


Out of the Blue...

As the income trust scandal breaks...

Suddenly, the "Main Stream Media" have something to say about Conservative Leader Stephen Harper that does not include the words "scary" "hidden" or "cold"...


I am currently in Arizona on vacation, and am actually paying cash to blog this post, so forgive me if it seems rushed(or lackluster). I'll get back to bloggin' on a better basis when I return next week. I don't want to sound cocky, but the way this election is going...
We'll all be facing the possibility of a Conservative MAJORITY by then. Later.

p.s: Richard, congratulations on a great year of blogging! I'm looking forward to more fun in the New Year...

Pissing-Off The Left

Lets get the weekend started properly...

All of the above can be purchased from cafepress.com


Made Some Edits

Did some tweeking of the new Flash ad for the NDP. Here it is.

Looks like 'ol Ralphy "G" is going to get the treatment over the weekend. Any ideas you folks have in mind for it would be appreciated.


Has the GoodAle Gone Skunky?

From Bourque Newswatch:

Bourque has learned that embattled Finance Minister Ralph Goodale is being pressured to give up his Cabinet seat for an indeterminate period of time, this in light of devastating news first revealed to the nation here yesterday that the RCMP has launched a criminal investigation into leaks from his department regarding rulings relating to the growing income trust scandal. According to senior sources inside the Paul Martin Liberal Party who spoke on condition of anonymity, "the official party posture is that Ralph didn't know anything and therefore shouldn't have to resign, but the public perception is devastating, it's killing us, and we need to move firmly to squelch the stink." Incredibly, Prime Minister Paul Martin has refused to comment directly on news of the RCMP criminal probe, except to offer support for Goodale, blustering that "The RCMP has said there is no evidence of wrongdoing on Mr. Goodale's behalf, his office or his department", a comment that would seem to contradict RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli in his letter of December 23, where he states categorically that "based on information during the review, the RCMP will be commencing a criminal investigation". All of which begs the question: if Martin is so sure the RCMP is not investigating Goodale and his Department, who does he think the RCMP is investigating, the PMO ? Meanwhile, Goodale is said to be reeling from the latest developments in this scandal. "A little rattled", as blogger "Kate" put it at Small Dead Animals, noting that "Ralph is on local radio right now, repeating his assertions that he investigated himself to his own satisfaction." His campaign team, according to one lifer who emailed Bourque, is said to be "dismayed and disillusioned" by the stunning turn of events. Further, fully 82% of those polled in a Bourque Barometer overnight say Goodale has no choice but to step aside. Developing.

The question is, will he jump, be pushed, or hang in there? A true team man would jump, but there is little of the "what's good for the team" spirit in the latest Liberal incarnation. Will he be pushed. Maybe, but Martin can be stupidly loyal, and at very strange times. As a loyal Martinite, he may hang on, good for us Conservatives if he does. My guess, Martin will be convinced to let him go, lest the stink find it's way to the PMO. Think it can't, re read this line:

if Martin is so sure the RCMP is not investigating Goodale and his Department, who does he think the RCMP is investigating, the PMO ?

I for one will miss Mr. Goodale, if for no other reason than because ever since I started political writing in the spring, I have had fun with the name, calling him Skunkybeer, Waterylager &tc. I hate to see a dependable joke just up and resigning.

Find out more at:

angry in the great white north, Bourque, Political Staples and CTV's David Akin's.

Cross Posted to At Home in Hespeler

A New Toy

Guess who's learning to work with Flash animation...

Even more ways to stick it to the moonbats...

Here's the first Cannuckistan Cartoon

Leave your thoughts in the comments section...


A Quick Link

Sorry everybody, it's late and I'm running tired but I wanted to pass this story along:

Liberal Government investigated by RCMP

I'll cross post later incarnations of the story if there are any, but for now this will have to do.


Conservative Chicks are Way Hotter than Lib-Left Chicks

Lib-Left Chicks:

Conservative Chicks:

Need I say more?

Two of the lovely ladies directly above are US soldiers. Can you guess which ones? Click here to find out...


let's talk drugs ...

One thing that really bothers me about the situation in Canada right now is the abysmal lead the Supreme Court has over wanna be courts in the US. Just think of all the great things that these unelected swine … oops … sorry …. At least pork is useful for something .. it makes good bacon …. And the Supreme Court of Canada certainly doesn’t make good law... have given us. Look at all the benefits one has with this band of deviants sitting on the bench – homosexual marriage shoved down the throats of decent people; pedophile heaven in the newly discovered right to group sex; against all evidence to the contrary, finding that legal ownership of guns is dangerous (well, they might be right if Canadians weren’t so complacent and decided to storm Ottawa and give the ‘supremes’ and their masters in the Liberal Party a lesson in civics); and moving further towards Holland style drugs laws to boot.
Drug laws are something I was thinking about recently. One of the folks I enjoy sparring with on another site is a guy from Utah who is irreligious and an avowed Libertarian. His biggest Libertarian platform seems to be drugs laws. The folks who like the US to abandon the war on drugs use a whole bunch of statistics and viewpoints to “prove” that the war is both lost and stupid:
  • drug laws can’t work – we should have learned that from the fact that Prohibition failed. Well, that’s not only a very bad argument, it’s also fallacious. Prohibition didn’t fail – it reduced alcohol-based problems by astounding percentages. However, it was eventually repealed for one reason … the genie had always been out of the bottle – alcohol had been accepted for millennia. Quite different than illegal and/or illicit drugs.

  • Alcohol and smoking is bad for us too, but we don’t make them illegal. Pulling in other substances doesn’t make drugs any less of a problem. We have, in fact, made many places free of smoking, and alcohol … and we punish people who commit offences while inebriated.

  • Smoking marijuana is no worse than smoking cigarettes. Well, we have no studies on long term usage of ‘grass’ … since it is illegal in most places … so that’s a pretty hard thing to prove or disprove …. But medical studies have shown that marijuana cigarettes are worse than tobacco cigarettes … so I have to call BS on that one.

  • It’s my body and what I do with MY body is no one else’s business! Again … gotta call BS on that one. There is NO such thing as “I’m not hurting anyone else, just myself." Even dopers have families who are hurt. Dopers have to get their money somewhere … and that’s usually crime … which means that Pete gets to pay taxes to support the doper in rehab, and jail, and welfare. For some reason, dopers never seems to want to sign off on a waiver when they say “I’m not hurting anyone except me”.

  • We’re tying up the courts with trying petty drug user cases. Golly, who gets to define petty … and what defines wasting a courts time? Drugs are illegal… and drug users are criminals. Crime is crime is crime. You don’t wanna go to court? Don’t play with matches … or drugs ….

  • If drugs were legalized, we could collect taxes on them. Yeah, I love that … give the government another criminal enterprise to get involved in. They’ve taken over the numbers and other forms of gambling from the crooks and now we want them to start getting into junkie fodder too? Oh joy!

New Audio

The Cannuckistan audio mill has cranked out another one. It seems the NDP supporters have been particularly whiney of late and it just wouldn't be appropriate if we didn't add some fuel to the fire.

(I was going to use the term "pee in their snowbank" but I'm saving that for the Liberals)

To help provide clarity on some NDP positions, we've put this little radio comercial together. Jack, if you're reading this, please feel free to use the ad. No charge.

I know alot of you folks get annoyed when the audio starts automaticly but it's just for this evening.

I'm So Proud! (#2)

The story is self explanatory, but here it is:

Canada new destination
of choice for pedophiles?

High court ruling legalized
group-sex clubs with 14-year-olds

Lines like this make me so happy:

A former consultant to three U.S. administrations, Reisman, who is also a WND columnist, says the court's decision sends a clear message to pedophiles: "You don't have to go to Asia anymore. Pedophiles can have the blond, blue-eyed kids in Canada, too."

Isn't that special? So is this:

Judith Reisman, a world-renowned scholar and author of four books, including "Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences," said that since under Canadian law 14-year-olds are legally considered "consenting adults," the court's controversial decision "will now make Canada a sex traffic playground for pedophiles."

The column really speaks for itself, which is good because I found it so distasteful it's hard to comment on. I can only say I hope to god Mr. Lambert got it wrong.

Cross Posted to At Home in Hespeler

A Gentle Reminder

This is just a quick note to remind folks that there are 5 of us who post at this location. Each from a different perspective

First we have Brian. Brian looks through the eyes of the average Ontario husband and father and his posts generally contain a very subtle wit that that gets missed if you read them too quickly. You can find more of Brian's writing at "At Home in Hespeler"

Second is Wonder Woman. She gives us a perspective on the Canadian condition that comes from a wife and mother living in Ontario. She's articulate, accurate and fearless. In addition to posting here, she also runs "A North American Patriot" and contributes to the "Shotgun Blog".

Next up we have KnightofGoodMrIronMan. An Alberta boy, Knight has a keen interest in maintaining the "Alberta Advantage". Knight also maintains "The Ashes of Tyranny" blog where an individual can learn just about anything on Kim Jong Il.

Our fourth contributor is Pete in Midland. Pete looks through the eyes of a Canadian ex-pat now living in the US and gives great insight into both countries. A motorcycle enthusiast, Pete also maintains a site called "On Orange Wings".

That just leaves me, Richard, your host and shit-disturbing DJ. I'm just your average husband and father with an above average distaste for socialism. In addition to maintaining the Chronicles, I also maintain the "Anti-PC League" blog and blogroll.

That's us in a nutshell. I may have started the Chronicles but it's taken all of us to keep it going and I owe my co-contributors a very large debt of gratitude for that.

Thanks guys.



Liberal's Running Best Campaign?

So how are those campaigns going. According to a poll by the fine folks at CTV, so it must be true, the Liberals are running the best campaign:

While the media have been giving Stephen Harper credit for running a smooth campaign so far, Canadians are saying it is Paul Martin and the Liberals who have run the best campaign up to the Christmas break.

A quarter of Canadians think the Liberals have run the best campaign so far, while 23 per cent say it is the Conservatives, 16 per cent say the NDP and 10 per cent say the Bloc.

Note the headline "Martin's Liberals running best campaign: poll" then the details: 25% for the Liberals, 23% for the Conservatives. But the poll is considered accurate within 2.5 points, so no, the Liberal's are nor running the best campaign according to the poll. According to the poll it's even.

keep moving folks, no bias to see here.

I guess the 24% never saw this:

This is from this, wonderful piece of work by Mike Klander, a senior executive in the Liberal Party of Canada; Paul Martin's senior leadership organizer in Ontario; the muscle the Grits sent in to roll over Sheila Copps in Hamilton in '04; and riding-association president to Tony Ianno." Inkless Wells has more, as does Stephen Taylor.

This one is just breaking, so look for some fireworks once the campaign re starts.

Cross Posted to At Home in Hespeler.


It's Christmas Eve

On behalf of the Chronicles I would like to extend our warmest wishes to you and yours.

May your egg-nog be spiked and your bellies kept full.


Jealous yet?

While the leaders of Canada's political parties campaign to gain seats in Saskachewan, Manitoba, B.C and Ontario... A unique "problem" develops in Alberta; ABUNDANCE OF WORK!!!

In my riding, abundance of work seems to be the biggest election challenge facing incumbent Brian Jean... http://www.fortmcmurraytoday.com/story.php?id=199778

So why does Eastern Canada slag the CPC for being aligned with Alberta? Why would all Canadians NOT want to live like Albertans do? Jealousy seems to be the root cause of all anti-Albertan sentiment, in my opinion. While the Liberal party, and Canada's left in general, continue to berate Alberta for being the best place to live in the country, it is important to preach the reasons WHY Alberta has a distinct ADVANTAGE.
Kate Mcmillan, as usual, tells it like it is better than anyone...

As the anti-Alberta rhetoric is increased proportionally with anti-American sentiment, during the current election campaign... I thought I would share a picture that might help put the issue into focus.

Fountain Hills Arizona is symbolic of everything America stands for. Citizens of this town/state/country will not EVER be satisfied with "adequate" anything, be it medicine, food, shopping, or entertainment.
Like the opulent and extremely numerous medical clinics that dot the valley, the fountain seen off in the distance is not just a Good one... It is the biggest and best in the world. Americans will never have it any other way.

Like martini, I love Canada very very much.
Unlike martini(and Canada's left), I also love America.


Dear "Dad"

Dear Dad;

Thanks to lib-left ideology, you and mom got divorced when I was in kindergarden and, as a result, I never really knew you. As such, this shouldn't be too hard for you to take. I'm adopting a new "dad". Someone with conviction, and morals and a really cool media collection.

Your genetic offspring


A Reminder...

Upon doing some research into the neo-pseudo-holiday "Kwanzaa" I've discovered the following equation:

KWANZAA = Bend over bee-atch!

Now, when I say that you're going to get stroked this holiday season, I should clarify that it isn't by Kwanzaa itself.


Kwanzaa's just the lubricant.

There's a big black guy, all lubed up, about to bend us over. He's a marxist named Ron Karenga and he's been having his way with us for years now.

...Ron Karenga (aka Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga) invented the seven-day feast (Dec. 26-Jan. 1) in 1966, branding it a black alternative to Christmas. The idea was to celebrate the end of what he considered the Christmas-season exploitation of African Americans.

According to the
official Kwanzaa Web site -- as opposed, say, to the Hallmark Cards Kwanzaa site -- the celebration was designed to foster "conditions that would enhance the revolutionary social change for the masses of Black Americans" and provide a "reassessment, reclaiming, recommitment, remembrance, retrieval, resumption, resurrection and rejuvenation of those principles (Way of Life) utilized by Black Americans' ancestors."

Karenga postulated seven principles: unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith, each of which gets its day during Kwanzaa week. He and his votaries also crafted a flag of black nationalism and a pledge: "We pledge allegiance to the red, black, and green, our flag, the symbol of our eternal struggle, and to the land we must obtain; one nation of black people, with one God of us all, totally united in the struggle, for black love, black freedom, and black self-determination."

Now, the point: There is no part of Kwanzaa that is not fraudulent. Begin with the name. The celebration comes from the Swahili term "matunda yakwanza," or "first fruit," and the festival's trappings have Swahili names -- such as "ujima" for "collective work and responsibility" or "muhindi," which are ears of corn celebrants set aside for each child in a family.

Unfortunately, Swahili has little relevance for American blacks. Most slaves were ripped from the shores of West Africa. Swahili is an East African tongue.

To put that in perspective, the cultural gap between Senegal and Kenya is as dramatic as the chasm that separates, say, London and Tehran. Imagine singing "G-d Save the Queen" in Farsi, and you grasp the enormity of the gaffe.

Worse, Kwanzaa ceremonies have no discernible African roots. No culture on earth celebrates a harvesting ritual in December, for instance, and the implicit pledges about human dignity don't necessarily jibe with such still-common practices as female circumcision and polygamy. The inventors of Kwanzaa weren't promoting a return to roots; they were shilling for Marxism. They even appropriated the term "ujima," which Julius Nyrere cited when he uprooted tens of thousands of Tanzanians and shipped them forcibly to collective farms, where they proved more adept at cultivating misery than banishing hunger.

Even the rituals using corn don't fit. Corn isn't indigenous to Africa. Mexican Indians developed it, and the crop was carried worldwide by white colonialists.

The fact is, there is no Ur-African culture. The continent remains stubbornly tribal. Hutus and Tutsis still slaughter one another for sport... [article authored by
Tony Snow for JWR - emphasis added by post author]

North American society is being bent over with ol' Ron slapping our collective asses demanding that we take every inch. His goals are clear. He wants segregation. His own black nation. Kwanzaa's the ultimate affirmative action program. Designed to help him reach his goals...

Remember: The Chronicles isn't anti-black, it's anti-bullshit. And this year, it's anti-Kwanzaa...

Update: Seems Karenga is sitting in prison. Anyone know anything about that?

A Milestone

The Anti-PC League received it's 50th member last evening. That means that at least 50 of you folks have decided that you aren't going to be pushed around by the PC'ers anymore. Of those 50 blogs, we have members in France, Italy, the United States and Canada.

Well Done! Congratulate yourselves.

That number is also a little disturbing however. It means that there are still hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there who are being forced to think and act in a politically correct manner. This is not acceptable. They must be freed!

If you're one of the unlucky non-members, what have you been waiting for? Sign-up today and prove to the world that you're not a sheep, that you won't be led by the lib-left PC'ers. Prove to yourself and others that they don't control your thoughts and actions anymore!


Adscam Explained

This is my country... and you are not going to take my country away from me ...

Paul Martin
Friday December 16th, 2005
Televised Leaders debate

So there you have it. No theft! No mismanagement by the person in charge of the treasury!

It's Paul Martin's country, and he let them take the money.

We're A Little Slow...

US Presidential election 2004 - The whole world witnesses the power of that "internet thingy" and "blogs". Movers and shakers within the lib-left are caught with their pants down and no excuses. John Kerry's military service and Dan Rather's fake memo are two stunning examples where citizen journalism (blogs) deconstructed lib-left spin and got the truth out to the masses.

Just a quick refresher on one of those points because it's too funny: J. Kerry
received several Purple Hearts right? Well he got one of them for getting a
grain of rice embedded in his ass. Now, one has to think that that grain of rice
had to have been traveling at a pretty good speed to get embedded into someone's
ass and it was. Said grain of rice became a projectile after J. Kerry
accidentally fired a mortar into a rice paddy that was too close to the boat he
was in. That's right folks. John (Rambo) Kerry shot himself in the ass with a
grain of rice (in a round-about way) and got a purple heart for his trouble...

Without that "internet thingy" and "blogs" we'd have never known about stuff like that.

Back to the point of the post...

The masses are now more informed than they've ever been. The lib-left is no longer shielded by the MSM. Most folks down in the states have figured it out but up here in Cannuckistan? Not so much!

Our lib-left politicians and MSM still think they can operate with impunity.

Most of them just don't get it. But they will. Soon.

There's power in those keyboards folks and I think that the next 30+ days are going to be an extremely painful learning experience for Canada's left.

A quick side note: I was asked recently if I was going to ease up on the "grass-roots MoonBat beatings" and focus more on politics with the run-up to the election. The answer is yes and the fun should start shortly after Christmas.


The Defining Moment

Taken from "This Canada".

Who do you want to run you life? You or the State?

Do you serve the Liberal State, or should government serve you?

Do you want the state, the federal government, to dictate what services you should receive, whether you are eligible for those services, where those services are provided, and when those services are provided... if they are even available where you live?


Do you want a Liberal State that serves its own first and, if there's any time or money left over, uses it to regulate your life and extract more money from your pocket... all the while saying things to please all the people, even if it involves deception, broken promises and sometimes outright lies... including lies and insults to our friend, neighborbour and trading partner (80%+) to the south?

Or do you want a government that is honest, will clean and prosecute up the corruption that riddles Ottawa, that will put your interest first, and will take action to stop Ottawa playing region against region, that will sit down with Quebec to seriously deal with their needs, and that will burn a new path for Canada and Canadians in trade, jobs, healthcare, personal safety on the streets, taking care of the needy and the sick, and strengthening our place in the world.

It's an excellent post that makes a lot of sense. What really caught my attention however was one of the comments:

Ed Minchau says:
December 18th, 2005 at 1:03 pm

I believe that what you are talking about here is completely alien to most Canadians. The rot goes too deep. In fact, I am actively encouraging Canadians, particularly those in Ontario, to vote for the Liberal party.

You see, I want Albertans to wake up and realize that Ontario actually approves of the corrupt nanny state. That way, Alberta can abandon the fantasy that the Canada to which we are were so loyal is no more, and can get on with the business of separation.

I'm with Ed. Mostly, anyway.

I can't encourage others to vote for the libs although a very large part of me hopes that they do.

A Liberal majority would invariably ensure Alberta separationtion. A Conservative majority would only prolong the process. Neither choice, "socialist" or "socialist-lite" are acceptable in Alberta anymore.

Media Bias

Another study showing that media bias is real.

Someone should inform Chuck Adler.


Is Sheila back on the Tequila?

Or is it me who needs more of Mexico's finest? But I find myself agreeing with Sheila Copps lately. Perhaps indicative of how bad the split is in the Liberal party, Sheila has been sounding like a Conservative Spin-ster. Today, she pokes holes in Paul Martin's debate, citing the Liberal leadership debate in which he said the opposite of what he said this week.

Remember, when Paul Martin says "Stephen Harper would have sent your sons to Iraq," so to would Paul Martin. When he says "Harper's opposition to gay marriage leaves him unfit to govern," Martin himself was unfit to govern two short years ago. And when he says "Stephen Harper is scary and angry," remember this picture:

From today's Copps Article:

Two and a half years ago, the same prime minister stood on another stage in Vancouver and took the exact opposite position! In fact, so critical was he of the era of Chretien-Bush relations that he endorsed the "perimeter North America" concept proposed by the Business Council on National Issues, which would essentially keep a common fence around, not between, Canada and the U.S. I also recall him working behind the scenes to undermine then-PM Jean Chretien's decision not to send troops to Iraq.

During that same Liberal debate, he also refused to support gay marriage and remained ambiguous about whether he would even sign the Kyoto accord...

and the capper:

And why do certain media outlets think it is relevant to cover Harper's eight-year-old flip-flops but blank out when it comes to Martin's about-face on Kyoto, Iraq and gay marriage? Double standard, anyone?

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler

I Agree...

David Taras, a political science professor at the University of Calgary, said the Conservatives are likely skirting the issue because they've become a "middle-class Ontario party."

"What they're trying to do is downplay the kind of old Reform party-Alliance party politics of social conservatism," he said. "They don't want to get into fetus politics."

Taras added that "roughing up victims of crime doesn't make for great politics."

read the whole story here...


Listing Update

We have yet another submission for the "Names the MoonBats like to call Richard" listing.

Today's name is:


Remember kids, if the MoonBats aren't pissed, you aren't doing it right!


Whose going to solve Canada U.S. relations? Part 2

I have had a few posts recently about what I think is our governments childish, immature sniping at the U.S. both during this election and in the past few years. My point has been that sooner or later, such adolescent posturing is going to cost us. I'm not alone in that opinion, as evidenced by this piece by Douglas MacKinnon in the Washington Times. Here's a few highlights from the article:

For a growing number of people in our country, "O, Canada" is now less about a national anthem and more about frustration, confusion, disappointment and anger. As in, "Oh, Canada! Why are you once again stabbing the United States in the back?" A recent public spat between liberal Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, and David Wilkins, U.S. ambassador to Canada, is shining a much-needed light on a problem that runs much deeper than mere name calling. It is a problem that if not properly addressed and fixed, could have severe national-security consequences for the United States...

The ambassador's point raises a larger question: Can Canada really be considered our "friend" anymore? As someone whose family comes from Canada, a country I grew up loving as a child, it pains me to ask the question. That said, what other question can be asked when the Canadian government not only willingly allows Islamic terrorists into their country, but does nothing to stop them from entering our nation...

Comedian Jon Stewart once joked that "A Canadian woman kept asking me, 'What do Americans really think about Canada? What do Americans really think about Canada?' " And Mr. Stewart answered, "We don't." Well, the day has come when we need to not only start thinking about them, but holding some Canadians accountable for their irresponsible actions. Our once great friend is turning against us. Common sense and our national security dictate that we can no longer afford to ignore that fact.

There's a problem here, and Mr. Martin isn't solving it, he's exasperating it. I ask again, which of our leader's has a plan for resolution?

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler

Stephen Harper = John Kerry

I really hate to say it but our "Right-Wing Conservative Leader" Stephen Harper is becomming more like John Kerry every day. Flippin' and a floppin'. Votin' for the war before votin' against it. Sacrificing personal integrity and grass-roots support in the hopes of gaining power.

To quote Rachel Marsden from the Toronto Sun:

Canadian conservatism is like "New Coke." Remember that? It traumatized some people so badly that they still specify that they want "Classic Coke." Conservatism in this country is a disaster of a brand -- and a two-month election campaign is unlikely to change that.

Welcome to Cannuckistan, where even the conservatives are liberals...

U.S. / Canada Relations

There's been a big stink up here recently because folks in the US are starting to pay attention to the impending Canadian election and the rhetoric being put fourth by the ruling Liberal party. The lib-left in Canada are annoyed that Americans are standing up and saying "Hey!, We're not your political pinata". Don't be fooled by what you hear. It's safe to say that a large portion of us are glad to be getting the attention of mainstream Americans. You folks need to have a very clear understanding of what's going on up here because when our confederation fails, the Province of Alberta is going to need your help. In a big way...

This Crap Has To Stop

The smoking-at-home issue also sparked debate about whether such rulings will lead courts to become involved in such matters as parents' making poor TV programming choices for their children. The nonprofit group Action on Smoking and Health is among the most outspoken on stopping parents from smoking around children.

If we, as individuals, don't stand up to the nanny state mentality they'll win...

Read the whole article here.


Leger Marketing Poll

Remember when Joe Clark in his role as emperor of Who-ville, use to talk about the Progressive Conservative Party as the only national alternative to the Liberals. I'm looking at today's Leger Marketing Survey and wondering, who's a national party now?

The Liberals own half of Atlantic Canada, and the other half, which happens to live in Ontario. The CPs own Alberta and the Bloc has a slight edge in Quebec. But no party is in position to call themselves truly national, just like Joe's Whos.

Surely National means you have real opportunities in 9 or 10 provinces. Nobody can do this right now. If you aren't in a party led by Gilles Ducceppe, you're not getting seats in Quebec. Ditto for Alberta and Stephen Harper's party. But don't look for any of those guys in Atlantic Canada, and the NDP is a tiny rump party everywhere. According to various polls (I know, don't trust them!) the NDP is having a tough time out pacing the Green Party in this election. So again, I ask it, who's a national party? And does anybody have a true mandate to govern this country if they aren't truly national?

What a mess we've become!

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler

Strange slander...

"New" NDP hopeful Edward Schreyer gives a stinging indictment of Paul Martin, and doesn't try and hide any anti-American sentiment in the process...

"I believe for starters that we cannot really get at the main issues in a way that is meaningful until we manage to straighten out and clean up parliament and parliamentary control of cabinet, and through cabinet, control of a Prime Minister's Office, a PMO, that is getting out of control and almost presidential."

Am I missing something here? When did being called "almost Presidential" become an insult?
Ohhhh, Right... Over decades of blatant liberal anti-Americanism.

pres·i·den·tial ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prz-dnshl)adj.
a.Of or relating to a president or presidency.
b.Befitting a president, especially the office of the President of the United States: He criticized the candidate for not looking presidential.
c.Of or relating to a political system in which the chief officer is a president who is elected independently of the legislature for a fixed term: a presidential government.

UPDATE: Two minutes after posting this, Ed was on CBC radio with the EXACT same statement. This new guy's sure original... EdIsBack.ca

More New Audio

Here's the latest from the Cannuckistan Audio Editor. It's a first run and will likely be edited before the final release. Let me know what you think in the comments section...

Happy Purple Finger Day!


Whose going to solve Canada U.S. relations?

O.K. I've calmed down! Yesterday I started to write a small article on U.S. Ambassador David Wilkens stern, yet indirect, words for Paul Martin. Then I read PMP.M.'s smug reply and... well... this happened. Not actually what I wanted to say.

So here's closer to what I originally thought: first David Wilkens was wrong. He is interfering with our election. Just as Raymond Cretien was wrong to interfere with the 2000 U.S. Election when he stated Canada had a preference for Al Gore over George W..

However, Paul Martin needs to understand that you can't keep tweaking someone's nose without them saying 'HEY!' sooner or later. Lets be clear: I have no problem with us not going to Iraq: we didn't have the troops to send anyway. But the High School way in which Jean Cretien and the Liberal caucus handled the announcement couldn't help but rankle the D.C. Powers that be.
The same goes for missile defense. G.W. Was making a statement about mending fences when he visited PMP.M. so soon after he became same. W. came expecting to talk missile defense and, without warning, P.M. made a surprise announcement that we aren't in. Surprises, in situations like this, aren't good.

Now, I do know this is a two way street. I understand our complaint about softwood, beef, chickens &tc. But as a head of government, Paul Martin's responsibility is to find solutions to these problems. Sniping shares a beginning letter and an ending with solving but not much else. The question I have for all the party leaders in this election is what productive steps would you take to solve the outstanding foreign relation issues? Mr. Martin? Mr. Harper? What solutions do you have?

On a related note, the clock hit 12:00 again today; I was ahead of the MSM curve. Here's me last Friday:

In case you thought Canada's relationship with the US couldn't get any worse, Paul Martin is out to prove you wrong. Today, two days after hen-pecking the current administration on global warming, he's going to meet with the former administration.

And here's the National Post today:

Clinton-PM visit was the last straw

WASHINGTON - It was bad enough that Paul Martin publicly trashed the Bush administration for lacking a "global conscience" on climate change.

The rest is subscriber only, but the story is that last Friday's meeting between Clinton and Martin was the event that pushed the white house to respond as strongly as it did yesterday.

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler


Summed up...

Cartoon from Punch.
h/t The Educated Shoprat.

Weasel Words of the year - "new multilateralism."

I'll start at the end. This is Paul Martin's defense:

... the world needs a "new multilateralism."

This was the why:

The U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins is warning campaigning politicians they risk hurting the relationship between the two countries when they use anti-U.S. rhetoric to "score political points." Meanwhile, Liberal Leader Paul Martin was quick to fend off any criticism.


"I understand political expediency, but the last time I looked, the United States was not on the ballot for the Jan. 23 election," Wilkins said.. "Just think about this. What if one of our best friends criticized you directly and incorrectly almost relentlessly? What if that friend's agenda was to highlight your perceived flaws while avoiding mentioning your successes? What if that friend demanded respect but offered little in return?" Wilkins asked. "Wouldn't that begin to sow the seeds of doubt in your mind about the strength of the friendship?"

Here's more of the Idiot's response:

"Let me simply say to anyone who wants to question what I have been saying, beginning with (Conservative Leader) Stephen Harper, that I am the prime minister of this country, that our position on climate change will be determined by the government of Canada, that the fact is that we do expect our partners to honour their agreements -- and I will defend Canada. Period."

OK - your the prime minister, we get it. What are you doing about fixing THE PROBLEM, you know, the one where the Americans are starting to sound like they are fed up with your act?

Let me be blunt - SHUT THE F%$^ UP! You are the prime minister, as you like to point out, but it seems too much to ask you, and your pathetic thieving cronies, to act like adults. Stop pissing at the Yanks from afar like a petulant child. Try, just try, to get on with the business of blowing this election without putting the boots to my job (which is absolutely reliant on an open border).

Cross posted to At Home in Hespeler

New Audio

Turn it up! Unless you're surrounded by sensitive people of course.

Three new features:

  • Twas The Night Before Christmas In Iraq (currently playing) - by Mike Church - He want's this one passed on to soldiers everywhere. There's no copyright violation if you download it. Just follow his wishes and thank a soldier.
  • I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas - by Shirley Temple - This was too cute to resist.
  • The Secret Song (no, that's not it's real title) - by Mike Church - Another beautifully performed Politically Incorrect parody. It's a demo and he'd probably appreciate the feedback. (Note: the more the lib-lefties complain about it, the better the chances that it gets put on a CD) The link is hidden somewhere in yesterday's posts so you'll have to hunt around a little.

UPDATE: We had to pull the Hippo song to make room for a political parody. E-mail us with "Hippo" in the subject line and we'll be sure that you get a copy...


I'm Inclined To Call BullShit!

Tory support plummets in Ontario: poll

From Canada.com
"An Ipsos-Reid survey conducted for CanWest News Service over the weekend suggests the Liberals are at 47 per cent support in Ontario- up six points from a week ago - and the Conservatives are down six points from the same period, at 28 per cent."

I'm inclined to call bullshit because Ipsos is asking some very loaded questions...

An e-mail tip from a friend: Ipsos Reid Election Panel - On-line Polling

Last nites poll (Dec. 12) was in two parts, the first of which contained the following questions:

1. How would you rate the performance of each of the leaders so far in the campaign?
(Very Good, Good, Poor, Very Poor)

  • Paul Martin, leader of the Liberal Party
  • Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP)
  • Stephen Harper, leader of the Conservative Party
  • Gilles Duceppe, leader of the Bloc Quebecois

2. As you may know, the high price of oil means that Alberta's provincial government is expected to have record budget surpluses. In your opinion, should Alberta...

  • Keep this extra money to spend on provincial priorities
  • Share this extra money with the rest of Canada

3. Do you think Alberta's oil wealth presents a threat to Canada's federal system?

  • Yes
  • No

4. In your opinion, is the federal government's overall impact on your province...

  • Positive,
  • Negative,
  • Neutral

[My source wasn't able to copy the questions from the second half of the survey as it is aparently time sensitive and he was writing things out longhand. Going to show him how to get screen captures for the next one.]

I don't know where you folks stand but this, in my mind, is clearly push-polling. It's designed to do two things:
  • Remind eastern respondants that Alberta is the nation's wealthiest province and that it's tired of sending all of it's wealth east, which in turn, generates a negative impression with said eastern respondants (because they like all that "free" money) and,
  • ties Stephen Harper to Alberta thus transfering that negative impression to him and the CPC. (This was aparently the case with the second half of the questioning - need to get copies to verify)
Here's a different way of looking at it:
  • Westerner = Bad (because AB want's to hoard their wealth and change health care and all that other bad stuff)
  • Stephen Harper = Westerner (because he's from AB)
  • Stephen Harper = Bad (because that's how transitive properties work)
What I don't understand is how the pollsters are able to get away with doing this sort of thing when they're being so blatently obvious about it.

As a side note, I showed my wife some of the CBC's (not so subtle) Liberal bias yesterday and this post this morning. She's now an avowed Alberta Seperatist.


Bad day for libs all round

First there was the popcorn and beer brouhaha. That you heard about. Now they have a plagiarism problem:

MONTREAL -- Barely a day after the federal Liberals launched a new series of TV ads in Quebec, that marketing campaign was under attack by a theatre executive who complained yesterday that the spots were an inappropriate parody of a type of stage performance he had created.

Yvon Leduc, a co-founder of the Ligue Nationale d'improvisation, a popular form of theatre improvisation in Quebec, wrote a letter to Liberal Leader Paul Martin, demanding that the spots be withdrawn.

"I nearly fell off my chair when I saw on television the ads of the Liberal Party of Canada that plagiarized the improvisation game that we created," he wrote in the letter.

Hmmm, theft by Liberals. Who'd of thunk it?

But, just in case that wasn't bad enough, this is floating around the internet:

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory M Lang

Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 1:23 PM

To: Gregory Lang

Subject: Random acts of political support


I have included you in this missive because I believe you to be a Liberal Party supporter. if not feel free to delete and disregard now - sorry to bother you.

If you are indeed a Liberal Party supporter or know some, please read on and pass this along..

A number of us are going to contribute our time and efforts in support of the Party by forming a SWAT-TEAM like crew that will descend on different campaigns and provide huge impact through "one-offs" in neighbourhood blitzes, event swelling, or other appropriate activities. I am hoping that you might be interested in joining us for one or many of these occassions.
We are currently putting together the complete schedule and destination ridings, but have already scheduled an intervention of support in Etobicoke-Lakeshore for Michael Ignatief for tonight, Monday December 12th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. We will be meeting at [EDITED]. Rides will be arranged for you at your request.

Generally, per the Party Campaign tactics, we will be volunteering in a low-key fashion until after the new year when we will pump up the volume to deafening levels, id est more often, and remember, if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

I hope you can join us. Please email me if you intend to come.

Please let me know if you are generally NOT interested, so i may remove you from this distribution list, otherwise you will continue to receive "like-message" emails from me.

Thanks, Gregory Lang.

Think we should go? Really it's not a big deal, but it starts to look bad. Especially after being caught out having phony 'real' Canadians on the TV ads (the unplagiarised ones).

What is really going on here? Are these guys really this messed up? Maybe. If so, this may be the worst campaign in years (or since Stockwell Day).

Or maybe it's a bait and switch. You know, "look at all the little dumb errors we're making, just don't notice that big income trust thing in the corner."

Time to go tighten the straps on my aluminum foil helmet.

Question of the Day

What's the difference between Canadian parents and the Liberal Party of Canada?

Liberals think Canadian parents blow their money on good ale: Parents think Liberals have Goodale blowing their money.

Cross posted to At Home in Hespeler

No Christmas For You

You'll laugh your ass off at this Politically Incorrect look at Christmas. I know I did.

h/t DR Hammond

Oh, Pete pointed out that you should probably be closing the office door. It has some "not too pretty good" language. CYA

Crossposted to the Anti PC League


You can't pay the taxes on a case of beer for $25.00

It's beautiful!

Quiz time: Why don't the Liberals want to give child care money directly to parents?

Answer: Because they don't trust them to spend it wisely! They might spend it on... BEER ...and ... POPCORN!

No no, the Libs. must spend the money for you, as you can't be trusted with it. Don't believe me? Now you don't have to, Scott Reid, the prime minister's director of communications, has said so himself.

Only the Liberals know how to spend our money for us! How could you possibly be expected to know which Montreal Ad firm to send your check to? Thank God for the Liberals infinite wisdom and guidance.

One question for Scott Reid. What's the name of my first born child?

If you don't even know her name, how can you be expected to know what's best for her?

Bet ya' Scott Reid needs a beer right about now: Guess he knows how I've felt the last 13 years.

Cross posted to At Home in Hespeler

Mitten Registry

I wonder how common this is becoming:. this morning I lost a glove at the hockey rink, and my first thought was, I'll have to keep an eye on the National Post Mitten Registry. Is the registry entering into our fabric of life? One of those things we all are aware of? Or is it just me?

I thought this was a great idea last year, and had planned on sending in any mittens I found (could always use a National Post tote bag). But now, I'm a hopeful watcher of the registry.

They say at the Post that the goal is to "reunite a pair of forlorn mitts!" Suddenly, I very much hope they succeed!

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler

Welcome SDA Readers

The audio you're looking for is here.

I put it together the evening the government finally folded. It seemed appropriate...

You're welcome to download and distribute as you see fit. Just please give credit where it's due.

We're currently working on another selection for your listening amusement so check back in a few days. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. We've also acquired a video editing program and as soon as I figure out how to make it work you'll get political parody video as well...

In the mean time, give a listen to the ACLU song...


New Blog

After Richard's post last week about quitting blogging, I decided it was time to do something I have been pondering since I started writing for Richard: do my own Blog. So here it is:

At Home in Hespeler.

It will contain the usual political stuff I write, but also will be somewhat more general. Popular culture, music, movies and a few other little things: Including a new series I started today called The Ice Rink Chronicles, hopefully a picture of the day feature and regular updates from my other websites A Sophist's Saga and a Singles Scene.

I will still be posting here as often as I can, cross posting often I would imagine. Meanwhile, I hope you'll enjoy At Home in Hespeler.

Deafening Silence

It's Saturday. Shouldn't we be seeing some beheading videos by now?


With friends like these...

You know your campaign is in trouble when your best friends are picking on you. If the Liberals have a best friend in the media, it's this guy. A quote or two for you:

If Paul Martin is going to ban handguns when handguns are pretty much banned already in this country...

What he should do is bring in a law that -— and this is the language I would use if I were drafting the legislation - "really, really, really" bans handguns.

Who would you rather vote for? A guy with one great idea that's already been implemented or a guy with a hundred ideas that have already been implemented?

If I were advising Paul Martin... I'd tell them to call a huge news conference and promise to make all criminal activity illegal.

You get the drift. It's never pretty when your friends are turning on you, but it's a trend I've noticed in this campaign.

Martin to meet (ex-)President

In case you thought Canada's relationship with the US couldn't get any worse, Paul Martin is out to prove you wrong. Today, two days after hen-pecking the current administration on global warming, he's going to meet with the former administration.

Details here

Martin to discuss climate with Clinton: report

Canadian Press

MONTREAL — Paul Martin will make an impromptu trip back to Montreal on Friday to bask in the political glow of a fellow liberal -- former U.S. president Bill Clinton, The Canadian Press has learned.

The prime minister has squeezed an additional campaign stop into his itinerary for a meeting with the popular two-term president, who still draws a large crowd whenever he visits Canada.

For Martin -- who has built part of his election campaign around his political differences with U.S. President George W. Bush -- the encounter with Clinton presents a golden opportunity.

The currentadministrationn isalreadyy none to happy with PMPM, but hey, what's a little salt between wounds. Yet Martin has been touting himself as the only guy who can solve our problems with the U.S. Memo to Paul: This isn't fixing anything.


John Winston Lennon - 1940 -1980

I sat and pencilled (palmed, actually) a pithy little post today about the irony of John Lennon, peace activist and pacifist, being shot by a 'fan,' and Paul Martin announcing his new gun confiscation policy on the same day 25 years later.

Then I thought, maybe it's not pithy, maybe it's pissy. So instead of a post called Same Old Song And Dance by Lennon/McMartin, I'm going to sit later tonight, raise a glass of Guinness in his memory, and pull out the old "Beatles for Classical Guitar" song book and play some of the finest music ever written.


I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this one! According to Warren Kinsela, there was a "surge" in Bay Street donations to the Liberal Party in the aftermath of the Income Trust Leak.

Tell me again why ethics isn't a bigger issue in this election?

Sad issue...

November 24th, 2005 Chris Scott
It's a sad day when North Korea's Kim Jong-il emerges as a role model in the war on global warming. I think it is a sad day when Kim Jong Il wakes up alive... Granted, when the United Nations Climate Change Conference opens at Palais des Congrès in Montreal next week, the Dear Leader will be a no-show. His absence will put him on the same footing as that other hereditary president, George W. Bush. ?!?!? George W. Bush compared to Kim Jong Il... Only on the left. Other "big names" who can't be bothered to show up may include our own Environment Minister, Stéphane Dion, plus NDP climate critic (and chief) Jack Layton, who seems set to lie(he said the NDP will push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020), pick these of all days for a slug-out involving domestic regime change on Parliament Hill. Absentees may not appreciate what they are missing. Yea, waaay better than, uhh, anything else... If this writer's experience at a previous climate conference is an indication, the Palais des Congrès meeting will be a swanky affair. Participants will we treated to two weeks of gala dinners and cafeteria-style lunches served on throwaway dishware. All on taxpayer-dime...
They will produce truckloads of one-sided photocopies, and a majority of the 10,000 government reps, journalists and NGO-types expected will jet in, in jets that do not emit CO2.

Information posted by Friends of the Earth (U.K.) states that global air traffic accounts annually for more than 600 million tonnes of heat-trapping CO2 emissions. It's stats like these that reveal the wisdom in the Dear Leader's decision to never fly. "Keen" biographers have noted that Mr. Kim is afraid of airplanes, and that his rare trips abroad to Beijing or Moscow are conducted by state train... Well, I guess we should all emulate Dear Leader General Comrade Kim Jong Il then...


You said it Charles

Charles Adler hits the nail on the head here.

A Warm Welcome

The Chronicles would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest member of the MoonBat listing. Please say hello to Paladiea.

Paladiea is one of those young idealistic students we so often encounter up here in Canada. She's one of those victim/feminists types... She complains that she has to repay her student loans... She doesn't think that anyone should have to actually work for anything in life. Paladiea maintains her own socialist blog and is a frequent commenter on My Blahg hosted by Robert McClelland. She lives in Toronto and thinks the sun rises and sets with the same...

Here's how she really feels about the concept of western alienation:

"I'm sure all 500 people that vote Conservative there will make a big difference. Toronto is going Liberal/NDP and we decide the fate of the country."

The funny thing is that she didn't realize she was speaking to the same when she made her comment... When ever the subject of western alienation comes up in Robert's comment threads, she seems to take the position that it doesn't exist.

It's funny how hypocritical moonbats are when they think no one's watching...

Do me a favor, visit Paladiea at her blog or in the comment threads over at Roberts blahg and let her know that she's a naive socialist weasel.

From the Inbox

From: Nikita James Nanos, CMRP
President & CEO
SES Research
T 613.234.4666
C 613.276.2731

The shift in focus from the Advertising Scandal to issues such as
daycare and healthcare seems to be playing to the Liberals favour.

Polling completed Tuesday December 6th indicates that the Liberals
are now at 40% popular support followed by the Conservatives at 28%,
the NDP at 17%, the BQ at 11% and the Green Party at 4%. Martin's
Performance Index Score increased 10 points on the day of his
National Daycare announcement.

Polling December 4 to December 6, 2005 (Random Telephone Survey of
1,200 Canadians, MoE ±2.9%, 19 times out of 20). Percentages may not
add up to 100 due to rounding. Our tracking polls allow for a daily
barometer on the activities of the respective campaigns. Longitudinal
tracking charts on all measures can be found at the SES website at

All values in parenthesis are changes from our November 13th national

Canada Decided Voters
LIB - 40% (+6)
CP - 28% (NC)
NDP - 17% (-3)
BQ - 11% (-3)
GP - 4% (NC)
*18% of Canadians were undecided (+4)

In Quebec
BQ - 46% (-8)
LIB - 32% (+8)
CP - 10% (+1)
NDP - 8% (NC)
GP - 4% (NC)

Outside Quebec
LIB - 43% (+6)
CP - 33% (-2)
NDP - 20% (-5)
GP - 4% (NC)

Best PM
Martin - 29% (NC)
Unsure - 21% (+8)
Harper - 21% (-1)
None - 10% (-1)
Layton - 10% (-6)
Duceppe - 6% (-1)
Harris - 2% (-2)

Leadership Index (Daily composite of the Leaders' Trust, Competence
and Vision)*
Martin - 86 (+10)
Harper - 47 (-10)
Layton - 37 (+2)
Duceppe - 24 (NC)
Harris - 12 (+1)
* Change for this measure is from yesterday's composite score.

On the SES website (www.sesresearch.com), we post updated daily
longitudinal tracking chart, regional breakdowns and details on the
questions and the methodology each afternoon. Watch PrimeTime
Politics at 8 pm EST (Monday to Friday) to get a detailed briefing of
the numbers.

For any media use of the polling data, we need to clearly identify
the sponsor (CPAC). Please refer to the research as the CPAC-SES
Nightly Tracking.

T-Minus 16 Hours

When we wake up tomorrow morning we're going to know for sure.

Are the sand-monkey terrorists going to be true to their demands and give us some new beheading videos?

If this happens, what does it do to the morale of the MoonBat population? Surely having some of their own slaughtered like animals will give them a different perspective no? Will they ignore it and carry on with their anti-war efforts anyway? It would seem to me personally that having the terrorist sand-monkeys follow through on their promise would go a long way in uniting the resolve of North Americans to seeing this adventure through. But I'm not a moonbat who's willing to ignore facts so I can't say for sure.

Are the sand-monkey terrorists going to "cave-in" (pun intended) and ask for a ransom instead?

That would be the smart thing for them to do. Can they really risk alienating their MoonBat supporters by killing their captive moonbats? If they do ask for a ransom, who's going to pay? The Canadian government? How are the taxpayers going to take it when the government wastes a bunch of their tax money to save people who were too stupid to stay out of a war zone? What if a bunch of the NGO's chip in and put the ransom fund together themselves? What would that do to their donation base? Speaking from personal experience I think I'd be rather pissed if money that I donated toward humanitarian efforts was diverted to help rescue people who were too stupid to stay out of a war zone.

The more I think about it, the more inclined I am to think that the whole deal is bunk and I hope I'm right. I think it's a scam to generate funds for the sand-monkey terrorists and that the captives are in on it. Think about it. The terrorists are desperate for funding. Ransom provides that funding. The terrorists know that the largest part of their battle is being fought in North America. It's the battle for the hearts and minds of those who can demand that their governments pull their forces out of the Middle East. The terrorists know (don't they?) that they can't alienate their support base here which is what would be bound to happen if they followed through. They can however, increase moonbat mobilization by holding moonbats captive no? Consider the captives themselves. They've taken the side of the sand-monkey terrorists. They're sympathetic to the terrorist cause. They've been rumored to be providing physical assistance to the sand-monkey terrorists. Is it such a stretch to think that they may be helping the sand-monkeys here as well?

Or maybe not.

We'll find out tomorrow...

UPDATE: T-Minus 13 hours...

MSM is reporting that the sand-monkey terrorists have extended their deadline to this Saturday December the 10th.

Kind of adds a little weight to my theory no?


She's a Beauty

Step right up and don't be shy
Because you will not believe your eyes
She's right here, behind the glass
You're gonna like her, 'cause she's got class
Foster/Lukather/Waybill (The Tubes)

Belinda Stronach is in full whine today about woman's role in politics, and the focus on her looks and dress. Frankly the gall of this woman stuns me:

"When I made an important decision to join the government back in May, more attention was given to my personal relationship, as opposed to the important issues at stake..."

This is a woman issue how? Peter MacKay took the worst of that coverage, while the media was busy ignoring the fact that you sold your confidence vote for a seat in cabinet. Those of us who tried to bring up the "important issues at stake" of parliamentary ethics where shouted down as sexists.

"I think we (women) are held to maybe a different standard. I've often been asked, 'What clothes am I wearing, what shoes am I wearing, where do I get my hair cut?'" "I don't think men get asked these questions."

Can she be serious? What clothes are the men wearing Belinda? A business suit, perhaps? In charcoal or blue? With a tie? Red if their Liberal, dark for everyone else but Jack who daringly has gone pastel today?
And you? Something red I bet. Short to mid length skirt, in colour? Want to be not asked those questions? Try dressing like professional, try getting your hair cut at the kitchen table like Stephen Harper does. But if you are going to dress to be noticed, don't complain if we notice how your dressed.

"Being the boss's daughter is not always a picnic," she said. "You have to work twice as hard to prove yourself."

When was it not a picnic, Belindad? (note: accidental spelling error: I like it.) Before or after you get the job? See here's the deal,. I could come work for Magna, work "twice as hard to prove" myself, produce twice the results and not be named C.E.O. because my Dad is an electrician, not Frank Stronach. Want us to admire your accomplishments, accomplish something.

The "It Takes A Village" Idiots

I got caught up in a debate over at the blahg yesterday regarding daycare and asserted my position that children need to be raised by parents and not some union daycare worker. The MoonBats are asserting their position that child rearing is best handled by society. They say that it takes a village to raise a child where I say that it takes a family.

I'm going to put the following question to you folks:

It's guaranteed that parents can bear and raise a child without a village. Can a village bear and raise a child without parents?

Put your thoughts in the comments section...

T-Minus Two Days and Counting

Was just listening to Rutherford as he was chatting with Mathew Payne, a representative of the Christian Peacemaker Teams. These guys are full blown peace activists. Clearly against the Iraq war. In Iraq to document all of the "human rights abuses" supposedly taking place at the hands of the occupying forces. They're not doing any humanitarian work whatsoever. What I got from the interview was that even though these folks have the word "Christian" in their name, their activities have little to do with "Christianity".

As I was listening to the interview, I had a thought. What if the anti-occupation "Peacemaker Team" hooked up with the sand-monkey terrorists on purpose? What if they cooked up this little adventure to boost the lagging anti-war sentiment in North America? Consider how that would fit in with the rumors that the Peacemaker Teams have been helping detainees (suspect terrorists) get back with family and friends after being released by US forces...

Is it possible?

I've got to chew on this one a little more...

Things MoonBats like to call Richard

When MoonBats realise that they're incapable of making a coherant, logical argument on a specific subject, they resort to name calling. Here are some of the better ones that have come my way since I started blogging:

  • Nazi
  • Facist
  • Kumquat
  • Bigot
  • Flamming Bigot
  • Freak
  • F**k Face
  • Dick
  • Twat
  • C**t
  • Bastard
  • Son of a Bitch
  • Closet Queer
  • Unstable
  • Insane
  • Racist
  • Spaz
  • Intolerant
  • Insensitive
  • Mean

snif... I'm hurt... NOT!

I'm going to have to put this list in the sidebar somewhere. It's more of a badge of honor than anything else... If the MoonBats aren't pissed at me, I'm not doing it right...


Don't know what happened with "Bloggers crash" last night but it's made things wonky in here. Only for the posts that were currently up though and only when viewed in IE. Mozilla works fine... hmmmm...

Blame Tammy Bruce

You MoonBats aren't going to like what I'm about to say. I'm not giving up blogging. I have to admit that over the past few weeks I've seriously been considering throwing in the towell. Giving it up. Quitting. I was going to announce it this weekend past at our blogger meet and greet but chose not to after some soft encouragement to keep going. Doubts remained however and I was still on the fence as to whether or not I'd continue. That changed today.

I made the mistake of wandering over to Tammy Bruce's blog and read the following in relation to a recent encounter she'd had with a member of the MSM:

They really don't understand how they are not going to control the debate in
this country any longer. And while they don't like it and can pretend that their
view is the only view, regular people, the blogosphere and talk radio will
continue to give back to regular folks control of this nation, including the
"national discussion."

I'm a part of what she's talking about. Something larger than myself. Something that will have a lasting impact. As such, I've decided to stay in the blogosphere. To continue taking you MoonBats to task at every turn. If you think I've come on strong in the past, just wait until you see what comes next...

You can Blame Tammy Bruce.


Re-defining Nazi

Far be it for me to defend the Bloc, but what was Transport Minister Jean Lapierre thinking.

http://kahane.electionblog.ctv.ca/default.asp?item=115862 (note: thanks to Warren Kinsela for reminding me about this story):

Well, everyone's been predicting a nasty campaign, and if you had any doubts, consider this: Transport Minister Jean Lapierre pulled out his rhetorical sledgehammer in Montreal this afternoon, calling Gilles Duceppe's tone "Nazi-like."

The reason: In a speech near Montreal, the Bloc leader told a crowd of supporters he hoped the sovereigntists would sweep all 75 Quebec ridings, and the Liberals would "disappear" on election day. A few hours later, Lapierre summoned reporters to the front door of his Outremont home, and unleashed a torrent of incredulity. He said that in a democracy, suggesting you want your political enemies to "disappear" goes too far, and he demanded Duceppe retract.

Clear on this, saying your political opponent will "disappear" on election day is the same as saying "Hey,. let's send a few million Jews to their untimely deaths" to this guy. How truly stupid is that. Is this the best these guys can do?

Good thing Gilles Duceppe didn't say "their Goose will be cooked on Jan 23rd," or "The Liberals are done like dinner." You know, if I was Paul Martin, I would start coming up with a platform, just to give my team something to talk about.

Where's Laureen?

- sexist political commentary, blatantly disguised as a thoughtful discussion, below - if you are easily offended by blatant sexism -


Are they gone? Then let's continue...

So your Stephen Harper and your trying to shake the image of scary, 'evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet.' You have a cute little hottie for a wife. You display her a bit, no?

NO! Apparently...

Before we continue, here's the three main ladies:

For those unfamiliar, the above ladies are (from left to right) Laureen Harper, Olivia Chow (wife of Jack Layton), Shiela Martin.

Now I admit that Laureen is not really a hottie, but she's nice looking - nicer looking than him. And, if you are trying to improve your image, well, she's nice looking, she has three degrees( in journalism, computer graphics and photography), and she is a politico, not some shy wish I wasn't here political wife(see more here). And check out this quote from Wilkopedia:

The Canadian newsmedia have generally noted that Teskey is far more personable and friendly before the camera compared to her husband. Teskey has recently acquired the political moniker "The Chatelaine of Stornoway" due to her blond good looks and prominence in Harper's political tours and press junkets.'

So if she's more personable and friendly, has blonde good looks and is bright and politically active, where the hell is she? Really Stephen, get her to a good hairdresser, get her to a good stylist and then show her off a bit, it really can't hurt.

Paul Martin's Strange Bedfellows

I have spent the weekend wondering why the news doesn't call Buzz Hargrove angry, since he always is. Also wondered, what gives with Buzz. Then it hit me:

This explains this

Specifically this:

... a complete ban on corporate and union donations ...

explains this:

Buzz is terrified of the Conservatives because he knows the only weight he carries in political circles is with his checkbook. He has no support on the shop floor: Buzz Hargrove will deliver Paul Martin about 2,000 votes, and not all even in a single riding. Take it from an autoworker - Buzz is laughed at on the floor when it comes to politics. (why, you may ask does he keep his job? Simple, the man's a great negotiator and that's his #1 job). No, without the ability to donate my and my brothers money to his party du jour, he wields no power. Thus, to Buzz Hargrove Stephen Harper really is scary.

Fair warning to Paul Martin: this guy is a bigger pain in the ass than Bono (mainly because Bono lives out of country and finances his rants with his own currency). He will expect something in return, and he will huff and puff and threaten all sorts of things, but he delivers even less than you (Martin) do. And when he doesn't get his way, he runs to the only people who have any respect for his opinion, the media, and he makes you look bad. Don't believe me, ask this guy, he knows all about Buzz, and he seems to have stopped listening.

Really Paul, if your going to sleep around so much, you really should be more discriminating about your partners.

T-Minus 3 Days And Counting

At the risk of sounding insensitive.. Oh, wait!

Do I really care if I sound insensitive or not?


I'm glad we cleared that up...

Anyway, getting back on track...

The knives are being sharpened in preparation of the beheading of 4 dumbass peaceniks who PUT THEMSELVES in a nasty position. 2 of these idiots are Canadian citizens.

Here's the story: 4 Christian peace activists were in a rough part of Iraq and got kidnapped by sand-monkey terrorists who claim that they're spies. Said sand-monkey terrorists are now demanding that ALL of their sand-monkey terrorist bretheren currently being held for the crime of being a sand-monkey terrorist, be unconditionally released. "Only by meeting that target will the dumbass peaceniks be allowed to live" say the sand-monkey terrorists.

It's not going to happen. It's impossible and the sand-monkey terrorists know it. This begs the question as to why they've made such outrageous demands. No one knows for sure. It's a big "question mark". I'm inclined to think that, being the sand-monkey terrorists they are, these savages are just looking to get a little "bloody airplay". To make their mark and join the "big boys" with AlQueda. Why was there no ransom demand?

Another question mark is what the hell these dumbass peaceniks were doing in Iraq to begin with. Some rumors say they were doing missionary work. Not too pretty bright if you ask me. Does it make alot of sense to send Christian pacifists into the heart of Islam in the middle of a "holy war"? Another rumor I've heard is that these idiots were actually helping the sand-monkey terrorists get reunited with their friends and family after being released by US forces. If that's the case, this adventure would be loaded with twisted irony. Or, perhaps the sand-monkey terrorists are correct with their assertions that the dumbass peaceniks are actually spies. Are our spies so dumb that the best cover they can come up with is dumbass peacenik?

One thing we do know for sure is that alot of resources are being put toward getting our people released. From the mailbag:

Subject : Emergency meeting to organize for the peace activists abducted in Iraq is tomorrow, Sunday, December 4 at 8:00PM!

Just a quick automated reminder that Peace Calgary Meetup has
an event tomorrow. You didn't RSVP but if you can make it, here
are the details:
What: Emergency meeting to organize for the peace activists
abducted in Iraq
When: Sunday, December 4 at 8:00PM
Where: Scarboro United Church
134 Scarboro Avenue SW
Calgary AB T3C 2H1
(403) 244-1161
Event Description:
Message from Julie Hrdlicka:
"There has been alot of discussion and information coming
across about the missing peace activists in Iraq. I think a lot
needs to be clarified about the kind of work that cpt does,
their stance on the occupation and the war and what we can do
to help the peace activists missing in the country.
"My phone and email has been inendated with messages of support
and many people want to act but, they just don't know what to
do. And now those who are holding the activists say the US, UK
and Canada have until next thursday to fullfill their ransom
demands (see:
"So, we need to act NOW. Please join us for this important

I'm going to assume that similar events were held across the country. (I'm sorry I wasn't a fly on the wall at that one)

Our impotent government is doing all it can. Which isin't much. We're into an election campaign right now. Does anyone really think that Paul Martin is going to do anything to help these individuals when he's busy fighting to keep his job as Prime Minister? Remember, this is the guy who's broken almost every single one of his campaign promises and keeps his ships registered offshore to prevent paying Canadian taxes. Remember yesterday's post about the protestor sitting in jail for heckeling the PM? It's the same PM... Mister integrity!

Anyway, I've ranted enough...

Here's the way I see it: Only three things are going to save us from watching 4 brand-new beheading videos:

  1. Divine intervention by the good Lord above,
  2. Divine intervention by the US Military or,
  3. the sand-monkey terrorists clue-in and demand a ransom instead.

I'm inclined to think the 3rd option is the most likely.

Just think, more of your Canadian tax dollars at work.

An Addition: I was in such a hurry to get out of here this am that I forgot the most important part of the post. That being the question of individual responsibility. These individuals made a consious decision to put themselves in harms way. Now, as a result, we're paying the price emotionally and quite likely financially. Their quest (the peaceniks) to make themselves "feel good" by doing what they see as noble is going to leave the rest of us feeling not too pretty good. To me, that's selfish. On their part. I can't say that I blame the sand-monkey terrorists that much because they're sand-monkey terrorists. This is the sort of thing that we have to expect from them. To put it another way, if an individual goes swimming with sharks, do you blame the shark when the man gets eaten? Nope, you blame the individual for being stupid and then you kill the sharks because they have a taste for human blood. That's what we're going to have to do.

Oh, just a quick note for all of those sand-monkey terrorists who may be offended that I'm using the term "sand-monkey terrorist". Send all complaints here. State your name, exact location and most recent terrorist accomplishments. Upon review, someone will be in touch with you to provide a proper apology.

Another quick note for the dumbass peaceniks who read this blog: I don't care if you're offended that I've used the terms "sand-monkey terrorist" or "dumbass peaceniks", they accurately describe both groups...
