouncements "sans verbosity", they would be infinitely more readable.

Very acute reasoning and sense of deduction Andy seems to have. Immediately, he has deduced that my parable was, infact, a simple allegorical statement on my views towards immigration and resident status. 'Child-like'.......I suppose parables are childlike, indeed. Don't want to exclude anyone from understanding my intentions. 'The concept of guest is misapplied'.......
In my house, a guest is not exempt from 'visitor status' until he has lived in my house for enough time that I know he is used to me and has adapted to the way I operate. He doesn't have to agree with me, but he must prove him/herself to be reliable, consistent, honest, hardworking, and responsible. Until such time, I consider a newcomer in my house.....a guest. 'even if immigrants pay taxes, they don't really count as residents'...... Correct, inasmuch as their reliability and commitment to my household remains in probationary status.

Listen, I'm sure this blog has become tedious enough, so allow me to wrap this up.
Andy has reasons and experiences that make him the person he is today. That is fine. Without Andys, I'd have nothing to write about. But here is the clincher:

I have no patience for those that wish to wuss out now that we have arrived at the 'station' of our future. We are not living in the 1950s anymore. It's time for a serious reality reassessment and an iron fist approach to the 'nationalist', 'fundamentalist'.....'terrorist' realities that we face, today.... It is time for men to step up to the plate as their forefathers chose to do in days of yore.

Credit where Credit Is Due

Enviro-Nuts and bureaucrats responsible for the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. Bureaucrats responsible for damage to shuttle currently floating above us.

The story goes like this:

  • Protective insulating foam used on shuttle used to contain Freon.
  • Enviro-Nuts whined and complained about Freon use.
  • NASA gave in to the Enviro-Nuts and removed Freon from the foam.
  • NASA saw a dramatic increase in foam failure (as a direct result of the change) and damage to heat-shield tiles as they were being hit by flying foam.
  • NASA bureaucrats, warned internally about the problem, refused to start using Freon again. They did this even though they were given a specific exemption under EPA regulations.

To summarize: NASA chose a path based on political correctness. That path got 7 people vaporized when they tried to re-enter the atmosphere back in 2003. Their refusal to change their path has another shuttle crew in jeopardy.

All to please the sandal-wearing, tiedyed patchoulie stinking, frog licking, tree hugging HIPPIE FREAKS...

Mike's Noise has the full scoop...

When All Else Fails...

When all else fails, find a way to blame the "Evil U.S." That's the Canadian way damnit!

Beside being a "subtle" slag piece on Americans, this article has left me with more questions than answers...

TORONTO (CP) - A barrage of gunfire in recent days in and around Canada's most populous city has police and crime experts worried about the proliferation of illegal handguns north of the border, many of them coming from the United States.


Gunplay might have become a relatively commonplace occurrence in Toronto, but that doesn't mean residents have grown indifferent to the dangers, said Toronto police Det.-Sgt. Gary Keys of the city's guns and gangs task force.

"I don't think we've got to the point where we're like some American cities that have become complacent to it," Keys said Wednesday.

[Americans are complacent to gun violence? Really? What's this assertion based on? Using the term "complacent" implies that there is an indifference... What city exactly is it that is indifferent to gun violence?]


A cache of weapons seized in a raid on a north Toronto high-rise apartment Sunday included a Mac-10 automatic pistol, which can fire up to 30 rounds in five seconds, as well as hundreds of rounds of ammunition and three sets of body armour.

A 15-year-old girl was among those charged with numerous drugs and weapons charges.

[Was the Mac-10 registered? What's the relevance of the "15 year old girl"?]

The spate of gun violence demonstrates a need for stricter sentences to those committing gun-related crimes, said Toronto police Chief Bill Blair.

"One of the things we've always been frustrated about is the relatively low sentences that gunmen receive, and then when they are sentenced, that they aren't serving a significant portion of that sentence," he said.

["Stricter sentences" is the opposite of what those on the left (who are the ones pushing for more gun control) want to see happen with criminals. How can this be reconciled? Do they not have to pick one or the other?]

People who are caught trying to smuggle guns past border crossings across Canada are also getting off easy, said Wendy Cukier, a professor of justice studies professor at Ryerson University in Toronto and president of the Coalition for Gun Control.

In Nova Scotia last year, a Massachusetts man was caught bringing a gun into Canada, but was given an absolute discharge on all four federal and provincial firearms charges.

[What were the circumstances surrounding the Massachusetts man? Why were the charges dropped? Could it be possible he was with law enforcement? What about this case aren't we being told? Is this little tidbit relevant?]


Despite the latest shootings, gun-related deaths have been on the decline in Canada, Statistics Canada reported in June. But recent StatsCan studies also suggest two-thirds of gun deaths are now the result of handguns, up from about half during the 1990s.

[Why are gun related deaths on the decline? Is it because there are actually less shootings? Or is it because of improved healthcare - Faster ambulance response - better access to emergency physicians and surgeons?]

I find the last line of the article to be really interesting. The gun registry started in the 90's no? Is there a correlation there that proves the point that criminals will find guns no matter what new laws are put in place?

Just a Reminder...

For those who may have missed it (Andy), there are now two of us posting at the Chronicles. Even though I enjoy the attention, Jeff deserves the credit for the great stuff he's putting up.


The Lesbians and "ugly, angry" women (AKA feminists, AKA Fem-Qaida, AKA Gal-Qaida AKA Hillary Clinton) have done their best to convince women that they don't need men.

It's aparently working!

Only problem is that the emasculated, vaginized little whimps they created (modern men) have now decided that they really don't need women either.

Behold: The "Female Android"!

No more nagging...
No more being told how to dress...
No more worries about the condom breaking...
No more worries about having your date pretend to swallow your seed, get artificially inseminated by it and then suing your lame ass for child support...

I can see it all now...

A future where the only sexual contact between real humans will be between lesbians and gays... They'll be the only ones allowed to get married because androids don't have rights... AwCrap, wait a minute... too many "after work" beer... What the heck was this post about again?

Right! Ok, remember how the internet got started and the geeks used it primarily for porn? Do you really think the geeks building the robots are going to do anything different?

Please note that I myself am a geek, albeit a married geek and the rumors about looking at porn are just that, rumors. Honey, if you're reading this, please don't check the browser history... oopsie... I meant herstory...

[Alright, I have to admit that all that was just a big build-up to see if anyone caught the fact that a female physician blew a male physician, pretended to swallow the seed, artificially inseminated herself with the seed, had the baby and is now suing the poor schlep for support...

It was to confusing to work but way too amusing to delete... please forgive.

Note: The android thing is kind of cool no?]

I know shit about acronyms!

I promise to never (or very very rarely ever do this), but I have to share a forwarded email that I have recieved today from my wife. It recounts the history behind one of my favoritest vernacular words. Shit!

In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by
ship and it was also before commercial fertilizer's invention, so large
shipments of manure were common. It was shipped dry, because in dry form
it weighed a lot less than when wet, but holds leaked and once water (at
sea) hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of its
fermentation began again. As you know, a byproduct of fermentation is
methane gas.

Since the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what
could (and did) happen. Methane would begin to build up below decks and
the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM!

Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined
just what was happening. After that, the bundles of manure were always
stamped with the term "Ship High In Transit". This meant for the sailors
to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came
into the hold would not touch this potentially volatile cargo and start
the production of methane.

Thus evolved the term "S.H.I.T.", (Ship High In Transport) which has
come down through many centuries and is still in use to this very day.

You probably did not know the true history of this word. Neither did I.

Get out of my way, you fowl creature!

Despite a minor setback, NASA and the good ol' US of A appear to be leading the charge once again. Now, if we can just keep PETA (no, thats not your favorite evo-wacko wingflappers......these guys are even better! People For the Ethical Treatment of Asteroids) away from the halls of power, we'll be laughing.

I Was Right?

If they have nothing to hide, if they're innocent, why not welcome the scrutiny?

Liberal Talk Radio

Question: It's been proven repeatedly that extreme left leaning Radio and Television can't survive in a free market capitalist system. This especially holds true in the case of Talk Radio. How do they stay afloat?

Well, if you're "Air America", you hijack funding that was supposed to go toward inner city kids.
[Breaking story by Brian Maloney and Michelle Malkin. h/t to Rusty]

"What happens when the mainstream media, after years of seething over conservative talk ratio's success, discover its alternative got diverted public funds, earmarked instead for inner-city youth and seniors?

The answer, with one key exception: they pretend it didn't happen.

Yes, only because of a New York Daily News tidbit do we know that Bronx-based Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club nearly shut down major programs recently, because almost $500,000 in governmental grant money was instead diverted to Air America's liberal radio network.


Update: whether the funding was from federal or local sources seems unclear. Sometimes, this type of funding originates with the feds, goes to cities and is distributed from there to area nonprofits. That may be the case here, based on the reports I've seen."

What a bunch of rank-friggin-amateurs!

If they're going to steal money from the taxpayers, and expect to get away with it, they need to talk to these folks:

(click the graphic to see other cool "Libranos" stuff)

Or better yet, they could follow the model established by the CBC. They have the government give them our tax money directly. No need for all of those middlemen.


It's OK

These people aren't used to seeing the light anyway...

While You're in my House You'd Best Behave, Mr.

Recently, while I was living in the reality of now (note this excludes many left wing ideologues from the discussion), I happened to bump into an epiphany. The epiphany was really quite simple, in it's dissection. It went something like this:
Canada is like a house.

A house, you ask? Bear with me and I shall elaborate upon this conception with a simpler analogy.
Imagine you own a house, but you are having a difficult time paying the mortgage and the related bills, incurred. Time to seek out a room-mate.
What ideal qualities should this person possess? I, would ask the following questions and make the following pronouncements sans verbosity:

This is my house and you are a guest. If you do not respect my rules, or the values and ideals that I live by, please do not move in. You will only be unhappy and will make me unhappy. Also, I will quickly begin to regret my hospitable nature.
Don't hole away in your room, but be an active member in the household. This means helping to take care of the household maintenance and integrity. Help out! Be visible and contribute to the welfare of this establishment. Do your fair share. I do not want to have to clean up after you and feed and nurture you, while you look down your nose at me, and all that I've accomplished and achieved with my hard work.
Please, don't even consider moving in if you don't intend on following these rules. Oh! And if you try to harm me or damage my house, you're out. There will be no warnings or second chances. I will forcefully expulse you from my house.

Canada is a house, and these should be her rules as well.

Breaking News

Reader/commenter "Jeff" has agreed to become an occasional poster.

I like Jeff's train of thought and I think that most of you will find him to be a little more eloquent than I am... I think he plans to post as soon as we get him set-up.

Please join me in giving him a warm welcome.

Richard makes an apology...

I've got to admit that I was kind of rude recently. I won't make excuses for it or blame society. I was rude. Period. Recognizing that, I've placed an apology somewhere in the comments sections. (Did you think I'd make it easy?)

Note to moonbats: Please don't confuse this instance of rudeness with your regular beatings. They are different. Your regular beatings will continue as scheduled.

Bring It On Homey!

I double-dog-dare you to expose yourselves...

Imam warns Ottawa to back off Muslims

A controversial Toronto imam warned Public Safety Minister Anne McLellan at a closed-door meeting to stop "terrorizing" Canadian Muslims.

"If you try to cross the line I can't guarantee what is going to happen. Our young people, we can't control," Aly Hindy, the head of Scarborough's Salaheddin Islamic Centre, recalls telling the minister at the May meeting she held in Toronto with dozens of Muslim leaders.


He made the point to the minister. Several people who attended shrugged off the imam's remarks, but some Muslims and government agents later approached Mr. Hindy asking him to explain himself.

"The police came to me and said, 'This is a kind of threat,' and I said yes," he said. "But it's for the good of this country.

"And they said, 'Do you know some of the names of those people you expect to cause some problems?' And I said, 'You just open the telephone directory.' "

Personally, I think this in-duh-vidual spoke out of place and is being chastized by his masters. The terrorists have it good here:
  • lax immigration policies
  • easy access to welfare
  • support (directly and indirectly) by those on the left - which is the majority
  • a common hate for the US (in Ontario and Quebec anyway)
  • easy access to the US
  • clueless federal and provincial governments
  • etc
I don't think they really want to screw that up right now, do you?

Kate, over at Small Dead Animals, has posts here and here with a link to Arabian Dissent, who illustrates connections between the in-duh-vidual above and known terrorists.

What are the odds that our new friend is now being closely examined and monitored by these folks, these folks, these folks and these folks?

A Fallen Hero and A Stupid Politician

I heard about this yesterday and was not impressed...

[Politicking a Family's Tragedy

Staff Sgt. Joseph Goodrich of Pittsburgh was killed in Iraq on July 10. Two weeks later, as friends and family gathered at his funeral, an uninvited guest appeared — Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker Knoll.

Rather than join in honoring the fallen hero, Knoll passed out business cards, politicked, and criticized the Iraq War. "Knoll felt this was an appropriate time to campaign and impose her will on us," said Rhonda Goodrich, Joseph's sister."]

(Emphasis Mine)

How completely rude.

Well now, it seems that the LG has written a letter of apology (ish). (as reported by FoxNews)

[In a letter to Goodrich's widow, Amy, Knoll said she left a card in case the family wanted to contact her "and as a sign of my willingness to help the family through this difficult time in any way I can. To do anything that was deemed insensitive was completely counter to my intent."

Goodrich, 32, of Westwood, died July 10 in Iraq. His family told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last week that they felt they were owed an apology by Knoll and didn't understand why she attended the funeral in Carnegie.

"Sergeant Goodrich's service was beyond the call of duty," Knoll's letter said. "If my regard for his family's grief was seen another way, it is thoroughly regrettable. The fact that you have been offended deserves and receives my most profound apology."]

This is one smooth moonbat. Notice how she apolizes for and regrets the fact that someone was offended but doesn't touch on the fact that her actions themselves were wrong?

She's apologized for someone else's perception of her actions instead of her actions themselves.

Click here for info on how to give her hell.


15,000 Visitors

Alright, we tried this last time and it didn't work very well... I've got a bottle of gibsons for the 15,000th visitor. Proof must be provided as well as enough contact information to actually get the bottle to you. The e-mail addy is resenvt@hotmail.com Oh, you have to be over 18 years of age as well.

This should be interesting...

Telus workers on strike and complaining that the big bad company is censuring them.

My reply: What would you expect? Dumbass!


A Little Love For The Neighbors

44 - 18 BLOWOUT

Stampeeder Rahim Abdullah sez "Who's Your Daddy Now? Huh? Yeah, that's right, it's me. Now taste turf princess"

Sask's going to have to change their name to the "roughridden"! Look at that poor boy's eyes...

HAHAHA I kill me!

Someone To Look Up To...

From the Calgary Sun

He once called it a Mickey Mouse procedure. Next month, he gets to visit Disneyland.


Bishop Fred is in a bit of bother. The bishop, known for letting chips fall where they may whether the target is the actions of Ralph or the PM or Conrad Black, writes and circulates a letter to his Catholic flock on the issue of same-sex marriage.

Two individuals see the letter and are alarmed, disturbed, think it's dangerous and likely to expose gays to hatred. They complain to the province's Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, established to fight discrimination in jobs, housing and services, but now an avenue for the easily offended.

The bishop, who will not back down from his belief in the sanctity of a marriage between a man and a woman, must meet with those who griped and with a conciliator from the taxpayer-funded commission to chat about his comments.

In his words to Catholics back in January, Bishop Fred, echoing the voice of his superiors at the Vatican, says homosexual acts are evil, a heterosexual marriage is not the same as a same-sex coupling, and the campaign for same-sex marriage is really about getting society to accept homosexual activity.


"I'll clarify and I'll discuss until the cows come home. But I will not alter the substance of the argument. There will be no change. I will not compromise on truth."

I think that most of us could only hope to have the courage of conviction displayed by Bishop Fred Henry.

ps: Notice how many times the term "taxpayer funded" shows up in the article? Methinks some taxpayer support for the good Bishop may help the tribunal come to the correct decision...

Oh look, here's an e-mail addy: humanrights@gov.ab.ca

Oh, and here's a phone number: (403) 297-6571


More Junk From Rabble

Any thoughts on this? (H/T Julian)


Either Orr comments on current events...


"For decades the supporters of multiculturalism have used tax money and government regulations to actively discourage assimilation of immigrants into the broader society, preferring to see communities develop which favour 'identity politics' better suited and more amenable to their own collectivist world views. And now we are paying the price for that. We will not be able to defend ourselves physically or preserve our liberal society unless we stop tolerating intolerance, and that includes not just fundamentalist Islam but also the anti-western bigotry of the multiculturalists."

Here's the rest. Thanks Rusty.



An 8 year old boy watches a "news minute" where they show a couple of fruitloops in Calgary getting a marriage license. The 8 year old boy runs to his mother and asks (verbatim): "Mom, when I grow up do I have to have a same sex marriage now?"

Mom almost drops the pan she's holding and says: "absolutely not!"

Dad mutters under his breath: "Don't be so sure of that...", grabs a beer from the fridge and goes outside to cool off.

I sincerely hope you near-sighted sacks of shit (AKA gay lobbiests) are happy with yourselves.

One thing I will say for certain though is that you're not getting my children. If I have my way, you won't be getting anybody's children

Stop the "Campaign To End Ratial Profiling"

More bombings in London.

More consternation about how to handle it.

More whiney freakin lib-left morons trying to steer us away from what needs to be done.

"Under An Act to eliminate racial profiling, the private member's bill introduced in the House of Commons on November 18, 2004 by Vancouver East MP Libby Davies (NDP):
"racial profiling" means any action undertaken for reasons of safety, security or public protection that relies on stereotypes about race, colour, ethnicity, ancestry, religion or place of origin, or a combination of these, rather than on reasonable suspicion, to single out an individual for greater scrutiny or different treatment."

The talking heads on radio and television seem to be reluctant to put forward a simple fact:

Most Muslims are not terrorists. Most terrorists are Muslims though.

Why shouldn't we be looking at that demographic specifically?

More on this later...

UPDATE: Finally get a chance to finish...

Consider this: A policeman gets a call that a teenage boy with white sneakers and a dark jacket just stole a bike. The police officer is going to be on the lookout for a teenage boy with white sneakers and a dark jacket riding a bike no? Is the police officer going to stop an 80 year old lady in a wheelchair and start questioning her about the bike? Not bloody likely.

Now transfer that to the hunt for terrorists...

There are common denominators. Young men of middle eastern descent is the most prevelant. Can anyone deny that the vast majority of them are muslum? What about the mannerisims? Are there consistancies there? The prayers before comitting the act? The back-packs seem to be a bit of a constant now, in London anyway...

According to those on the left, if we see a sweatty 25 year old mideastern man carrying a backpack and praying in a different language while boarding a bus, "well, that's natural and we shouldn't think anything of it. In fact, we should sit close to him so he doesn't feel excluded..."

The left is forcing their PC attitude onto our security forces. Searches at airports have to appear random lest we offend someone. The 80 year old woman in the wheelchair gets searched instead of the young middle-eastern man. What a crock!

I think we need to drop the "ratial profiling" crap and start to call it what it really is: Criminal profiling. That way when those on the left start to call for a campaign to stop "criminal profiling", we can expose them for the sickening little terrorist supporters they are.


Open Thread

Won't be posting until later today... Here's something to chew on!


Here in Cannuckistan...

In Cannuckistan, moral relativism is one of the chief tenants of the state religion called Liberalism (socialism-lite). We don't think it's fair to punish someone for doing something just because someone else with so called "morals" (we call them moral screamers) thinks it's wrong. Nope, what matters is the feelings of the accused and talk of accountability is just "crazy talk". It can even get one banned from speaking in the public square as a matter of fact.

Sometimes we're forced to punish an individual for crimes though. It's sad but true. Sometimes those "moral screamers" demand it. In cases like this we try to minimize the impact on the so called "criminal"by keeping their incarceration as short as possible then by allowing them all of the comforts of home while in state custody; TV, booze, drugs, sex and even a University Education. All paid for by the benevolent state of course.

The moral screamers complain that justice needs to be done. We know that justice is a relative term so we ignore them.

The moral screamers complain that it's taxpayer money that pays for the comforts afforded to these "criminals" and that it's not right. These silly fools don't understand that all money belongs to the state and that we simply allow them to hold onto some for a while. We ignore this complaint as well.

The moral screamers talk of "victim's rights". We either ignore or banish this talk. Whichever is more advantageous to the state.

This is the order of things in Cannuckistan. We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. We don't have a penal system, we have a corrections system. We don't care about the effectiveness of either.

This is the order of things as decreed by our benevolent Liberal masters and you will do well to remember that as you read this story.

To the "moral screamers" who complain about our using an RCMP jet to fly a "criminal" to a funeral we say: "Shut the hell up. It's none of your business how we spend our money."

This also has been decreed by out benevolent Liberal masters.

Thank You, Please resume your toiling for the state.


This is amusing...

A crook always say's "It wasn't me, I was framed!" or some other crap along those lines. Could it be that the individuals mentioned in this story are pulling the same stunt and, in all actuallity, really do belong on the "no fly list"?

...Martin, a New Democrat MP, was "very surprised - stunned, in fact" when first halted in late March while en route from Winnipeg to Washington. It took half an hour to clear up the matter...
...Among politicians, Martin is not alone. Defence Minister Bill Graham has also had problems boarding aircraft in recent months...
...In the U.S., Senator Ted Kennedy has been stopped at several different airports before persuading personnel they had the wrong person...

A "Dipper", a "Lib" and a "Democrat"... Fitting

A Rebuttal?

To the idiots that claimed "gay schools are non existant or are extremely rare", I would like to present you with this:

What are the odds that a Catholic teacher would be allowed in the doors, let alone teach here?

If you scroll to the bottom of this page you'll see that it's funded by Toronto taxpayers. Good for you folks!

Google "gay school" and you get 13 million hits. Some valid, some not... all are interesting...

Would some HP sause make digesting your Korean-made synthetic crosstrainers a little more palatable?

(ps: PAMELA: Screw the beer. After finding these pics I owe you copious quantities of "top shelf" liquor."

Another Liberal Attack

The "real" numbers for the CPC and Steven Harper must be rising. Why esle would the Liberals be calling for Harper's removal?

"Eleven-point Liberal poll lead has observers pointing fingers at Harper"

Think about it... If you knew that your oponent was "in the tank", would you really call for him to change his tactics?

Well, you would if you were a sportsman but can we really call these individuals sportsmen?

Lets have a look at the pollster:

The polling firm is called Pollara.
"The whole thing is Stephen Harper at this stage," said Michael Marzolini, who was a longtime Liberal pollster.
"Liberal support is artificially high now because of him. If the Conservatives didn't have this hamstring around them . . . they would be in the high 40s in the polls."
"A Brian Mulroney type of Conservative leader would have Conservatives in the 50s right now."

(emphasis mine)

What would happen if we bought into this crap and removed Harper? Complete disarray. If I were a Liberal, That's what I'd want to see...
Now resuming regular posting. Updates on Babble will be provided when they become available...



No, I'm not off my rocker. I'm not bitter or being vindictive. There is a rational reason behind my pursuit of Rabble and it's sounding board Babble. That rationalization is as follows:

There was a time when blacks were not allowed to mix with whites. First the public institutions had to change. Then the private institutions were forced to change. They were told that they had no choice but to allow blacks into their ranks. Today you'll be hard pressed to find a white that is comfortable walking through a predominately black neighborhood.

There used to be men's clubs. The feminists fixed that. They forced their way in. These private institutions were told that they had no choice but to admit women. Men are not allowed into women's clubs even after court challenges.

The Cubs and Scouts used to be for boys only. Again the PC police fixed the problem. The scouts, another private organization was forced to admit girls. Boys are not allowed into the girl guides / girl scouts again, after various court challenges.

Private Christian schools are forced to hire / retain gay teachers against their will. Have you heard of a Christian teacher even thinking of applying for a job at a gay school?

Canadian society is forced to change it's definition of marriage to suit a minority of homosexuals. The same gay community now seeks to destroy the very institution that it wanted to be a part of.

One of these things I agree with, the rest I don't. All were actions taken by those on the left in the name of being tolerant and inclusive. All ended up in an extreme form of hypocrisy. Tolerance is the "official" Canadian religion.
It would appear though that tolerance and the concept of being inclusive are pushed by the left only when it suits their needs. When it fits with their agenda.
If you don't fit their agenda then "screw you".
That's the message that I got this weekend when I joined a lib-left discussion group and was summarily banned from publishing any of my conservative ideas.
"Screw You!" The message was clear.
I wasn't able to do anything about the hypocrisies noted above. I can do something about this. I'm going to push the issue.
I understand that Rabble is a private organization and that they are allowed to set their own rules.
Restaurants in the deep south were private organizations. The scouts is a private organization. Men's clubs are private organizations. Churches are private organizations. All have been forced to bend to the will of the politically correct.
Babble calls itself a public forum:
  • "rabble.ca is a public, progressive news and information source. As part of rabble, this message board (babble) was created to ensure that readers/participants could explore any issues of interest and concern"
It's time the PC police were policed themselves. It's time they were forced to be as inclusive as they've demanded of us.
It's time Rabble took control of that dungeon of hatred and rained in the neo-fascist scare mongers. Those who hate because of a simple difference of opinion.
We've seen activities like mine gain momentum and effectiveness recently. Protest Warrior has been effective at providing balance during lib-left "actions". Perverted Justice.com has started to take back the web making children safe from pedophiles. The list goes on.
The lib-left has put the framework in place which, ironically, can be used to keep the lib-left in check. We've just been afraid to use it.
Today I'm standing up. I'm calling BULLSHIT!
I'm going to continue with my human rights complaint against Rabble and their soundboard "Babble".
They claim to support "Free Speech". I'd like to see if they mean it. At the very least we're (meaning ME, and you if you want to help) going to show the left for what it really stands for. Hypocrisy.
Remember folks, "we can't cherry-pick rights".

Update: It's 6:30 Eastern

It's 6:30 Eastern time... For all intents and purposes, the end of the day in Ontario. There's been no response from Rabble in regards to the apology I'm seeking... I'm curious. Should I fax the human rights complaints letters out now or wait until tomorrow?

Place your votes inside.

Oh, Our friend Anonalogue has now been banned from Babble as well. Here's his conversation thread.

What exactly is it about a differing opinion that these people don't like?

Oh, here's an interesting pic one of their contributers posted while refering to Anolalogue:

An Open Letter

Att: Audra Estrones and Judy Rebick of Rabble.ca

This is an open letter.

I am extremely disappointed with the way your organization is running the "babble" BBS. You individuals are clearly not living up to your own policies as documented here ( http://www.rabble.ca/babble/policy.html ) and quoted below.

"rabble.ca is a public, progressive news and information source. As part of rabble, this message board (babble) was created to ensure that readers/participants could explore any issues of interest and concern. While all points of view are welcome here, repeated attempts to provoke conflict, bait or taunt will not be tolerated. Offenders generally receive warnings before being suspended. Continued abuse could result in eventual or immediate suspension of posting privileges. Posters using multiple identities can be banned outright. Continued participation on these boards is at the sole discretion of the moderator(s) and staff of this site."

I signed up over the weekend in the spirit of lighthearted debate and encouraging a different point of view. From the outset I was attacked for my principles. One of the users even set up a post dedicated specifically to me. Below is a sampling of the hurtful and hatefilled comments that were directed at me:

  • "Babbler # 4169 - Oh fear and dread, we are all doomed ... a conservative who considers himself superior to everyone else. The "great right hope" has come to smite all us inferior commies and our socialists ideals. Welcome to babble, we don't get very many conceited pieces of shit conservatives any more... no more than one or two a day. You certainly are a rarity, how will we ever deal with the likes of you?"
  • "Babbler # 6061 - Oh goody, yet another neo-Con clone to have around. Rick your words are very wise. I really like the way you equate a certain babblers name with terrorism. That was super duper. As a lefty I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see you here. Just so much wonderful, inspiring and ummmm.....original thoughts coming from your blog. You must be super proud. I can't wait for you to teach us/me the horror and depravity of our ways. Besides.... This way I can have yet another reason to have zero hope that neo-con and 'progressive' are words that play well together. Again welcome to Rabble oh neo-con lord of dogma and hate. Really have a seat... sorry for that little incident. I didn't mean to pull the chair away from you while you were sitting. Good thing you won't be around long enough to muddy my lefty mind with enticements of free pictures of Canada's favorite neo-cons - signed and framed."
    I hadn't been there for 20 minutes and that individual was dead set on having me removed simply because I have a different point of view.
  • "Babbler # 518 - But the problem is not staying on topic, the problem is that your opinions are childlishly stupid. They add nothing to this board."
  • "Babbler # 4795 - Now, now... no fantisizing about me, Dickie boy... I reserve all my homoerotic dreams about paleocons for Raheem. Hinterland is the one who wants to see your pasty white ass and use your jaws for calipers. Now dance, doughboy! You gotta put on a show for Hint. Pretty soon, we'll have you not only biting, but biting down on the halter bit Hinterland's bought for just you. (He's always wanted a pony.) So dance, doughboy, dance!"

The sexual references were completely out of line and in my mind, constitute sexual harasment.

  • "Babbler # 3582 - psssst, don't tell anyone, but we may have hit upon a way to contain a troll: put its name on a thread and make the thread all about the troll, that's what it wants after all. . . ."

The thread went down hill from there. Individuals within the thread said they were going to get me banned because of my position on how the terrorists at Gitmo were being treated. Some were offended that I posted a (graphic) picture which is no different than others posted in other threads ie ( http://www.rabble.ca/babble/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=28&t=001194&p= ).

Several individuals went so far as to visit my web-log and encite my readers / commenters to violence:

  • Babbler # 4014 - "My aren't we a cleaver little thing, did we learn all our big words at commie martyr's primary school? And the civlity is startling I bet Mom and dad would be so proud of their little clone if they knew who their progeny were. I'm pretty sure I'm not "cleaver". Anyway, Richard...your little buddy here seems to be going Ted Kaczynski on me. You do know of course that you are liable for the commentary on your blog, right? Of course you do. Hinterland 07.17.05 - 1:42 pm # "
I never received any warnings or other contact from the moderator and yet got banned from posting anyway. I wrote to the moderator asking why and got no response. This indicates to me that the moderator, operating on behalf of Rabble.ca condones this sort of treatment of individuals. Let me be perfectly clear on this point. I was harased, I was discriminated against, and I was removed from the BBS by your moderator. This is not consistant with your stated policy and I'm demanding that reparations be made.

To that end, I'm requiring a written apology from Rabble.ca for the conduct of it's moderator and posters as Rabble.ca is ultimately responsible for what happens on it's BBS. I will also be requiring that the following users loose their posting privlidges indefinately:
  • No Yards rabble-rouser Babbler # 4169
  • Cueball rabble-rouser Babbler # 4790
  • Stargazer rabble-rouser Babbler # 6061
  • Hephaestion rabble-rouser Babbler # 4795
  • jeff house rabble-rouser Babbler # 518
  • Hinterland rabble-rouser Babbler # 4014
  • RealityBites rabble-rouser Babbler # 6718
  • fern hill rabble-rouser Babbler # 3582
  • N.Beltov rabble-rouser Babbler # 4140
  • Nikita rabble-rouser Babbler # 9050
  • Vansterdam Kid rabble-rouser Babbler # 5474
  • anne cameron rabble-rouser Babbler # 8045

I thank you for your prompt response. Further, I expect that response by the end of the day as I have already contacted both the AB and ONT human rights comissions on how to procede with putting an end to that sort of discrimination and harasment. This letter is at their request. I have copies of all relevent supporting documentation including screen shots, ip addresses and the e-mail previously sent to your BBS moderator.

The ball's in your court,
Richard Evans

From The Mouths Of Morons

Off "my thread" on the Babble BBS. This discussion is centered around using "torture" to get information out of the terrorists at Gitmo. Bear in mind that the torture consists of making them wear women's underwear. I agree with it. The MoonBats do not.

My comments are in brackets.

From a 34 year old male named Adiaphora who lives in Saskatoon.

"The efficacy of torture...
Wow. It is hard to believe that anyone would actually stand up for this idea."

(It's not hard to believe Amigo. You just have to come out of your bubble more often)

I have had some experience with ostrasicism and the effects of social torture and I can safely say that it had no positive effects. It did not make me want to give up any info or ground that I had not already given up. It only served to further isolate and harden the positions that had placed me outside the group doing the torture. Torture is sadly typical of the action movie morality that tries to justify this type of thing.

(Let me see if I've got this strait... No one would play with you when you were younger and you're equating that to "torture"? Is that correct? Are you gay? Are you ugly or do you stink? I think it would be safe to say that if I acted like the complete pussy that you appear to be, my friends wouldn't have allowed me to hang around either. Suck it up princess.)

It is the worst sort of rationalization, a desparate effort to justify horrible behaviour that is designed to dehumanize the target and make it all right for some moral leper to act vengefully. Torture is about inflicting pain to try to salve one's own pain.

(By your definition, you idiots would be guilty of the exact same things with your posts within this conversation thread. Give your freakin head a shake. )

It has very little to do with intelligence gathering and more to do with evil acts wrapped up in a skewed morality intended to "make things right" by doing wrong.

(NewsFlash: Michael Moore is not a real journalist and regurgitating his dogma does not serve you well. I will ask the question again: "Are you suggesting that we invite them for tea and crumpets? Do you think that once they've joined us in the sitting room that they'll just confess everything? Tell us all we need to know? Good grief... They need motivation and the best motivation is a cessation of the pain and humiliation... They remain in custody until the info is checked out. If it's accurate the torture stops for good. If it's inaccurate, the torture resumes until the info becomes accurate... See how that works?")

I guess the moral midgets that espouse this crap must have skipped sunday school the day they taught the whole concept of loving your enemy.

(For some reason I don't think you're an individual who should be quoting scripture.)

From a lovely [sic] lady named Nikita who has a blog called "Narcissim at it's Finest"

And yes, the torture-defence was disgusting. It upset me to the point of tears to imagine that someone could calmly sit at their computer and actually write that. Some people might do it out of provocation but the sad thing is, I think this guy is serious.

(Wow, you MoonBats sure cry a lot. Anyway... You're correct princess. I really do advocate making grown men wear women's underwear in order to gain information that will save innocent lives. Oh, Nakita, Could you please tell us what type of underwear you prefer? Women's or men's?)

Here's one from the Vansterdam Kid

You know I wonder if those types of indivduals even have the skill of being able to self-acess their own beliefs? I doubt it though. It's sad really, the way that they seem to think such things are okay. How some people can be so filled with hate like those people...wow. And how some people can go and embaress themselves, with their real name no doubt, all over the net, it's astounding.

(If you keep self-accessing like that dude you'll go blind. I don't have a problem with using my real name VK. You see when you're honest and accurate and not doing anything unethical one doesn't have to hide behind a false name. Do you understand that "VANSTERDAM KID"? You should try it some day. It's quite liberating.)


Like cockroaches that scurry when the light's turned on...

"J. Baglow rabble-rouser Babbler # 9600" (AKA Dr. Dawg)
"posted 17 July 2005 07:45 PM
Did Dick really get banned, as he now claims on his site (giving Magoo huge play, incidentally)?
If so, that was heavy-handed. It was a mistake, and it plays right into Their hands."

You know that moment when you've done something really dumb and your sphincter tightens out of reflex? It's called the sphincter-second. The folks over at Babble are having their sphincter-second as I type...

It's Official...


It's going to take some time to give my weekend adventure with babble the write-up it deserves but we can start with this:

My New Friend Mr. Goo

Part way into the thread someone said: "Hey! He said "blog"! Send in Magoo!"

Someone else piped up with: "Yeah, where is Magoo? He was supposed to spell me a half hour ago. "

So I thought to myself that "...this Magoo fella must be one of their heavy hitters. This could be interesting..."

Magoo showes up and states:

"Big props to Richard for successfully infiltrating babble! Who else but a cunning and clever conservative would have a hotmail address, and a browser that supports cookies?
But now you're in the belly of the beast, Richard, and the scales are still covering my eyes! Instead of waking me up to the real truth, you're standing around jerkin' the gherkin. You promised your audience an attack, Richard, but so far all you've managed has been a thin and weary defense of Stephen Harper, an obligatory tinfoil hat reference, and some pasty rebuttals that make the jokes on my Dixie Cup look like Oscar Wilde.
Are you going to detonate the explosives and blow this place or what?"

Well a guy can't let that go unanswered...

"mR. Magi... um... magic... um gooo... magoo... that's it... Magoo! Mr. Magoo: The only gerkin I see jerkin around here is yours. Please note that if you don't stop it you'll go blind... either that or get blisters... one or the other... To which attack are you refering Mr. goo? (wow, that seems somehow fitting...) and no, I don't have explosives... I figured I'd play your game for a while... see what the power of erosion can accomplish... "

Magoo countered...

"You want your loyal readers to come here and see this kind of half-assed, limp, phoned-in drooble?
You're eroding your dignity. "

Dignity? Do I look like someone with dignity? lol

"As a matter of fact I do Magoo. My words were chosen very carefully and if you'd care to know why you'll have to check my blog later this evening."

Big 'ol Mr. Magoo never typed in the thread again...

Here's the big secret (pay attention Magoo because you're being exposed):

Mr. Magoo is just like the wizard of Oz and, as such, is all about the perception of power.

It started with the veiled build-up to his arrival. Reference others commenting on him but not giving any other info. ie, "we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz... "

The perception of power was carried through his post.

"Big props to Richard for successfully infiltrating babble! Who else but a cunning and clever conservative would have a hotmail address, and a browser that supports cookies?"

That statement was designed to put me off balance due to the fact that he knew "things" about me. ooooohhh scary... In reality, that's crap that anyone can dig up.

He continued by trying to frame himself as larger than life with the following:

"But now you're in the belly of the beast, Richard, and the scales are still covering my eyes!"

Just like the ol' wizard's hologram in the palace. (Someone's spent too much time playing dungeons and dragons methinks.) He continues...

"Instead of waking me up to the real truth, you're standing around jerkin' the gherkin."

Why do moonbats always make it "all about them"? Where did anyone state that I was there for him? At this point Magoo attempts to "set the hook" as it were by using a subtle demand.

Here's how the demand works: If you tell an individual that you had expected something from them they will feel obliged to perform even though they really may not be obliged to do so... Hence the control and power. It's human nature. There's a little experement at the bottom of the post for those who want to try it. Anyway, moving on...

He continues with his demands in typical bully fashion:

"You promised your audience an attack, Richard, but so far all you've managed has been a thin and weary defense of Stephen Harper, an obligatory tinfoil hat reference, and some pasty rebuttals that make the jokes on my Dixie Cup look like Oscar Wilde.
Are you going to detonate the explosives and blow this place or what?"

Oh no, he knows more "things" about me.


Well we can't allow this to continue.

What's rule number 1 when dealing with a bully? Stand up to him.

So I did. With this:

"mR. Magi... um... magic... um gooo... magoo... that's it... Magoo! Mr. Magoo: The only gerkin I see jerkin around here is yours. Please note that if you don't stop it you'll go blind... either that or get blisters... one or the other... To which attack are you refering Mr. goo? (wow, that seems somehow fitting...) and no, I don't have explosives... I figured I'd play your game for a while... see what the power of erosion can accomplish..."

End result: Deflation with humor and the typical moonbat response where he attacks the oponent without relating to the topic at hand (at least I referenced the points in his post with my response):

"You want your loyal readers to come here and see this kind of half-assed, limp, phoned-in drooble?
You're eroding your dignity. "

I think he's beginning to realize that he doesn't have control. Time to cement that fact:

"As a matter of fact I do Magoo. My words were chosen very carefully and if you'd care to know why you'll have to check my blog later this evening."

Mission complete. The curtains have been drawn back and the wizard has been exposed for what he is... A bully who uses cheap trickery to puff himself up. (click the pic, there's audio...)

Pleased to meet you Mr. Wizard.

Does this story have a moral?

I think so, post your thoughts in the comments section.

Now for the experiment.

When your date comes into the room with a drink or a snack ask them "where's mine?"

More often than not the conversation will go something like this:

you: "where's mine?"
date: "your what?"
you: "my drink."
date: "you never said you wanted one."
you: "well you were up, you could have asked."
at this point the date begins to feel obligated...
date: "I'm sorry, would you like me to get you one?"
date: "here, you can share mine."
you (please think this part to yourself...): "You're my slave now!"

That and many more mind tricks just like it from "Get Anyone To Do Anything And Never Feel Powerless Again" written by the NY times best selling author David J. Lieberman, PH.D.

Kate has a great piece up right now about censorship, dissent and control. It ties in perfectly with my experiences over the weekend.



Strange things happening in the comments sections... Posts going missing... Wondering if it has anything to do with my new friends over at babble...

A Little Agitation...

These images and more from Cafefreepress.com

A Warm Welcome

I signed up to post over at the Rabble Babble BBS yesterday. I didn't make it a secret and they knew I was comming. Have a look at the warm reception they gave me:

"...the self-same Evans who voted to delete an article on Progressive Bloggers from Wikipedia.
Yes, *that* Dick Evans. The one boasting over at Angry in the Great White North of having infiltrated our little throng.
My view? Let's keep him around. We sour, humorless leftists need a good laugh now and then.
Welcome, Dick!"


"Oh fear and dread, we are all doomed ... a conservative who considers himself superior to everyone else. The "great right hope" has come to smite all us inferior commies and our socialists ideals.
Welcome to babble, we don't get very many conceited pieces of shit conservatives any more... no more than one or two a day. You certainly are a rarity, how will we ever deal with the likes of
you? "

I think they're in for a surprise. Here's another:

"Oh goody, yet another neo-Con clone to have around. Rick your words are very wise. I really like the way you equate a certain babblers name with terrorism. That was super duper. As a lefty I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see you here. Just so much wonderful, inspiring and ummmm.....original thoughts coming from your blog. You must be super proud. I can't wait for you to teach us/me the horror and depravity of our ways.
Besides.... This way I can have yet another reason to have zero hope that neo-con and 'progressive' are words that play well together. Again welcome to Rabble oh neo-con lord of dogma and hate. Really have a seat... sorry for that little incident. I didn't mean to pull the
chair away from you while you were sitting.
Good thing you won't be around long enough to muddy my lefty mind with enticements of free pictures of Canada's favorite neo-cons - signed and framed."

That one was my favorite. Notice how the author used a post filled with hate to accuse me of being hatefull. I'm not sure, is that called hypocracy? Hmmm... I'll have to look that up.

More later...


This is amusing...

Click on the pic...

More news on the Grewal Issue...

The National Post is finally reporting what we knew, a couple of days ago, to be true :

"VANCOUVER - The Vancouver businessman who is demanding a tax receipt for money he gave Conservative MP Gurmant Grewal two years ago says he is a member at large of Liberal Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh's riding association.

Sarup Mann insisted that has nothing to do with his now public demands that Mr. Grewal provide him with tax receipts for a $600 donation he made to Mr. Grewal in 2003 and a $1,800 donation he made to Mr. Grewal's wife, Nina, in 2004."

What they failed to mention were the (suspected?) ties between Grewal's accusers and recent arrests made by the DEA...

Fear is for the Lib-Left...

Note to the moonbats and the terrorists supported by them:

Images from Zubari. More can be found here.


Way Cool !!!

Story copied in it's entirety from Ananova. Hat Tip to Norman Miller of Weird Events.

"Robot camel jockeys
Qatar has staged the world's first ever camel race with robot jockeys.

Seven robot jockeys took part in the race at Al Shahaniyya Camel Racecourse on the outskirts of Doha.

Race officials said it was a successful event. Robot jockeys were developed after child camel jockeys were banned.

Camel racing is a hugely popular sport in the Gulf countries and children were preferred jockeys because of their light weight.

But the ban was introduced over concerns the children were treated like slaves by their employers."

Richard's Note:

For some strange reason I'm half expecting to see Jawa's, land speeders, pods and George Lucas somewhere in these pictures.

Yay For Gitmo!

This is going to get the lib-left all worked into a frenzy.

"WASHINGTON -- The interrogations went on for up to 20 hours a day, day after day. The prisoner was told his mother and sisters were whores. He was forced to wear a bra and put a thong on his head. At one point, an interrogator tied a leash to him and forced him to conduct a series of dog tricks.

It all took place at the U.S. detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in an effort to get suspected al-Qaeda member Mohamed al-Kahtani to co-operate with his interrogators."

I'm OK with this. In fact, I think we need more of it. Look at the alternatives if we don't get the information we need (c/o Michael Savage):

Those with strong stommaches can click here for the Nick Berg beheading video.

Here's a lovely photo from London:

Oh hey, how about those nukes? We should maybe worry a little about those as well no?

"Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S. Terrorists, bombs smuggled across Mexico border by MS-13 gangsters"

Oh, look, we may even find out about terrorist operations here at home:

"According to recent reports, one of the group's captured leaders, Nouredine Nfia, has told Moroccan authorities the organization had sleeper cells prepared to mount synchronized attacks in Britain, France, Italy, Belgium and Canada.
Nfia allegedly told Moroccan authorities that agents were in place in Ottawa and Montreal."

Note to moonbats: Go whine somewhere else. Winning this war is going to be done by real men and women who are willing to do what needs to be done. You're not them.


Kate ties the issue to John Kerry's Presidential run

Gretchen just whines...

Conservative Dialysis is bang on with their assessment.


Sorry Ralph

A Point To Ponder

Yoy know how the Green Party supports "De-population"? Well when you run into one of their minions at a party and he starts spewing on about how there's not enough room on the planet, give 'em these facts:

  • If the entire population of the world were put into the land area of Texas, each person would have an area equal to the floor space of a typical U.S. home and the population density of Texas would be about the same as Paris, France.
  • In 1992, the population of Hong Kong City was approximately 247,501 per square mile, while in New York City it was 11,480 per square mile, and in Houston 7,512.
On second thought... Just don't go to parties where there are going to be Green Party minions spewing their drivel... It'll be easier that way.

More Ado About Nothing

A while back I posted on the non-issue of Grewal trying to get a package courriered to Ottawa via colleagues on an Air Canada flight. I asserted that the libs were merely making an issue out of nothing in an effort to discredit the man that busted their lame asses. I was proven right.

Now there's "tax issues" all of a sudden popping up.

I think it's another non-issue.

I also have a theory about what's going on behind the scene:

  • I think the Grewal tapes have been proven to be authentic. (sorry buckets, you've wasted a lot of time)
  • I think the RCMP let that fact slip to their political masters.
  • I think the Libranos are behind the new "tax issues" in an effort to discredit Grewal before the tape bombshell is released to the public.
  • I think the "bombshell" will be released on a Saturday in mid August... No, wait, that's too far away... The August long weekend... Timed perfectly so no one will notice.


Kate at SDA points out some interesting connections between Grewal's accusers and the Liberal Party... Very interesting...

Subtle Differences Between Democrat and Republican Women

(Stolen from Rusty)


I Told Ya So!

Angry has this post up in regards to how the gay lobby is now using C-38 to force their way into our schools.

"The gay couple’s legal council, Tim Timberg, said, “The second issue is there’s an opting-out provision in the curriculum that where a subject is deemed to be sensitive, the school teachers are under an obligation to in advance advise parents that they’ll be raising a sensitive issue in the classroom.” The Human Rights Complaint seeks to remove sexual orientation from the list of ‘sensitive’ issues."

Simply put, they want homosexual studies made mandatory and take away a parent's right to "opt out".

This is NOT a situation where I'm happy about being correct!

WOOHOO! I've Got Hate Mail!

Our intrepid blogger posts and responds to fan mail (vulgar language blanked-out)

Ryley Huston writes:

Subject: Dickhead

"what the f**k is wrong with you? what does the word love mean to you? what do the words justice, peace, righteousness, mean to you? just keep on hating you asshole. if hate really gets you off, have fun with that. the rest of us will just keep on hoping you get hit by a truck."

My Response:

Dear Ryley;

Thank you for guessing at my nickname. For future reference, my close friends call me "Dick". I would ask that you use this moniker as well. It'll be faster to type and will still allow you to vent your frustrations in a passive-agressive manner.

You've asked me to define things like love and justice. I'm short of time today so I'm providing a link that will help you out.

Could you please do me a favor and explain what those comments regarding hate are all about? I can't address your concerns if all you provide is gibberish. Thank you.

I await your reply.

Cory Machell writes:

Subject: i hope you get raped by a faggot dressed in full nazi ss gear

"you stupid shit, you make a website in which you claim to be able to explain and resolve all the worlds issues, and you what?............work pipelining in redneck alberta? i bet you are very educated, you stupid f**k. eat a dick. eat shit. i only hope god was smart enough to deprive you of any fertile sperm. what the world needs is a whole lot less of you, people like you are sick. seriously.........examine your way of thinking, if there is a heaven, you'll never get in if ya keep on thinkin the way you do. "

My response:

Your hopes that I get raped by a "faggot" are wasted my new friend. You see, the "faggots" you refer to don't come around people like me because people like me show them for what they really are. They react like cockroaches (and scurry away). Sorry to disappoint you.

"you stupid shit, you make a website in which you claim to be able to explain and resolve all the worlds issues,"

Tell me please exactly where you found those claims on my blog. I don't think you can.

"and you what?............work pipelining in redneck alberta?"

Actually, no. I'm a self employed Occupational Health and Safety Specialist. I have clients that perform the piplining. I also have clients that perform heavy civil construction, roadworks, excavating, industrial and commercial construction.

"i bet you are very educated, you stupid f**k."

As a matter of fact, I am educated. My primary studies were at SAIT with numerous follow up courses. My GPA when I graduated was 3.9. I also have an understanding of spelling and grammer and your sentence above should have read this way: "I'll wager that you have no education, you stupid f**k."

"eat a dick. eat shit."

Again, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You see, it's only the "faggots" you mentioned earlier that eat shitty dicks. I personally find the practice extremely un-hygenic and repulsive.

"i only hope god was smart enough to deprive you of any fertile sperm. "

Too late amigo... I'm already the proud father of two great kids.

"what the world needs is a whole lot less of you, people like you are sick."

Less of people like me? Is that so people like you will dominate? You'll be disappointed again. The number of people like me is growing and we're not taking crap from people like you anymore.

"seriously.........examine your way of thinking, if there is a heaven, you'll never get in if ya keep on thinkin the way you do. "

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that heaven was a concern for me because it isin't. Sadly, I don't think it's an issue for you either.

Thank you both for your comments. I love fan mail. Please feel free to write again.

Outing another Moonbat

Can someone please explain what exactly this statement means?

"Picture a conservative politicians dream demographic. I live in Harper's own Calgary SouthWest riding. I'm an upper middle class, white, christian, family man and homeowner with traditional values. I voted Liberal in the last election because my traditional values include freedom, tolerance, caring and peace."

Is this individual saying that he's a conservative in all respects with the exception of valuing freedom, tolerance caring and peace? Is he inferring that conservatives don't value those things?

This individual says he has traditional values. A quick look at his blog shows that he has the traditional value of supporting same sex marriage, frog-licking environmentalism and backing the corrupt liberal party of Cannuckistan.

Sorry amigo, you're not a "conservative politician's dream demographic". Nope, you're a MoonBat. Please refrain from using the term conservative when describing yourself in the future. You're getting it all dirty.